What Help is available ??? Student Maintenance Loans Bursaries Scholarships National Health Service Specific Bursaries Other Lesser known awards
What is a Student Loan ?? The purpose is to help cover the costs of your tuition fees and basic living ( rent, bills, food etc) It is Interest Free – inflation is taken into account; They are available to all full-time EU citizens who have been resident in the UK for three years.
More Facts about Student Loans: You do not have to apply for a loan if you think your family can offer enough financial assistance; If you take a loan – YOU MUST REPAY it once you are earning over £ Anyone intending to study and under the age of 54 can apply for a Student Loan
How much Can I Get ??? This depends on your income or your parents ’ income; Whether you will be living at home or in student accommodation; And if you will be studying in or outside London.
Money ….Money … Money … Highest Level: Away from home and studying in London = £ 6,170 Lowest Level: Living at home with well-off parents and studying outside London = £ 3,415 Most people get in between £ 6170 and £ 3415
How Do I Get the Money ?? Apply via your local Education Authority (SELB) Forms despatched in March of 7 th Year through Form teachers The deadline for return is given on the form The School has no responsibility in returning of these forms by the correct date.
Other Help available ….. Bursaries: Provided by individual Universities. Check Uni websites for details.Based on (Financial Circumstances) Scholarships: Grants given by institutions or another sponsoring body. Based on Academic Achievement NHS Bursaries: Must be accepted for an NHS course; Lived in K for 3 yrs prior to start of course grants.co.uk Access to Learning Fund: Hardship fund for students whose needs are not covered by other grants.( See University guidelines) Students with Children: Childcare Grant Parents ’ Learning Allowance Lone Parents ’ Grant Disabled Students: Apply through your LEA – SELB; Check with Uni or College for additional help; Advice on:
A Guide for the Cost to your parent(s) ……. If parents ’ combined income is < £ 22,010 = No contribution and full student loan available For every £ 9.50 earned above the £ 22,010 threshold, parents should give £ 1.00
How will I manage my money??? Student Bank Accounts – go to - lists current student offers from banks Look out for: Interest Free Overdrafts Graduate Accounts Online Banking
Debt Management … It is easy to spend money quickly!! Tackle debt by setting up a Payment Plan – put in a realistic amount each week and work how long it will take to pay off Advice: uk uk
Budgeting at University …. Step 1: INCOME Student Loan Grant or Bursary you are entitled to Sponsorship/Scholarship Parental Contribution Income from Part-time job Savings Step 2: Outgoings Tuition Fees Rent/Travel/Contents Insurance/ Utility Bills eg Water, Gas. Electricity Phone Bills / TV Licence Food & Drink Course Books/Equipment Clothes/Shoes/Toiletries Social Activities
Links to other sources of Advice: - promotes and supports work of universities and provides info about student finance; provides list of funding sources The Student Loans Company website provides info about applying for financial support