Classical Mythology Vocabulary
Atlas Word came from: Atlas Summary of story: Atlas was a Titan punished by holding up the earth, after Greek gods took over Word meaning: collection of maps
Calypso Word came from: Calypso Summary of story: Odysseus was trapped on an island with Calypso, loved him and wanted to stay, Zeus commanded Calypso to let him go Word meaning: music – lighthearted, playful, carefree
Floral Word came from: Flora Summary of story: goddess of spring and spring flowers, festival for her – honey and flowers Word meaning: full of flowers
Mentor Word came from: Mentor Summary of story: the man Odysseus trusted more than anyone Word meaning: trustworthy or wise counselor
Volcano Word came from: Vulcan Summary of story: made armor for gods, forged in volcano, god of fire Word meaning:
Hephaestus = Greek God of fire and the forge Smith and armorer of the gods Uses a volcano as his forge Patron god of both smiths and weavers
Vulcan = Roman god of beneficial and hindering fire, including fire of the volcanoes
Classical Mythology Vocabulary
Academic Word came from: Academus Summary of story: Plato chose his garden as his school Word meaning: related to learning
Achilles heal Word came from: Achilles Summary of story: great warrior shot in Achilles heal by an arrow – only weak point Word meaning: weak point/downfall
Siren Word came from: Sirens Summary of story: Sang to tempt men, would kill them Word meaning: 1) beautiful person, tempting person 2) loud sound
Titanic Word came from: Titans Summary of story: 12 elder gods, big and strong Word meaning: huge
Zeal Word came from: Zealos Summary of story: god of enthusiasm Word meaning: enthusiastic/excited
Lethargic Word came from: the river Lethe Summary of story: one of the five rivers separating underworld from world of living – river of forgetfulness Word meaning: sluggish, tired
Muse Word came from: one of nine daughters of Zeus and Mnemosyne Summary of story: each daughter in charge of different area of art Word meaning: to stare in amazement, inspiration
Nocturnal Word came from: Nox Summary of story: entity of night Word meaning: coming out at night
Odyssey Word came from: Odysseus Summary of story: story of a man returning from the Trojan war Word meaning: long journey
Tantalize Word came from: Tantalus Summary of story: son of Zeus and a mortal mother, punished and condemned to eternity of hunger/thirst Word meaning: tempting someone with something they can’t have
Herculean Word came from: Hercules Summary of story: kills his family and goes on a quest for redemption, great strength Word meaning: requiring great strength, something difficult to perform
Midas touch Word came from: King Midas Summary of story: king who touched anything and it turned to gold Word meaning: ability to turn any business into a profitable one
nemesis Word came from: Nemesis Summary of story: goddess of vengeance Word meaning: enemy that cannot be defeated
Pandora’s Box Word came from: Pandora Summary of story: given a box, told not to open, curious, opened and released disease, disaster, ruin Word meaning: something that would cause lots of problems
psyche Word came from: Psyche Summary of story: married Cupid but didn’t know it, had to do lots of tasks for Cupid’s mom, after that, happy Word meaning: mind, soul, spirit -
psyche Word came from: Psyche Summary of story: married Cupid but didn’t know it, had to do lots of tasks for Cupid’s mom, after that, happy Word meaning: mind, soul, spirit -
halcyon Word came from: Alycone Summary of story: seven days when the ocean is calm so Alycone can watch over eggs Word meaning: calm
salutary Word came from: Salus Summary of story: god of health and prosperity Word meaning: words of greeting, wishing of good fortune/health
somnambulate Word came from: Somnus Summary of story: always slept in a valley, never woke up Word meaning: sleepy/tired - sleepwalk
terpsichorean Word came from: Terpsichore Summary of story: danced for the gods in Olympus Word meaning: relating to dance
zephyr Word came from: zephyr Summary of story: Greek winds (west) Word meaning: wind