Welcome to the 11 th grade parent meeting
Introductions Mr. Joe Brasfield, Ware County High School Principal Mr. Joe Brasfield, Ware County High School Principal Dorrie Jones, Chaps Counselor Dorrie Jones, Chaps Counselor Mr. Bert Smith, Academy Principal Mr. Bert Smith, Academy Principal Loretta Coar, Time Counselor Loretta Coar, Time Counselor Ms. Stacey Lutz, Academy Principal Ms. Stacey Lutz, Academy Principal Jewell Sharpe, Ware A & M Counselor Jewell Sharpe, Ware A & M Counselor Mr. Harold McClain, Academy Principal Mr. Harold McClain, Academy Principal Sharon Barrow, Cornerstone Counselor Sharon Barrow, Cornerstone Counselor Mr. David Hitt, Academy Principal Mr. David Hitt, Academy Principal Susan Zeigler, Graduation Coach Susan Zeigler, Graduation Coach
ATTENDANCE The mission of the Ware County Attendance Protocol is to improve student attendance, decrease student tardiness and early dismissal, raise student achievement, foster parent/student responsibility, and provide home support with the ultimate goal of ensuring quality learning for all. Therefore, attendance is crucial for all students.
ATTENDANCE Students who miss five or more UNEXCUSED absences in one semester will lose credit for the course and if they drive to school, they will lose their parking permit. Students who miss five or more UNEXCUSED absences in one semester will lose credit for the course and if they drive to school, they will lose their parking permit. If your child is absence, please send a note within 3 days. If your child is absence, please send a note within 3 days. Students 12 and older who miss 10 UNEXCUSED days can Students 12 and older who miss 10 UNEXCUSED days can be referred to Ware County Juvenile Court. be referred to Ware County Juvenile Court. TAADRA TAADRA
What does it take to Graduate from Ware County High School?
Graduation Requirements Georgia High School Graduation Tests Students must pass all five parts: Writing Science Social Studies Math Language Arts Students begin taking test in the 11 th grade. Ga. Writing Test is Sept. 29 th Each student must pass all 5 areas of the Georgia High School Graduation Test and meet all requirements for attendance and units of credit to participate in the graduation ceremony.
Graduation Requirements Earn At Least 28 Credits Previous Magnet Students Must Earn At Least 25 Credits
Required Courses for the class of 2012 (11 th grade) Computer Applications Freshmen Seminar Health and Personal Fitness or 3 JROTC courses 4 English 4 Social Studies 4 Science 4 Math (Math 1, Math 2, Math 3 & Math 4 or AP Calculus) 3 courses in a pathway Foreign Language - if planning to attend a 4-year college in the University System of Georgia.
CHAPS Academy Gator Pathways Culinary Arts Career Culinary Arts Career Nutrition & Science Career Nutrition & Science Career Education & Teaching Career Education & Teaching Career Forestry/Natural Resources Career Forestry/Natural Resources Career *JROTC is open to all students.
TIME Academy Gator Pathways Interactive Media Career Interactive Media Career Engineering Career Engineering Career Small Business Development Career Small Business Development Career Law & Justice Career Law & Justice Career Agriscience Career Agriscience Career *JROTC is open to all students.
Ware A & M Academy Gator Pathways Agriculture Mechanics Career Agriculture Mechanics Career HealthCare Career HealthCare Career Medical Services Career Medical Services Career Metals Career Metals Career *JROTC is open to all students.
AP Gator Pathway Human GeographyPsychology World HistoryCalculus US HistoryEnglish 11 English 12Environmental Science ArtBiology *JROTC is open to all students.
Fine Arts Gator Pathway Visual Art Visual Art Band Band Chorus Chorus Drama Drama *JROTC is open to all students.
Foreign Languages Gator Pathway Spanish 1 Spanish 1 Spanish 2 Spanish 2 Spanish 3 Spanish 3 *JROTC is open to all students. **Students who plan to attend any 4-year institution in the University System of Georgia must have successfully completed 2 semesters of the same foreign language.
Majors & Minors? AP, Fine Arts and Foreign Language Pathways may be taken in any Academy. AP, Fine Arts and Foreign Language Pathways may be taken in any Academy. A student who is interested in attending medical school, may choose an AP Pathway (major) and select a minor in the Therapeutic Nursing Pathway. This ensures that the most rigorous core academic courses are completed along with obtaining practical, hands-on, relevant work experience. This marries academics with career passion! A student who is interested in attending medical school, may choose an AP Pathway (major) and select a minor in the Therapeutic Nursing Pathway. This ensures that the most rigorous core academic courses are completed along with obtaining practical, hands-on, relevant work experience. This marries academics with career passion!
Recovery Programs After School (Monday-Thursday) 3:45pm – 5:45pm Saturday School (Saturday Only) 8am – 11am
Parent Portal Contact Your Academy Secretary for Your Parent Activation Key
EQ- What does it take to graduate from Ware County High School? Daily Attendance Daily Attendance Successful completion of classes - at least 28 units (25 units for former Magnet students) Successful completion of classes - at least 28 units (25 units for former Magnet students) Pass all 5 areas of the GHSGT Pass all 5 areas of the GHSGT
PSAT Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test The PSAT is a good preparation for the SAT. The PSAT is a good preparation for the SAT. Identifies AP potential Identifies AP potential Scholarship opportunities for juniors such as National Merit Scholarships Scholarship opportunities for juniors such as National Merit Scholarships It is highly recommended that 11th graders take this test to be eligible for National Merit Scholarships and other scholarships depending on your scores. It is highly recommended that 11th graders take this test to be eligible for National Merit Scholarships and other scholarships depending on your scores. The PSAT will be administrated on Wednesday, October 13th during the school day. The PSAT will be administrated on Wednesday, October 13th during the school day.
SAT SCHOLASTIC ASSESSMENT TEST Measures critical reading ( ) Measures critical reading ( ) Measures reasoning/ problem solving Measures reasoning/ problem solving ( ) ( ) Measures writing skills ( ) Measures writing skills ( ) The SAT is typically taken by high school juniors and seniors. The SAT is typically taken by high school juniors and seniors. It is a 3-hour-and-45-minute test. It is a 3-hour-and-45-minute test.
ACT The ACT is an achievement test, measuring what a student has learned in school. The ACT is an achievement test, measuring what a student has learned in school. The ACT has up to 5 components: English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and an optional Writing Test. Students take the ACT Writing Test only if required by that college(s). The ACT has up to 5 components: English, Mathematics, Reading, Science, and an optional Writing Test. Students take the ACT Writing Test only if required by that college(s). It takes approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes to complete with breaks (or just over four hours if students are taking the Writing Test). It takes approximately 3 hours and 30 minutes to complete with breaks (or just over four hours if students are taking the Writing Test).
Non-Instructional Trips Juniors must follow guidelines in order to receive an NI (excused absence) when visiting colleges or technical schools. Juniors are limited to 3 one-day visits a year. The same will apply during the senior year. Juniors are limited to 3 one-day visits a year. The same will apply during the senior year.
Accel/Joint Enrollment Move On When Ready High School/College Options
Minimum 3.0 GPA Average all Academic Courses Used at 2 year and 4 year colleges Book Allowance Males 18 and older must be registered with Selective Services Hope Scholarship
Hope Calculation Old Way New Way Old Way New Way /2 = Eligible 5/2 = 2.5 Ineligible 160/2 = Eligible 5/2 = 2.5 Ineligible
- Used at Technical Colleges - Must have a high school diploma or GED - Must be a Georgia resident – Book Allowance – Males 18 and older must be registered with Selective Services Hope Grant
What if you are not going to college? Explore other options Military- ASVAB Test: February 10, 2011 Military- ASVAB Test: February 10, 2011 Work Force- Work Ready Ware: March 2011 Work Force- Work Ready Ware: March 2011
Websites to Visit
GACollege411.org Career Planning Career Planning High School Planning High School Planning College Planning College Planning Financial Aid Planning Financial Aid Planning
Parent Information Resource Center (PIRC) Georgia PIRC Georgia PIRC U.S. Department of Education U.S. Department of Education