2008/09 Recommended Budget Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners September 2007
2 Where we have come from… Tough recent history due to impact of State budget Projected budget shortfalls, especially in Health programs, resulted in structural change by eliminating 132 FTE between 2002 through 2005 And yet, Doubled General Fund reserves Twice increased bond rating Focus on continuous improvement and Communities of Interest to enhance customer service and reduced the cost of doing business
3 Where we have come from… In 2006/07, had structural deficit but needed to stabilize organization and maintain programs Partially due to BOC policy to provide additional General Fund support to Non General Fund departments for personnel cost increases as means to preserve services Balanced budget through use of one time funding sources and Non General Fund reserves with plan to bring structural change in 2008/09 budget
4 Themes for 2008/09 Continued Fiscal Constraints – State budget, State economy, housing market Increased need of community impacting our own service delivery demands as well as needs of not for profit organizations Focus on preserving programs and providing necessary response to community Efforts on “Changing the way Government Works” through regionalism and collaborations
5 2008/09 Budget Framework Strategic investments where: Outside funding is available Recent trends precipitate an expected reality Driven by customer need Root causes are being addressed (reaping dividends over the long term)
6 2008/09 Recommended Budget Total proposed General Fund budget of: 2008 = $107,552,529 ~1.6% Increase from = $110,764,839 ~3% Increase from 2008
7 2008/09 Recommended Budget General Fund Revenues
8 2008/09 Recommended Budget General Fund Expenditures
9 2008/09 Recommended Revenue Modifications Property Taxes State Revenue District Court Clerk Register of Deeds Building Services Environmental Health
/09 Recommended Expenditure Modifications Agency / InitiativeNet Increase from 2007 CWB/HS Funding Increase$200K CWB/HS Contract Administrator$0 (reduced FTE in CCF) Child Abuse Prevention through DHS$38K Success by Six Child Medicaid EligibilityRevenue Generating Humane Society$100K in 2008 $200K in 2009 SPARK$50K Eastern County Incubator$50K
/09 Recommended Expenditure Modifications Agency / InitiativeNet Increase from 2007 Aerotropolis$50K (one time) SafeHouse$45K Shelter Association$50K Community Housing Initiative$250K ( only) North South Commuter Rail$150K (2008 and 2009; proposed to continue 2010) LiteracyStaff time; $ investment TBD Other Miscellaneous$57,091 in 2008; additional $18,452 in 2009
/09 Recommended Expenditure Modifications Internal Initiative/Issue Communications Strategy Successful Communities PS&J Statutory Line Items District Court Jail Diversion Efforts Victim Witness Services Juvenile Placements Drains Equipment Solid Waste Community Clean Up Medical Examiner Net Impact on Budget $100K $70K $167K $0 - Revenue Increases to Offset $60K $320K Placement Costs; $40K for Probation FTE on Pilot Basis $18K for FTE $40K Annually $150K One Time for Infrastructure; $16K for Annual Contract Increase
/09 Recommended Expenditure Modifications Labor Assumptions (executive session on 9/20) Salary Increases Medical Pension VEBA Savings used to balance GF, increase contribution to VEBA for GASB 45 and increase appropriations to build NGF reserves
/09 Recommendations Policy Considerations Continue current support to infrastructure No increases in appropriation other than: 1/8 th mill allocation to facilities (grows with property tax) One-time $150K allocation to tech plan for jury management Prior actions of staff reorganizations, policy updates and focus on core technology have resulted in efficient operations and ability for enhancement initiatives with limited cost investment Expand data integration in Health and Public Safety & Justice and develop long-term strategic plan
/09 Recommendations Policy Considerations Update Finance Policies Final step of updating all County policies Update Fleet Policy Implementation of fleet review process done in 2006/2007 Focus on providing necessary and appropriate vehicles with proper costs Implementation of Space Plan Planning Year for Resolving Public Safety & Justice Space Needs
/09 Recommendations Policy Considerations Planned Expenditure Reduction in 2009 Budget – Identify approximately $1.38 million in structural reductions to offset projected loss of property tax revenue; amount dependent on labor negotiations Building Services – Department to bring policy recommendation for long-term sustainability during 1 st quarter 2008; budget does not include any GF support to balance budget Level of NGF reserves – Recommendation to gradually build NGF reserves up to 8% of total fund budget net of indirect costs and GF appropriations; need to take on case by case basis due to impact on outside funding
/09 Recommendations Policy Considerations State Revenue Sharing – Continue monitoring and lobbying with State; outline 10 year projections with both possibilities; direct Administrator to bring contingency plan back to BOC during 2008/2009 Commitment to NGF departments – Continue support in 2008/09 budget; direct administrator to bring impact to services if BOC decides to alter commitment in 2009 or future budgets
18 Long Term Projections – With State Revenue Sharing
19 Long Term Projections – Without State Revenue Sharing
20 Plan for Review of Recommended Budget September 19 th Ways & Means Provide Budget Summary Publication Present these key messages publicly September 20 th Working Session Review of Budget Development Process and Budget Summary Materials Executive Session on Labor October Meetings Presentations of Community of Interest plans to reach goals and alignment with budget BOC Questions/Answers
21 Plan for Review of Recommended Budget September 20 th – November 7 th Budget Office Available for Review in Open Hour Sessions and as Needed October 17 th BOC Public Hearing on Budget November 7 th Ways & Means Adoption November 21 st BOC Adoption
/09 Recommended Budget Questions?