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Presentation transcript:


The Relationship Between Leadership Styles and Effectiveness

WHAT DOES A LEADER DO? A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don't necessarily want to go but ought to be.

CAN ALL LEADERSHIP STYLES BE EFFECTIVE? Bringing unity and coherence to a group of people is perhaps one of the most difficult tasks. Effective leadership style required.

EFFECTIVE LEADER STYLE? Be it politics, business, sports and education, leaders are required in any situation that calls for a joint effort.

EFFECTIVENESS DEPENDS ON ? Every leader has their own unique leadership style. Several effective leadership styles:

Director’s Style This leadership style is somewhat authoritarian in its approach since the leader has a specific goal in mind and directs the team towards the goal according to a plan of action. The leader identifies the requirements of the situation and creates a plan to handle the situation. The leader is completely in charge of division of work and specifically assigns roles for each and every team member. In this style of leadership, the leader has the final word on all the decisions and rarely asks for suggestions from the team members. In this style of leadership, the leader has the final word on all the decisions and rarely asks for suggestions from the team members. The leader usually supervises and evaluates the work of every individual.

The Coaching Style This leadership style involves more mutual interaction of the leader and the team. In this style, the leader sets the goals and identifies the problems, however the leader consults with his team members and encourages a healthy dialogue to facilitate exchange of ideas that can be beneficial for the team as a whole. The leader usually arrives at the decisions after having consulted the team members. This style of leadership displays more respect for individual opinions since the leader is more considerate towards the team members. The leader tends to encourage and appreciate the efforts of his team and constantly provides encouragement for the team by inculcating a sense of team spirit. The leader evaluates the performance of the leaders. The leader evaluates the performance of the leaders.

The Facilitating Style This is a more flexible leadership style in which the leader allows the team members to be a part of almost every process starting from the role- delegation, goal setting, problem solving as well as the evaluation and overview. The leader acts more like a facilitator who inspires the team to reach their goal, by giving them a nudge every now and then. The leader tries to inculcate a sense of individual responsibility within every individual and hence creates an effective team that can function with minimum supervision.

The Delegating Style The delegating style of leadership is more democratic than any other styles of leadership. In this style of leadership, the employees and the leader are a part of every process. The leader empowers the team members and allows them to be a part of the planning and decision making process and decide their own roles and responsibilities. The leader empowers the team members and allows them to be a part of the planning and decision making process and decide their own roles and responsibilities. In this style of leadership, the leader accepts the decisions of the team members, allows them to evaluate their own work. In this style of leadership, the leader accepts the decisions of the team members, allows them to evaluate their own work. This sense of leadership tends to develop a team, which functions as a cohesive and responsible team.

Leadership Style and Effectiveness Thus there exist several effective leadership styles, which are suited for various setups and organizations. The success of the team and the satisfaction of team members as a cohesive group are the two important indicators of an effective leadership style.

Characteristics of Leadership Styles STRONG Forceful, domineering, intense, aggressive and highly competitive, decisive and sometimes impulsive, confronts people head on, impatient and restless at times, task oriented over people oriented, self assured, confident, competent and strong ego, direct, and sometimes abrupt, takes charge of every situation, motivated by challenge, likes to change things often, gets to the point, A.S.A.P., likes opportunity and power, daring and takes risks, likes to be in control, always. DRAGON

Characteristics of the STRONG Leader * Highly competitive * Highly competitive * Needs to have things their way * Needs to have things their way * Doesn’t share very well * Doesn’t share very well * Always first to volunteer * Always first to volunteer * Needs to be heard * Needs to be heard * Creates opportunities for others * Creates opportunities for others * First one to get bored * First one to get bored * Verbally and/or physically confrontational * Verbally and/or physically confrontational

How do you work with a STRONG Leader? * Be clear, specific, and to the point * Be clear, specific, and to the point * Stick to business * Stick to business * Present your material or argument efficiently * Present your material or argument efficiently * Ask specific questions * Ask specific questions * Provide alternatives and choices for making decisions * Provide alternatives and choices for making decisions * Provide supporting facts and figures * Provide supporting facts and figures * Provide a win/win option * Provide a win/win option

Characteristics of Leadership Styles WORKER Patient and relaxed demeanor, trustworthy and mature, easily directed, responsible, dependable, loyal, high integrity, stubborn when pressured, concerned about security and people, rarely initiates new ideas, makes strong ties, possessive, requires little or no supervision, does not like sudden changes, does not like aggressive people, can be self critical or pessimistic at times, likes security and stability, likes time to adjust to change, likes belonging, team player, makes decisions on minimal risk. HORSE

How do you achieve the most with a WORKER? * People first, business second * People first, business second * Allow time to think * Allow time to think * Provide personal assurance and guarantees * Provide personal assurance and guarantees * If it affects them personally, you may hurt their feelings, but they won’t tell you * If it affects them personally, you may hurt their feelings, but they won’t tell you * Make the conversation informal and casual * Make the conversation informal and casual * Ask them what they think * Ask them what they think * Show interest in what they say or do * Show interest in what they say or do

How is the WORKER Leader Style perceived by others? * Helpful * Helpful * People pleaser * People pleaser * Loyal participant * Loyal participant * Usually follows the crowd * Usually follows the crowd * Doesn’t like being pushed * Doesn’t like being pushed * Wants the rules enforced * Wants the rules enforced * Withdraws rather than confronts * Withdraws rather than confronts * Holds a grudge * Holds a grudge

Characteristics of Leadership Styles OBSERVER Highly analytical and factual, strives for perfection, wants accuracy and details, avoids open confrontation, well prepared and systematic, competes with self, high values, intuitive, sometimes critical, thorough and logical, sensitive, cannot be fooled, tends to worry and withdraw, does not like disharmony, takes minimal risk, unassertive, likes to be part of the team, likes to plan and solve problems, likes structure and organization, likes innovation and improvement. OWL

How is the OBSERVER Leader Style perceived by others? *Observant *Observant * Sensitive * Sensitive * Creative * Creative * Academically competitive * Academically competitive * Self-starter * Self-starter * Interested in systems * Interested in systems * Last one to volunteer * Last one to volunteer

When working with an OBSERVER * Be prepared and know the facts * Be prepared and know the facts * Respect their space * Respect their space * Be specific, straight forward and direct * Be specific, straight forward and direct * Give them the information and then the time to make a good decision * Give them the information and then the time to make a good decision * Show them an action plan with dates and goals * Show them an action plan with dates and goals * Consider all points of view * Consider all points of view * Back it up with data and facts * Back it up with data and facts

Characteristics of Leadership Styles SOCIALIZER Enthusiastic and optimistic, friendly and highly persuasive, spontaneous and entertaining, generous, trusting and lenient, emotional and sympathetic, people oriented, highly sociable, unorganized, poor time management, charming, poised and influential, talkative and self promoting, makes a good impression, highly active socially, likes authority and prestige, likes anything new and different, likes expensive surroundings, likes titles and perquisites, likes incentives and goals. PUPPY

How do you work with a SOCIALIZER? * What did they do this weekend? * What did they do this weekend? * Write it down for them * Write it down for them * They may be energetic, but they’re not incompetent * They may be energetic, but they’re not incompetent * Give them some ideas for taking action * Give them some ideas for taking action * Talk to them about how this works toward the team’s goals * Talk to them about how this works toward the team’s goals * Recognize their goals and dreams * Recognize their goals and dreams * Ask them what they think * Ask them what they think * Keep it interesting, interactive, and fun * Keep it interesting, interactive, and fun

How is the SOCIALIZER PERCEIVED BY OTHERS ? * Hyperactive * Hyperactive * Peer-focused * Peer-focused * Relationships = status * Relationships = status * Instigator * Instigator * Hates homework time * Hates homework time * Procrastinator * Procrastinator * Class clown * Class clown

Leadership Style & Effectiveness 1. Situation 1. Situation 2.Team Members 2.Task