Robotics Module Jose Lopez and Kevin Derendorf GK-12 Fellows Barry Williams Instructor
Introduction Robots are important tools to accomplish tasks that humans are unable or unwilling to do Robots are not scary or inaccessible Engineering is essential to maintaining and developing our way of life Requires teamwork, problem solving skills, and effort Engineering is a rewarding endeavor
FALL 2008 Goals Compete in FLL competition Introduction to engineering High degree of engagement at the start Many students lost interest
Spring 2009 Goals Maintain interest with entrepreneurship theme Introduction to engineering Each class formed 3 startup companies that produce water-filter robots Each company had 3 job categories: marketers, managers, engineers High degree of engagement throughout semester Some students still lost interest Lots of copying
Materials List For each group: 1 LEGO Mindstorm NXTrobot kit 1 PC withLEGO Mindstorm software 1 ruler 1 black marker 6 AA batteries for robots w/o rechargeable battery packs 1 wide roll of masking tape Plastic cups 1 4x8 ft (1.2x2.4 m) mat
Educational Standards Missouri (1996) Mathematics geometric and spatial sense involving measurement, trigonometry, and similarity and transformations of shapes Missouri (1996) Science properties and principles of matter and energy properties and principles of force and motion processes of scientific inquiry impact of science, technology and human activity on resources and the environment Reference:
Activity 1: Introduction to robotics Provides good entry point Introduces students to the Mindstorm programming environment Teaches students basic maneuvers Prepares students for more complicated tasks (FLL competition)
Activity 1: Introduction to robotics Grade level: 5-9 Time required: 8 1-hour class periods Group size: 3 Expendable cost per group: $260 Students assemble a simple robot and learn how to program basic maneuvers using sensors
Activity 1: Learning objectives Describe what an engineer is and what an engineer does Program a LEGO Mindstorm NXT robot to perform basic tasks Describe how the ultrasonic and light sensors work Describe how robot uses sensors
Activity 1: Basic robot
Activity 1: Maneuvers
Activity 1: Maneuvers w/sensors Optional for lower grades
Activity 1: Pre-assessment Questions What do engineers do? What are some of the types of engineers? What is a robot? What are robots used for?
Activity 1: Post-assessment Questions How do the sensors work? How does the robot use the sensors? How is working with the robot like engineering?
Activity 3: Water Filtration Activity Grade level: 6-12 Time required: 12 1-hour class periods Group size: 3 Expendable cost per group: $260 Students design, construct, and program a robot to fulfill an assigned mission, in this case a “water filter”
Activity 3: Motivation Contaminated water is a major problem worldwide In certain countries, people travel dozens of miles on foot through dangerous terrain to obtain clean water Solution: Robots!
Activity 3: Mission
Activity 3: Video