Emily Weihs
Nearly 1,000,000 million people each year commit suicide, 30,000 of which are in the U.S. Firearms are the most commonly used in suicides, others are overdoses of medication and hanging. Bullying and being bullied are most associated with teen suicides. Third leading cause in youths. Suicide rates for year olds have doubled since the year September 10 th is World Suicide Day
Breakup of a romantic relationship Moving Loss of a friend (esp. by suicide) Loss of freedom Loss of other privileges Aging Dependence on drugs or alcohol Emotional trauma
Making a will Suddenly visiting friends or family members (one last time) Buying instruments of suicide like a gun, rope, or medication. A sudden significant decline in their mood. Writing a suicide note.
Depends upon what is available and their gender. Firearms Suffocation, hanging, strangling. Overdosing on medications or ingesting poison. Leaping from great heights Slashing wrists Driving into a river and drowning or crashing an automobile.
Short interventions are only sometimes needed. Physchriatic hospitilization and long term medication are sometimes needed. Talk therapy Anti-depressants and mood stabilizing medications. School intervention programs.
Clearly define a problem. Identify risk factors. Develop and test interventions. Make sure they work. Evaluate the effectiveness of the interventions.
Kurt Cobain Owen Wilson Britney Spears Halle Berry Drew Carey Drew Barrymore Johnny Cash Eminem Billy Joel Elton John Ozzy Osbourne Vanilla Ice
Suicide: Tragic Choice by Karen Zeinert, pages