What hemispheres do we live in?
Latitude and Longitude To find an exact place on a map or on Earth, you need crossing lines that create an intersection. coordinates grid system known as the latitude and longitude grid
Latitude and Longitude Places can be exactly located using coordinates and plotting them on a “grid”. latitude and longitude Measured in degrees, minutes and seconds (360° 60' 60")
Horizontal like rungs on a ladder Long, tall vertical lines
Latitude Also called “parallels” horizontal “rings” that circle around the globe. They are equal distances apart. 1° degree of latitude = 65 miles or 111 km Go from 0° to 90° north (North Pole) 0° to 90° south (South Pole)
Longitude Also called meridians. Meridians meet at the poles. They are measured from zero or prime meridian. Lines are measured going east from 0° to 180° west from 0° to 180° Distances between longitude lines are NOT equal. At equator one degree equals 111 km (65 miles) At 45°, one degree equals 79 km ( 49 miles) At the North pole, one degree equals ZERO km!
Where/what is this line on the ground??
The Prime Meridian Located at the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, England 0 degrees longitude Runs through countries such as … (this is where you look them up on the globe or map) Where on earth is 0° latitude and 0° longitude located?
UTM Some of the advantages of UTM coordinates include... Square grids East-West units of measure are the same as North-South units Decimal based, no fussing with minutes and seconds. Coordinates translate directly to distances on the ground. Coordinate precision is easily understood. No need to wonder what distance a tenth of a second of longitude represents. It's easy to abbreviate coordinates when working in a small area.
Map Scale Maps are not drawn to the same scale as the world (duh) There has to be an amount of reduction in size Ratio of the distance between two points on the map compared to the actual ground distance Map Scale = Map Distance Earth Distance map distance : ground distance
3 types of map scales
1: 24000 map scale 1 inch on the map = 24,000 inches on the ground! 24,000 inches = 2000 feet
1:100,000 scale 1 cm = 100,000 cm or 1 kilometer on the surface.
A map of the world has a scale of 1: 46,000,000 !!!!
U.S.A. Map would have a scale of 1: 5,000,000
A map of Illinois would have a scale of 1: 500,000
A map of Kendall County would have a scale of 1: 62,500
Oswego town map would have a scale of 1: 1000
Large –scale map Small-scale map Shows a small area with a lot of detail. Good for urban areas, towns, streets or hiking. Example: 1:10,000 Large enough to see details Small-scale map Shows a LARGE area with very little detail. Good for world maps or large regions such as North America. Example: 1:1,000,000 Too small to see details