Responding to Literature Houghton Mifflin Grade 3 D. Crisler 2012/2013 HM Strategy Focus/Obj.: Question Comprehension Focus/Ob.: Catogorize and Classify
Anthony Reynoso Born To Rope The story behind the story… (3min12sec)
Use this link to hear the story read aloud and follow along with text. Guiding questions and activities are also provided.
Comprehensive Reading Assessment s/anthonyreynosotest.pdf s/anthonyreynosotest.pdf
Text to Self Connection Why does Anthony work so hard at roping? How do you know it is hard work? Use examples from the text to support your answer. Use the graph on the following page to organize your quotes from the text. What activities do you work hard at ?
Who was talking to Whom? Where When What did they say? “Quote” Explain Quote Here… Analysis This shows….. Because Clearly, should This Proves…. would Obviously, could It seems... might This suggests… Evidently It appears… Clearly If…then… Obviously Page Or paragraph Why does Anthony work so hard at roping? How do you know it is hard work?
Who was talking to Whom? Where When What did they say? “Quote” Explain Quote Here… Analysis This shows….. Because Clearly, should This Proves…. would Obviously, could It seems... might This suggests… Evidently It appears… Clearly If…then… Obviously Page Or paragraph Anthony is telling the story about practicing. At home after school. “We spend a lot of time practicing for shows at schools, malls, and rodeos.” Here he tells us he spends time practicing after school. Because they are going to perform for people, they want to make sure they have practiced first. 171 Anthony tells about practicing. At home after school with his dad. “We are experts at passing the rope.” Here Anthony tells us he is good at passing the rope. If he is an expert then he must have worked hard at it because I know it takes a lot of practice to become an expert at something. 171 Why does Anthony work so hard at roping? How do you know it is hard work?
Guiding Question: Is working hard to become an expert at a single activity valuable for a person? Why or Why not? Use examples from the text to support your answer. Working hard to become an expert at a single activity is valuable for a person because they stay focused and learn a valuable skill they can share with others. In the story, Anthony was working hard to become an expert like his father so he could keep the family tradition alive. It seemed like in every other way he led a pretty normal life. Working hard to become an expert at a single activity is not valuable unless that is what you want to do for the rest of your life. It is better to learn to do many different things you enjoy. Anthony spent a lot of his free time practicing roping. Perhaps he might have enjoyed doing other things after school like playing soccer or learning to play the piano.
Who was talking to Whom? Where When What did they say? “Quote” Explain Quote Here… Analysis This shows….. Because Clearly, should This Proves…. would Obviously, could It seems... might This suggests… Evidently It appears… Clearly If…then… Obviously Page Or paragraph Is working hard to become an expert at a single activity valuable for a person?
Additional Extensions You may want to choose one of the extension activities on the following slides to focus on additional skills or to help students make connections.
Use Resources Which resource would I use to find the definition of rodeo? Which resource would I use if I were trying to think of a better word for ceremony? Which resource would I use if I were trying to locate Sedona, Arizona? Which resource would I use if I were trying to find the meaning of the word petroglyphs? Which resource would I use if I were trying to find out more about the Yaqui tribe?
Going Places *Use resources Anthony tells about different places in Anthony Reynoso: Born to Rope. Read the story again. Find out where he lives. What large city is it near? What city does he visit to do rope tricks? Use an atlas to find these places. Then draw or trace a map of the state of Arizona to show where these places are. Write the name of each place on the map.
Who Are the Yaqui? *Use Resources Anthony lives in a small Mexican-American and Yaqui town. Who are the Yaqui? Have they always lived there? Do research in an encyclopedia. Learn about these Native Americans. Write a paragraph telling about them. Share what you learn with your classmates.
Yaqui Culture For non-Yaquis it is difficult to fully grasp the blend of ancient Yaqui beliefs and the religion taught to them by Jesuit priests in the 1500s, but they successfully melded the two into a unique belief system that includes their beloved deer dancer.
Worldwide, the Yaquis may be best known for these men highly trained in an ancient religious ceremony in which the dancer wears a headdress depicting a deer's head and whose steps imitate movements of a deer. The deer dancer is prominent in the Pascua Yaqui logo and Tribal symbol. The successful merger of ancient Yaqui traditions with Catholicism allows the deer dancer to remain a central feature of the spiritual lives of today's Pascua Yaqui Tribe of Arizona. Pascua is Spanish for Easter, and it is during the Easter season that the deer dancer is most prominent, participating in ceremonies that depict events of this holy period.
Flowers are important to the Yaquis' daily lives and ceremonies. They combine the ancient belief that the deer dancer is from a flower- filled spiritual world of natural beauty with the belief that Christ's grace is symbolized by flowers that grew from blood that fell from Jesus' wounds during the crucifixion. Flowers are believed to be powerful weapons against evil and are a prevailing symbol seen in elaborately embroidered floral designs on traditional Yaqui clothing.
It’s Rodeo Time! Imagine that a rodeo has come to your town. You want people to come see it. Research rodeos. Then make a poster to tell people about them. You might draw one large picture, or several smaller pictures. Show how exciting rodeos can be. Write something short on your poster. Tell people that the rodeo is exciting and that they’re invited. Think about these questions: What happens at a rodeo? How do people dress? festivals-project/lost-dutchman-days-rodeo/ Video clip of rodeo days in Apache Junction, AZ festivals-project/lost-dutchman-days-rodeo/
It’s Classified Work with a group of classmates. Divide up the pages in Anthony Reynoso: Born to Rope. Go through your part. List one idea for each paragraph. Write the ideas as one or two words Meet with your classmates. Create categories and classify the words by meaning. Every word should fit a category, and no word can be by itself. How many categories did you make? Now try once more. Can you fit all the words into fewer categories? Try and see how few categories you need.
Places to Visit – The narrator and his family go to Slide Rock. It’s an outdoor place that they like to visit. Think of an outdoor place that you like to visit. It might be a lake or a playground. Write a paragraph to describe it. Then draw a picture. Think about these questions: – What makes it a good place to visit? – How does it look, sound, and feel? – What are some of the things you do at this place?
Just Like Me? Is Anthony Reynoso just an ordinary kid? Meet with a group of classmates. Make a comparison chart like the one shown. List things that one or more of you have in common with Anthony. Think about : Family School Hobbies Recreation Daily life Decide, as a group, if you think Anthony is like you or not and why. Share your results with your class. UsAnthony
Dear Anthony Imagine that the narrator in Anthony Reynoso: Born to Rope, Anthony, has added his address to the end of the story. Imagine that he wants to hear from you! Write Anthony a letter. Tell him what you like about his story. Ask him questions. Tell him about things you have done that he might enjoy doing.
Picture Perfect The pictures in Anthony Reynoso: Born to Rope are photographs. Which of them means the most to you? Why? Write a paragraph. Tell about your favorite picture. What do you like about it? What does it make you think about? What does it say about the story?