Chapter 26 Animal Evolution: The Invertebrates
Fig. 26.2, p. 423
I. What is an Animal? 1. Multicellular eukaryote without cell wall 2. Aerobic Heterotrophs 3. Require oxygen (electron acceptor in respiration) 4. Sexual reproduction (many can also go through asexual reproduction) 5. Motile during some stage of life
II. Trends in Animal Evolution 1.Symmetry: Most animals display a. Radial Symmetry (organized around a central point) or b. Bilateral Symmetry (mirror image, right and left). Those with bilateral symmetry will have dorsal, ventral, anterior, and posterior surfaces. Bilateral allowed for specialized head (paired limbs, lungs, etc)
Fig. 26.3, p. 424 dorsal posterior ventral anterior
II. Trends in Animal Evolution 2. Gut: Where food is digested and then absorbed by the body. There are two forms: a. Saclike/Incomplete: one opening b. Complete: two openings (mouth and anus)
II. Trends in Animal Evolution 3.Body Cavity: NOT the gut; think of your stomach, it resides within a larger body cavity. The gut exists inside the coelom, which contains a peritoneum, a membrane lining organs and holding them in place. a. No body cavity b. Coelem: Cavity between body wall and organs with a peritoneum. c. Pseudocoel: A body cavity with no peritoneum.
Fig. 26.4a, p. 425 epidermis gut cavity no body cavity; region between gut and body wall packed with organs
Fig. 26.4b, p. 425 epidermis gut cavity unlined body cavity (pseudocoel) around gut
Fig. 26.4c, p. 425 epidermis gut cavity peritoneum lined body cavity (coelom); lining also holds internal organs in place
II. Trends in Animal Evolution 4.Segmentation: Compartments or specialized tissue. 5.Cephalization: Formation of head (concentration of neurons)
A. Porifera (The Sponges) The simplest animals known. No symmetry, tissue, specialized gut, body cavity or body segments. Largely consist of protein and spicules of glass-like silica. They are able to pull water into a central cavity by motion of flagella and captured food is absorbed and digested by amoeba-like cells within the sponge, but there is no distinct digestive organ. They are able to reproduce sexually and, as larvae, they are motile (mobile) animals.
B. Cnidarians Tentacled aquatic animals with radial symmetry. Examples are anemones, sea jellies and corals. Tissues are evident (tissue is made up of similar cells which perform a similar function). Three notable aspects of cnidarian anatomy: a) nematocysts, complicated triggers with nerves that shoot out a barbed stinger in reaction to a stimuli; b) saclike gut, with one opening; and, c) epithelium, tissue made of cells with one side facing an exposed environment (gut lining, skin, etc). No true body cavity. Maintain their shape by moving water within a hydrostatic skeleton.
Polyp vs Medusa Stage
C. “Minor” Animals 1.Aceolomates: example, Flatworm (phylum Platyhelminthes) 2.Roundworms: pseuodceol
Fig. 26.4a, p. 425 epidermis gut cavity no body cavity; region between gut and body wall packed with organs
Fig. 26.4b, p. 425 epidermis gut cavity unlined body cavity (pseudocoel) around gut
D. Annelids Examples) Worms and leeches. Segmentation, a complete gut, true coelom, and a developed organ system. Worms often have a series of aortic arches (hearts) that move blood through a closed circulatory system (contain vessels allowing the flow of blood to specific locations within the body).
Fig a, p. 441 circular muscles longitudinal muscles dorsal blood vesel coelomcuticle nephridium nerve cord ventral blood vessel seta (retracted)
E. Mollusks This very diverse group includes snails, clams, squid, cuttlefish and octopuses. The name (think mollify) refers to their soft body. The mollusks are the first animals with a true coelom.
E. Mollusks This body includes most organs commonly associated with animals: heart, stomach, mouth (often a series of teeth for grinding or scraping, known as a radula), anus, and gills (thin tissue for gas exchange All mollusks have a visercal mass (consisting of organs), a mantle (tissue around the visceral mass consisting of gills and the cells capable of depositing the calcium carbonate shell) and often a ‘foot’ used for movement.
Classes within Mollusks A.Gastropods: Slugs, Snails, ‘Seashells’ B.Chitons: C.Bivalves: Clams D.Cephalopods: Squid, octopus, cuttlefish
Fig , p. 439 mouth retractor muscle left mantle retractor muscle foot palps left gill shell water flows out through exhalant siphon water flows in through inhalant siphon
F. Arthrophods 1) Hardened exoskeleton, 2) Jointed appendages (literally means ‘jointed legs’) 3) Fused/modified segments, 4) Unique respiratory structures (gills I n some, tracheas located on side of body in others), 5) Developed nervous/sensory systems.
F. Arthropods, 1. Crustaceans Crustaceans (example, Lobster)– A very hard exoskeleton, Jointed legs (walks on five pairs),
Fig a, p. 444 antennae (two pairs) one of two eyes fused segments of cephalothorax segments of abdomen tail fin swimmerets five walking legs (five airs total) first leg food-handling appendages (three pairs)
F. Arthropods, 2. Chelicerates Ex) spiders, chiggers and ticks, horseshoe crabs, and scorpions. As a group, they are diverse, making it difficult to classify them by a few shared characteristics.
Fig , p. 448
F. Arthropods, 3. Insects The insects have three body parts (head, thorax and abdomen) and extensive cephalization. They usually walk with three legs and they often display wings. In their lifecycle, they will go through complete (egg, larvae, pupa, adult) or incomplete (egg, nymph, adult) metamorphosis. Insects usually breath through openings in the body (trachea) that allow oxygen to diffuse directly into body tissue, they excrete nitrogenous wastes (from protein synthesis) in the form of uric acid crystals (saving water) and they have a series of Malpighian tubules that allow them to channel wastes through the gut.
Protostomes vs Deuterostomes
G. Echinoderms Include sea stars, sea urchins, and sea apples/cucumbers. Often display radial symmetry, but always begin bilateral, Full gut, coelom, nerves, a water-vascular system that helps them move, and bilateral symmetry of larvae. Internally, most are rather complex.
Fig , p. 451 upper stomach anus lower stomach spine ossicle ossicle (stiffening, support structure) gonad coelom digestive gland eyespot spine part of the water-vascular system sieve plate ring canal ampulla