Results of the Fact-Finding Survey on ECD in Partner Countries ECD Task Force, Evalunet 15 November 2006
Survey Purpose To obtain better pictures of members’ current activities in supporting partner countries’ ECD as a basis for further consultation & collaboration among members & with partner countries Methods Quick survey based upon questionnaire (Survey Period: July-September 2006) Responses No. of Respondents: 21 bilateral agencies & 5 multilateral agencies No. of activities identified: 88 cases by 22 agencies
Preliminary Results/Main Findings -1- Geographical Coverage (Country/Region/Global) (N=88) Country Specific 59% Regional 17% Global 24%
Preliminary Results/Main Findings -2- Country Specific ECD Africa 31% Latin America 12% Others 2% Eastern Europe 15 % Asia/ Pacific 38% Regional ECD Africa 47% Middle East 13% Asia/ Pacific 27% Latin America/ Caribbean 13% Geographical Distribution
Preliminary Results/Main Findings -3- ECD Objectives (N=88, multiple answers) Skills training for individuals 2. Preparation of evaluation strategies or policy 3. Development or improvement of Evaluation system/organizational management 4. Evaluation networking for information sharing 5. Contribution to project/program performance 6. Others
Preliminary Results/Main Findings -4- Target Group (N=88, multiple answers) Junior or middle level officials involved in evaluation activities 2.Senior officials in charge of evaluation policy/system 3.Management level of the organization 4.Project /program managers and staff 5.Professional society/association 6.Others
Preliminary Results/Main Findings -5- Modality of ECD (N=88, multiple answers) Training/scholarships 2.Workshop 3.TA project/program 4.Financial support 5.Joint evaluation 6.Dialogue with policy levels 7.Others
Preliminary Results/Main Findings -6- Budget Average USD 320,000 Partnership with Other Donors About a half of the cases ECD Policies/Strategies 《 What 》 Strengthening of evaluation system Enhancement of overall project/program management capacity, of which M&E is a part 《 How 》 Reflection of local conditions & utilization of local system, experts Knowledge sharing Partnership with wider stakeholders in partner countries Donor capacity improvement
Preliminary Results/Main Findings -7- Major Challenges & Constraints 《 Partner Countries 》 Limited demand, political will & incentive for ECD Weak system/institution Limited resources & skills Lack of evaluation culture 《 Donors 》 Lack of harmonization Insufficient participation from partner countries Limited capacity & knowledge management
Preliminary Findings/Main Findings -8- Effective Measures (1) Needs Assessment & Design of ECD Support Careful needs assessment, including “demand” & “supply” Specialized interventions through TA, targeting relevant national institutions Incorporation of specific measures to link evaluation & decision- making Ownership. Commitment, Incentives Identification of countries with high commitment & “champions of evaluation” Enhancement of awareness & involvement of decision makers Clarification/demonstration of utility & high returns of M&E Expansion of demand through increased national M&E
Preliminary Findings/Main Findings -8- Effective Measures (2) Partner Country Involvement/Participation More involvement of partner countries from the start (→ Joint Evaluation) Capacity requirement defined by partner countries Involvement of wider stakeholders & promotion of collaboration among them Reinforcement of Evaluation System & Skills Combination of support measures, holistic approach Practical skill training (OJT, case studies) Development of evaluation methodologies meeting local needs Establishment of a regional center of excellence
Preliminary Findings/Main Findings -8- Effective Measures (3) Knowledge Sharing/Networking Enhancement of knowledge/experience sharing by using printing & electronic media & exchange visits Promotion of link with wider/global evaluation community Establishment of national evaluation societies Enhancement of Capacity & Coordination on Donor Side Further promotion of joint evaluations Streamlining of existing formats &procedures → Standardization through joint activities at the Evalunet Training of operational staff & collaboration between ECD experts & operational staff
Moving Forward Together How can we promote coordination and joint efforts in our support to partner countries’ ECD? How can we incorporate partner countries’ views in our joint efforts and address challenges in collaboration with partner countries?