Thinking Actively in a Social Context T A S C
So why do schools want to use TASC? Provides a clear structure to improve planning, especially for extended learning experiences Enables greater personalisation, especially when underpinned by pupil self evaluation and self monitoring Need to develop problem solving and thinking skills across the National Curriculum framework
Pupils adapt easily to the approach because the school has been working in a similar, if less structured, way before The TASC structure has been effective in focusing learning Pupils are more independent (they came to me for help all the time at first – now they ignore me!) Pupils communicate more with each other (they found it difficult to sustain discussion, now it’s hard to stop them. Some more reticent pupils in particular are now much more willing and able to participate) They come up with more ideas (they needed considerable prompting to come up with any ideas – now they think up lots) These ideas have become more practical and sensible (at first they would suggest rebuilding the school, now they think of the cost of the bus and the need for risk- assessments) Many are more self-confident (some who never liked to answer questions now make presentation to the whole class) They recognise the need to find out more information about a subject (in the Victorian project then realised that needed to find out more about ways of life in order to make presentation. They also recognised the need to shape and focus this investigation) Pupils are much more enthused, concentrating for longer periods and more actively engaged. More time to observe and assess. (She herself is also much more motivated) Pupils are much more engaged and excited. S&L improving significantly. Working together much more effectively – listening to each other. The range of ideas produced is increasing. Great improvement in team-work skills, also problem solving, S&L, motivation etc. Ability to work together as main gain (they couldn’t work together at all at first – but by the last project they were really good)
Scaffolding and structure
A consistent focus on the big picture
Simple to complex : identify the task
Quality vs quantity Having choices
Feels opinion matters Responsible for own behaviour Independent and able to self help Aware of time management Can place themself in someone else’s shoes Considers other viewpoints Good questioning skills Responsible for own and others learning Can consider own feelings and attitudes towards task Considers everyone’s point of view Focuses upon task Can be a leader and role model for others Able to provide constructive feedback Able to reflect upon own performance Uses ideas from others Considers how to best communicate with others Able to recognise own success
I am beginning to enjoy learning and what I am doing. I am better at concentrating on my work and ignoring distractions. I like talking about my work. I try harder. I am starting to show interest and be inquisitive by asking more relevant questions and making suggestions. I sometimes attempt some analysis, experiment with possibilities and try new things. Occasionally I use my imagination and come up with good ideas. I am learning to think carefully about what I have to do and make good use of the resources provided. At times I can see the importance of the information that I gather and how to use it. I am starting to think about how I record and present my work. I am better at discussing my work to improve it. I am better at changing my work as a result of what others have to say. I nearly always have the right equipment. I just about complete my work on time when I have help with planning and organisation. I want to enjoy being part of a team by contributing and getting involved. I listen and take notice of others. I think about how well I have worked with others as a team player and argue less. I am becoming more aware of what others are doing. I am now considering what I need to do to become a good learner. I don’t mind talking about what I have done/learned. I am starting to identify my strengths and weaknesses as a learner and can say what I need to do to improve. I now learn from things I’ve done before. The Emergent Learner
I am in control of my own learning, highly organised and self- motivating. I show initiative. I recognise when it is necessary to make changes. I look for and identify links between ideas. I explore issues from different perspectives. I can generalise from what has been learned and use evidence to substantiate or validate reasoning or conclusions. I find alternative solutions, can explain them and verify where they come from. I have strategies for dealing with difficult questions or when I get stuck. I am able to change things to suit circumstances. I plan for improvement. I organise my learning effectively in respect of time and priorities. I am clear about what I have to do, when and how to do it. I take stock of a problem and, through analysis, anticipate hurdles or problems that might arise along the way. I think about the consequences of my decisions. I constantly check and evaluate what I am doing and how I do it. I choose to create and use appropriate, effective resources. I meet deadlines. I am willing and able to become more strategic about teamwork. I use the language and theory of learning to determine my strategies. I know when it is right for me just to work on my own rather than with others. I sometimes take responsibility for planning, breaking down tasks, allocating roles and organising time, work and resources. I can and do work with difficult team members, empathise with others and alter my actions and responses accordingly. I recognise that listening to others’ feelings, beliefs and perspectives, can influence decisions or responses that I make. I help people within the team to assess their performance. When needed I also analyse the consequences, outcomes and effectiveness of my team’s approach. I have a clear understanding of the process of learning. I have specific knowledge of myself as a learner. I build on prior learning and apply what I have learned to new situations. I adapt my learning style to suit the context in which I am working. The Expert Learner