English I September 28 through October 2
Monday, September 28 Go over adjective worksheet Adjective activity- school newspaper Review for grammar test tomorrow Begin reading “The Scarlet Ibis”
Tuesday, September 29 Grammar Test New Vocabulary List- page 150 of the Elements of Literature Textbook Continue reading “The Scarlet Ibis”
Wednesday, September 30 Journal Entry Proofreading Sentences Verbs Continue reading “The Scarlet Ibis”
Journal 1 If you were an animal, what kind of animal would you be? Why?
Proofreading Warm-up Item 1 Byron please tell us what you know about epic heros. Corrected Byron,please tell us what you know about epic heroes.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 2 The battles Homer described might of actualy took place around 1200 BC Corrected The battles Homer described might haveactuallytaken place around 1200 B. C.
Thursday, October 1 Journal Entry Proofreading Sentence Verbs “The Scarlet Ibis”
Journal 2 Do you have any siblings or are you an only child? If you have brothers and sisters, how do you get along with them? Do you fight a lot? If you don’t have siblings, how do you feel about that? Do you wish you did?
Proofreading Warm-up Item 3 The greeks they had to cross the aegean sea to attack the city of troy. Corrected TheGreeks had to cross the Aegean Sea to attack the city of Troy. (they deleted)
Proofreading Warm-up Item 4 Was it really Odysseus whom come up with the wooden horse idea. Corrected Was it really Odysseus whocame up with the wooden-horse idea?
Friday, October 2 Journal Proofreading Sentence Test on “The Scarlet Ibis”
Journal 3
Proofreading Warm-up Item 5 Whats the name of the Greek God of the Sea, asked Terrell. Corrected “What’s the name of the Greek god of the sea?” asked Terrell.
Proofreading Warm-up Item 6 Calypso a beautiful goddess holded Odysseus as a prisoner on her island for seven years Corrected Calypso,a beautiful goddess, held Odysseus as a prisoner on her island for seven years.