Transferring to San Jose State University as an engineering student
About Me
I chose SJSU because of its value and location
Transfer Requirements You must have completed 60 units in total 30 units of which need to be GE Four basic skills completed by the spring semester before fall transfer (Oral Comm., Writing comp., crit. Thinking, math) You must have a GPA 2.0 or higher
When can I/should I transfer? Once you have completed all your required English courses (IGETC 1 a,b,c) When you have completed all or most of your math (Math 1,2,3, Diff Eq, Linear Algebra) It is recommended that you complete as many of the math/science/engineering curriculum as you can at the community college
When can I/should I transfer? (cont.) When you feel you are ready – Maximum of 70 units will count towards SJSU degree requirements – BUT courses taken to meet degree requirements (such as GE courses) will still be considered completed
Stay ahead of due dates and be persistent A missed due date WILL result in your application being dropped Application for admission Fall 2014 is due Nov. 30 SJSU admissions can be slow to respond
Once accepted Send your transcript – Chabot sends paper transcripts which take longer to process at SJSU – Note: do not send multiple transcripts from Chabot, it delays processing Sign up for a transfer orientation Sign up for the Writing Skills Test (WST), pre- requisite for 100w
Registration and Orientation tips Admissions is backlogged on transcript processing – This prevented transfer students from priority registration this year Bring your degree plan to advising orientation Talk with your major advisor about specific upper division GE requirements
Registration and Orientation tips (cont.) Take the WST sooner than later Do not miss your registration appointment, classes fill quickly Triple check due dates
People to Contact Jared Tuberty, Executive Director, Engineering Student Success Program – (408) – Dr. Nicole Okamoto, ME Dept. Associate Chair – (408) –
People to Contact (cont.) Dr. Stacy Gleixner, Associate Chair of Biomedical, Chemical, and MatE Department – (408) – Buff Furman, ME Dept. professor and advisor – (408) – Branden Andersen – (510) –