World Water Awareness Thirsting to Serve World Water Awareness
Water covers more than 70 percent of the Earth, and yet there is not enough.
What is water? We have a limited amount of water. The water we drink today is the same water the dinosaurs drank and your great-great grand children will use. Water constantly cycles. 98% of the Earth’s water is in the oceans. 1.6% is locked in the ice caps. 0.36% is in underground aquifers and wells and only about .036% is found in lakes and rivers. The rest is in the air, plants, people and the grocery store shelves. You are 65% water; so, if you weigh 100 lbs., 65 lbs is water. Gallon jug demonstration
Why do we need to do something? Every hour 200 people die from unsanitary water.
How would you like to drink this? How would you like to spend five or six hours a day fetching water? Water from around the world
What are viruses and bacteria? Viruses- small disease-causing agent that lives inside the cells of larger organisms, such as plants, animals and humans Bacteria- small, single cell organisms that live almost everywhere. Some are harmful, but most are harmless and even help Good bacteria- yogurt/digestion/antibiotics Bad bacteria- parasites, make you sick
How does bacteria get into water?
What kind of bacteria are in water? E. Coli, Cholera and Salmonella typhi- - bacteria that causes diarrhea, resulting in dehydration, which can cause death especially in children and the elderly.
Pathogens in water Schistosomiasis- a parasitic worm that cause a rash and itchy skin, the eggs travel to the intestine liver or bladder and live off of the host causing malnutrition, anemia and learning difficulties.
This is how nature cleans water.
Nature in a bottle The Hydraid® BioSand Water filter consists of multiple layers of sand and gravel. A biological surface layer forms naturally within 2 weeks of installation and kills bacteria and viruses. The water is poured through a diffuser and the biological layer, then down through layers of sand and gravel, which filter out chunks, viruses and bacteria. As the safe, clear water collects at the base of the filter, the water flows out through plastic piping . The filter can meet all of a family’s water needs including drinking, bathing and washing.
What does the biological layer do?
Our trip
$7,600 = 76 Filters
The Hydraid Water filter is designed to provide clean water for ten people for more than ten years and it only costs $100! That is $1/day/person.
What can you do? Use less water. Get involved! Educate others! Take shorter showers Turn off the water when you brush your teeth Reuse your cup, plate, etc. before putting it in the dishwasher or washing it. Wear your clothes several times before washing. Don’t drink bottled water. Get involved! Thirsting to Serve meets Friday mornings 7:10 in 221. Give of your time, talents and/or resources. Educate others!