Ch.14 Groups and Teams 任維廉 教授 2014
綱要 14.1 Groups and Group Development 14.2 Work Group Performance and Satisfaction 14.3 Turning Groups into Effective Teams 14.4 Current Challenges in Managing Teams 2 交通大學管理學院 任維廉教授
14.1 Groups Group: two or more interacting and interdependent individuals who come together to achieve specific goals. Formal groups Work groups defined by the organization’s structure that have designated work assignments and tasks. Informal groups Groups that are independently formed to meet the social needs of their members. e.g. facebook 社團,竹友同學會…… 3 交通大學管理學院 任維廉教授
Exhibit 13-1: Examples of Formal Work Groups A group is defined as two or more interacting and interdependent individuals who come together to achieve specific goals. Formal groups are work groups that are defined by the organization’s structure and have designated work assignments and specific tasks directed at accomplishing organizational goals. Exhibit 13-1 provides some examples. Informal groups are social groups.
Five Stages of Group Development 1. Forming: people join the group and then define the group’s purpose, structure, and leadership 2. Storming: characterized by intragroup conflict 3. Norming: characterized by close relationships and cohesiveness. 4. Performing: group is fully functional and works on group task. 5. Adjourning: group members are concerned with wrapping up activities rather than task performance. 瞭解並接受彼此差異,同理心,開放,包容,雙向 、支持性溝通。 5 交通大學管理學院 任維廉教授
14.2 Group Structure Role Norms Conformity (Groupthink) behavior patterns expected of someone occupying a given position in a social unit. Norms standards or expectations that are accepted and shared by a group’s members. Conformity (Groupthink) when a group exerts extensive pressure on an individual to align his or her opinion with that of others. 6 交通大學管理學院 任維廉教授
Examples of Asch’s Cards e.g., 電擊實驗 Asch demonstrated the impact that conformity has on an individual’s judgment and attitudes. In these experiments, groups of seven or eight people were asked to compare two cards held up by the experimenter. One card had three lines of different lengths and the other had one line which was equal in length to one of the three lines on the other card (see Exhibit 13-4).
Group Structure (cont.) Status a prestige grading, position, or rank within a group. e.g. cook vs. waitress. Social loafing the tendency for individuals to expend less effort when working collectively than when working individually. Group cohesiveness the degree to which group members are attracted to one another and share the group’s goals. 8 交通大學管理學院 任維廉教授
Group Performance/Satisfaction Model Why are some groups more successful than others? Why do some groups achieve high levels of performance and high levels of member satisfaction and others do not? The answers are complex, but include variables such as the abilities of the group’s members, the size of the group, the level of conflict, and the internal pressures on members to conform to the group’s norms. Exhibit 13-3 presents the major factors that determine group performance and satisfaction.
Group Cohesiveness and Productivity Research has generally shown that highly cohesive groups are more effective than are less cohesive ones. However, the relationship between cohesiveness and effectiveness is complex. A key moderating variable is the degree to which the group’s attitude aligns with its goals or with the goals of the organization. (See Exhibit 13-5.)
Creative Group Decision Making What techniques can managers use to help groups make more creative decisions? Exhibit 13-6 describes three possibilities.
Conflict Management Conflict Traditional view of conflict perceived incompatible differences that result in interference or opposition. Traditional view of conflict the view that all conflict is bad and must be avoided. Human relations view of conflict the view that conflict is a natural and inevitable outcome in any group Interactionist view of conflict the view that some conflict is necessary for a group to perform effectively. 12 交通大學管理學院 任維廉教授
Conflict Management (cont.) Functional conflicts conflicts that support a group’s goals and improve its performance. Dysfunctional conflicts conflicts that prevent a group from achieving its goals. 13 交通大學管理學院 任維廉教授
Conflict Management (cont.) Task conflict conflicts over content and goals of the work. Relationship conflict conflict based on interpersonal relationships. Process conflict conflict over how work gets done. 14 交通大學管理學院 任維廉教授
Conflict and Group Performance Some conflicts— functional conflicts—are constructive and support the goals of the work group and improve its performance. Other conflicts—dysfunctional conflicts—are destructive and prevent a group from achieving its goals. Exhibit 13-7 illustrates the challenge facing managers. 15
Conflict-Management Techniques When group conflict levels are too high, managers can select from five conflict management options: avoidance, accommodation, forcing, compromise, and collaboration. (See Exhibit 13-8 for a description of these techniques.) Keep in mind that no one option is ideal for every situation. Which approach to use depends upon the circumstances at hand. 16
14.3 What Is a Work Team? Work teams groups whose members work intensely on a specific, common goal using their positive synergy, individual and mutual accountability, and complementary skills. 17 交通大學管理學院 任維廉教授
Types of Work Teams Problem-solving team Self-managed work team a team from the same department or functional area that’s involved in efforts to improve work activities or to solve specific problems. Self-managed work team a type of work team that operates without a manager and is responsible for a complete work process or segment. 18 交通大學管理學院 任維廉教授
Types of Work Teams (cont.) Cross-functional team a work team composed of individuals from various functional specialties. Virtual team a type of work team that uses technology to link physically dispersed members in order to achieve a common goal. 19 交通大學管理學院 任維廉教授
Advantages of Using Teams Teams outperform individuals. Teams provide a way to better use employee talents. Teams are more flexible and responsive. Teams can be quickly assembled, deployed, refocused, and disbanded. 20 交通大學管理學院 任維廉教授
Groups Versus Teams Most of you are probably familiar with teams especially if you’ve watched or participated in organized sports events. Work teams differ from work groups and have their own unique traits (see Exhibit 13-9).
Characteristics of Effective Teams Have a clear understanding of their goals Have competent members with relevant technical and interpersonal skills Exhibit high mutual trust in the character and integrity of their members Are unified in their commitment to team goals Have good communication systems Possess effective negotiating skills Have appropriate leadership Have both internally and externally supportive environments 22 交通大學管理學院 任維廉教授
Work Team 之管理意涵 若團隊成員間有高度人際關係連結,則更容易 達成群體目標,也更願意在一起相處 當人們需要他人來幫助、以便完成工作時, 他們傾向選擇友善的同事,而非能幹的。 23 交通大學管理學院 任維廉教授
14.4 Current Challenges in Managing Teams 1. Global Teams Group Member Resources in Global Teams - managers need to clearly understand the cultural characteristics of group members Group Processes - multicultural global team is better able to capitalize on the diversity of ideas
Global Teams Two characteristics of today’s organizations are obvious: They’re global and work is increasingly done by teams. These two aspects mean that any manager is likely to have to manage a global team. What do we know about managing global teams? We know there are both drawbacks and benefits in using global teams (see Exhibit 13-11).
2. Building Team Skills Star performers with poor team skills. People don’t automatically know how to be an effective team member. 飛機失事在偏遠山區,Rank-order the most important items. You individually, with a group, compare against experts. 哪一個罪更嚴重?跨團隊合作攀岩。 Managers’ role: coach, developing team members more collaborative. Not everyone is a team player or can learn to be a team player. Put them work individually.
3. Understanding Social Networks The patterns of informal connections among individuals within groups. The Importance of Social Networks: Relationships can help or hinder team effectiveness. Relationships improve team goal attainment and increase member commitment to the team.
作業 1~2. Case study: a manager’s dilemma (p. 442, 468) (1) Identify and articulate business problems (2) Gather and analyze information applicable (3) Identify and apply an appropriate tool for solving problems. 3. Thinking critically about ethics (p. 462) (1) Identifies Dilemma. (2) Considers Stakeholders (3) Analyzes Alternatives and Consequences
4. Developing your coaching power skill (p. 463) 5. Team exercise (p. 463) 6. Internet-based exercise (p. 463~464): (1) “Five Stages of Group Development“ 能解釋你參加過的 社團? (2) “Conflict-Management Techniques”, “creating effective work teams”.
回顧 1. Define groups and the 5 stages of group development. 2. Describe the major components that determine group performance and satisfaction. 3. Define teams and best practices influencing team performance. 4. Discuss contemporary issues in managing teams.
Terms to Know Groupthink (Conformity) Conflict management Cross-functional team Social loafing Group Cohesiveness 31 交通大學管理學院 任維廉教授