Comparing Japanese & American Cultures By Mrs. Lucas and Mrs. Cooper’s Classes
Daily Life Japan Food Noodles & rice Clothes Kimonos & Happy coats Now Western fashions Housing Apartments United States Food Spaghetti,Pizza, & Hamburgers Clothes Jeans &T- Shirts Housing Apartments, Houses, & Trailers
Schools Japan Field Trips 3-4 days Cleaning the school students Performance skits Slippers not shoes in school U.S. Field Trips 1 Day Cleaning the school janitor Christmas play Shoes in school
Play Japan Sports Baseball, Soccer Technology video games, CDs, TV Beach United States Sports Basketball, Baseball, Soccer Technology Video games, CDs, TV, Beach
Sports Japan Baseball Soccer Tennis Skiing Jogging Swimming Judo United States Baseball Basketball Football Soccer Roller Jam Judo
Regions Japan 47 Prefectures Capitol Tokyo 3,000 cities Rural Industrial communities Technopolis United States 50 States Capitol Washington,D.C. 18,000 cities
Nature and Climate Japan Island Western edge of Pacific Ocean Humid climate Population 125 million 7th largest United States Covers North American midsection Stretches from Atlantic to Pacific Ocean Warm to frozen climate Population 270 million 3rd largest in pop.
Government Japan Democracy Prime minister Three Branches Executive, Legislative, Judicial Emperor United States Democracy President Three Branches Executive, Legislative, Judicial
Protecting the Environment Japan 1967 Recycling Laws Recycling paper and cans Pollution Emissions controlled United States Recycling Vehicle Emissions Test Pollution Emissions controlled
Tradition and Culture Japan Haiku-poems Ukiyo-woodblock prints Bonsai-miniature trees Ikebana-Flower arranging Origami-paper folding United States Flower gardens Draw and sketch Read and write poems Calligraphy-fancy printing Plays
History Japan Hunters / Gatherers States ruled by Samurai soldiers 200 years isolation 1868 Emperor Democracy America Hunters and Gatherers-Native Americans Colonial Settlers United States of America-Democracy
Economy and Industry Japan Sony Toyota, & Honda Factories in other countries Fishing Rice America Services Manufacturing Government Transportation & communication Agriculture & Mining
International Relations Japan Peace Weapons Control Prosperity America Peace Weapon s control Prosperity
Resources Mrs. Michelle Shiffler, Japanese Language Teacher, Hardin County Schools Teach Me Japanese, video-tapes, Hardin County Schools Konnichiwa! I Am a Japanese-American Girl Tricia Brown, Henry Holt & Company, New York, Tree of Cranes Allen Say,Houghton Mifflin Co., Kids Web Japan Mrs. Laura Mayer’s Students, video , Sagamihara, Japan World Book CD- ROM