The Odyssey Book 10 Notes King Aeolus (god of wind) gives Odysseus two gifts: 1. Good wind 2. Bad wind Odysseus stays with him for 30 days. When Odysseus’ ships reach within sight of home, his men open the bad wind, thinking it is gold, and they are blown all the way back to Aeolus’ island. Island of Laestrygones (cannibals) is next. They throw boulders at the ships. Only Odysseus and his ship (45 men) survive. The lone ship sails to Aeaea, home of the goddess Circe. They split up. One group explores and the other remains by the ship.
Book 10 Notes (2) The hall of Circe is surrounded by animals. Circe greets the men and treated them like royalty. She gives them comfortable chairs, food, wine. Shortly after, she turns all of the men into pigs. Eurolochus runs to tell Odysseus what has happened. Odysseus rushes to save his men. He meets Hermes and receives moly, a plant to protect him against Circe’s spells. Hermes states that Odysseus must make her promise to not use magic against him. When her magic does not work on Odysseus, Circe praises him and asks him to take her to bed.
Book 10 Notes (3) Odysseus agrees, but only if she promises to not do magic on him. Odysseus is not happy and Circe turns the pigs back into his men. She then asks Odysseus to beach his ship and bring all of his men to her. The crew wants to go home, but they listen to Ody. Eurolochus speaks against Odysseus and he is almost killed for it. The men stay for many years, but want to go home. Circe states he can go, but he must go to the underworld and see a blind prophet named Tiresias. Tiresias will tell him how to get home.
The Odyssey - Book 11 Notes Odysseus and his men go to the underworld. He meets the spirit of Tiresias. Tiresias tells Odysseus they will be destroyed unless they show restraint and control. Odysseus sees the spirit of his mother, who died of grief while he was gone. Odysseus leaves and returns to tell Circe what has transpired.
Book 12 Circe tells Odysseus not to listen to the Sirens’ songs. If he must listen to them, he must be tied to the ship. He will have to face Scylla or Charybdis; Scylla: -she cries like a newborn baby -huge and monstrous -12 leg-like tentacles -serpent necks -6 heads with triple rows of fangs -She will take one man for every gullet (6).
Book 12 (2) Charybdis: Swallows up the dark sea tide. It hides under the sea. It sucks up the sea three (3) times a day. If you get caught in it, you cannot escape. Odysseus decides not to tell his crew of the decision he has to make. Odysseus listened to the Sirens’ songs and his crew kept him tied to the mast.
Book 12 (4) Odysseus tries to tell his men they will get through this like they did so many other dangerous situations. Scylla makes her strike and eats 6 men. They pass Charybdis without a single loss. They pass Helios’ island and feast on his cattle. To pay Helios back for losing cattle, Zeus sends a lightning bolt to sink Odysseus’ ship. Odysseus is the only survivor. He drifts to the home of Calypso, who keeps him there 7 years.