Objectives of the Regional Meeting Day I Present the results of major research in education (PISA) and the impact on policy making, opportunities and barriers in education Map the resources, key stakeholders and mechanisms conducive to a favorable environment in terms of evidence-based decision-making and efficient data utilization Map the current barriers in establishing efficient dialogue between the research community and decision makers in view of more efficient education policies Identify mechanisms for strengthening the links between the research community and decision makers in view of more efficient education policies
Results of Day I PISA results 2009 and trends PISA – as single evidence for policy makers in some countries Some other countries have a wider research base Role of agencies as knowledge brokers Case studies: Portugal: catch-up process (political will, PISA as initiator of reforms, radical reform measures such as rationalization of the school network, investing in adult education - NQF) Poland: assessing impact of reforms through PISA indicators, similar reform measures, education boom, growing education aspirations of youngsters, open questions (ECD participation, teacher are underpaid, low participation of adults in education)
Results of Day I Slovenia: education as a national priority, external examinations, changes in curriculum, gender and discipline-related discrepancies in PISA results – causes to be sought in school) Serbia: PISA data changed the mindset of policy makers, key is to identify, describe and multiply the successful schools Croatia: average PISA results, PISA evaluation became a part of the National Program for Economic Recovery, PISA evaluation became evidence for developing the National Curriculum TF/Denmark: Importance of research-based teaching and recruitment of quality teachers Panel: Potential and limitations of PISA results Ministries of Education are no longer in charge of schooling but learning
Conclusions of DAY I 1.How Evidence Based Policy Making might contribute to the Equity/Quality/Efficiency and Effectiveness in education Regional inventories of best practices Peer learning and sharing of good practices Comparative studies and regional research projects 2.Major preconditions: resources and limitations Data and statistics – efficient measures Common understanding and awareness raising campaigns Political will for evidence-based policy making Capacity building - Analytical capacities – governments, partners and stakeholders Funds available 3.Key stakeholders and data collection processes Governments/policy makers, statistical agencies, experts and research community Enable different stakeholders to participate in policy debate 4.How to create more supportive environment for EBP and equity in education Common understanding of importance of EBPM Common regional framework (instruments, indicators, peer learning methodologies, information sharing platforms, etc) 5.Efficient usage of evidence Brokerage agencies Tools for policy makers and researchers
Day II – regional meeting Present the regional Cluster of Knowledge: Evidence-based Policy Making and other regional clusters of knowledge Present regional projects in the filed of evidence-based decision making Identify regional priorities and financing opportunities Agree on the agenda of the Cluster and further steps Objectives of the Regional Meeting
International participants: 18:45 – bus in front of the hotel, sightseeing tour Official Dinner: 20:00, Kalemegdan fortress, return to the hotel at 22:30 Day II: Regional meeting 9:00 Logistical Data