Animals 7 th
What is an animal? Compare animal, plant, and bacteria What is symmetry? – What types are there?
Do animals use sexual or asexual reproduction? How does that benefit the species?
Are all animals capable of moving? How are sponges and cnidarians similar? – Describe differences in reproduction
How big do sponges get? – Do they make a good habitat? – Are corral and sponges the same thing? What is the biggest jellyfish? – How do they eat and digest fish? – How do they kill and sting fish? – Where do most live and reproduce?
How are flatworms and roundworms similar? – How do they get food? Flatworms absorb predigested foods Roundworms can digest food – How are their body structures different? Have no body cavity, just a flat cell Roundworms have a true digestive tract, they are the first to have this. – So which are we more closely related to?
What makes a mollusk a mollusk? What is are the differences and similarities between the 3 kinds of mollusks? How do they eat? How do they move? Which is the most complex and why? How does a squid move, foot?
How is a segmented worm better than a round worm? What does it have that a roundworm doesn't? Which one is bigger? What is a coelom? How complex is their brain? How does it digest food? How do worms compare with sponges and cnidarians?
What is an arthropod? Why can bugs live on land? What is an exoskeleton? How do they breath? What is the difference between complete and incomplete metamorphosis? – List an example for each, draw the cycle
What is the difference between insects and arachnids? What animals fall into these categories, list a couple examples? What is the difference between centipede and millipede? How are crustaceans different than Insects? How are they alike? What is an echinoderm