Phasing out salary top-ups George Yambesi Director Policy Development President’s Office: Public Service Management Tanzania
2 Local Cost Compensation Drawbacks Varied practices among donors Selection of recipients: non-transparent & non-merit based No relationship to affordability Capacity drain from core public service
3 Pay Reform vs Selective Accelerated Salary Enhancement A gradual approach to pay reform not consistent to improving performance and capacity in short term. Salary top up not ideal only short term measure. Quick and full implementation of pay policy and strategy costing solution to improving pay and eradicating top ups.
4 Selective Accelerated Salary Enhancement SASE replaces LCC Targets personnel with greatest impact on service delivery Transparent selection of recipients Linked to medium-term pay policy and targets
5 SASE Selection Criteria Ministry is implementing a performance improvement model Positions are selected on the basis of the strategic plan Use of open performance appraisal to decide on continuation or removal
6 STRATEGIC PLANNING Mission Vision National and Sectoral Goals and Priorities MTEF Gap Analysis Services Delivery Options Decentralization & Private Sector Participation Plans Efficiency Improvements Capacity Building Plan New Policy Environment Performance Benchmarks Strategic Plan & Budget MONITORING, EVALUATION AND REPORTING Reviews Repeat Client Surveys Audits Staff Perfomal Appraisals ANNUAL PLANNING & PERFORMANCE BUDGETING Implementation of restructuring and decentralization Capacity Building Incentives for Performance Proposal for PIF support EVALUATIONS OF PLANS Review and endorsement of plans and budgets EXECUTION PLANS Deploy resources from PIF and appropriations Take action, track status and communicate progress Tanzania’s Performance Improvement Model (PIM)
7 SASE Approval Process JIPRC approves annually overall SASE envelope Ministry identifies recipients based on criteria and submit proposal to PIU PIU reviews applications for completeness and submit to IMWG IMWG approves, endorses or rejects continuation annually
8 Progress to date 1510 staff in 4 MDAs (target 10,000 professionals) So far $9.0 M available against $38.0M required Constraints: Pace of implementatioin of PIM Inadequacy of financial resources Difference of interpretation of criteria across MDAs MDAs want more!
9 Key Challenges Politics matters! Sustaining GOT commitment to implementation of the MTPRS In the short-term securing enough resources for SASE to cover all MDAs
10 Wage Bill Trends
11 Trends in Average Salary