Informational Parent Meeting Irene Sofos- ESL Teacher Woodland Elementary April 7, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

Informational Parent Meeting Irene Sofos- ESL Teacher Woodland Elementary April 7, 2014

1. What is the NYSESLAT? The New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) measures Limited English Proficient (LEP) student achievement and continued eligibility for ESL services.

2. What areas does the NYSESLAT assess? The NYSESLAT assesses four modalities of language acquisition: a) Listening b) Speaking c) Reading d) Writing

3. WHO TAKES THE NYSESLAT? Students in Kindergarten through grade 12 take the NYSESLAT annually until their scores indicate they have gained sufficient proficiency in English to participate productively in an English-only program.

4. WHY IS IT GIVEN? The NYSESLAT measures language proficiency and achievement in English. It is used to determine entitlement and placement of students in ESL based on performance levels.

5. HOW ARE THE TEST RESULTS REPORTED? The results give us individual scores in the areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. These scores determine an English proficiency level.


PROFICIENT PERFORMANCE LEVEL Students who are proficient function fluently in listening, reading, writing, and speaking. Their skills are equal to those of native English speakers at their appropriate grade level. These students have attained the skills necessary to participate in an English-speaking classroom. Therefore, they will exit the program. However, they will continue to be monitored for a period of two years.

ADVANCED PERFORMANCE LEVEL Students at the advanced level are able to use skills at a higher level than intermediate students. Although their knowledge and use of English is at a more advanced level, mistakes are made, usually involving more subtle use of language and more difficult levels of vocabulary and grammar. These students are approaching fluency in all four areas, but need support with the most difficult skills and aspects of language.

INTERMEDIATE PERFORMANCE LEVEL Students functioning at the intermediate level have better English skills than students at the basic level. However, their skills are often not well developed and they make significant errors in the four skills areas.

BEGINNER PERFORMANCE LEVEL Students functioning at this basic level are simply at the beginner level in the four skills areas. The students’ English skills are minimal.

WHEN WILL THE NYSESLAT BE ADMINISTERED? The NYSESLAT will be administered during the Spring of 2014, during the months of April and May. The Speaking test will begin April 9 Listening, Reading, and Writing will begin May 5 and ends May 16.

WHAT CAN I DO AT HOME TO HELP MY CHILD? Read aloud to your child often. As you read, talk with your child. Encourage him/her to ask questions and talk about the story. Encourage your child to read on his/her own. Set aside quiet time for family reading. Visit the library often. Buy a children’s dictionary and start the “let’s look it up” habit. Make writing materials, such as crayons, pencils, and paper readily available. If you are uncomfortable with your reading ability, look for family or adult reading programs in your community.

HELPFUL HINTS AND TEST- TAKING STRATEGIES FOR STUDENTS 1.Be sure to carefully read all the directions in the test booklet. 2.Ask your teacher to explain any directions you do not understand. 3.Plan your time. You may want to glance quickly through the entire section before you begin answering questions. 4.Read each question carefully and think about the answer before writing a response. Pay strict attention to any information written in CAPITAL letters, bold print, or italics.

5. Always scan the answer choices before beginning a multiple-choice question to help you focus on the type of answer required. 6. For multiple choice items, use the process of elimination to narrow the field of possible answers. 7. Do not spend more than a minute or two deciding how to answer a particular question. It is better to leave it, go on to another question, and then return to it if time allows.

FOR MORE INFORMATION If you want to know more about specific topics related to the NYSESLAT Testing Program, please see the following Web sites: The NYSESLAT Testing Program e.shtml Office of State Assessment

Thank you for coming!!