Expertech, Inc. Employee Manual
The Expertech Mission To provide expert technical services and training to clients bewildered by the Information Age.
Company History Expertech was founded by three support technicians determined to provide first-class services to clients Expertech’s client base has grown in five years from 2 to more than 20 companies
Our Current Staff Operations Full time 10 Part time 3 Training Full time 22 Part time 8 Support Full time 34 Part time 10
Company Policies
Work Hours Core hours: 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM Employees must be at headquarters or on-site during core hours Special schedule arrangements subject to approval by Human Resources Employees who have worked six months eligible for 9-on-1-off schedule
Time Tracking Keep track of time you spend on a project as accurately as possible Use the established job code when recording time spent on each job Log your timesheets into the network no later than 10:00 AM each Monday
Dress Code If you are meeting with a client, wear professional business clothing If you are representing Expertech in any capacity (i.e., when purchasing supplies), make sure you are neatly and cleanly dressed Otherwise, casual dress is usually acceptable
Holidays Secular Holidays New Year’s Day Memorial Day Independence Day Labor Day Thanksgiving Day One additional “floating” day Religious Holidays Two “floating” holidays that can be used at your discretion
Vacation Policies You earn 40 hours of vacation after one year of employment (borrowing can be arranged) You earn 80 hours of vacation after two years of employment You earn 120 hours of vacation after five years of employment
Leaves and Absences After six months of employment, you are eligible for one sick day per month Expertech will pay up to three days for funeral leave Expertech will pay half your regular salary for the days you are actually in court on jury duty
Insurance Benefits All employees are eligible to join Expertech’s contract with Premium Care HMO Expertech pays 50% of the Premium Care annual premium Dental premiums are 100% payable by the enrollee
Salary Issues Expertech pays a competitive wage and expects value for the money Salary increases are not automatic: Are we still making money? Are we still competitive? Other forms of compensation may also be considered in lieu of straight cash increase
Performance Reviews Your first performance review takes place six months after you are hired and on an annual basis after that You are expected to be an active participant in the review process Performance reviews are the chief factor in determining salary increases