Social Networking in Education Mikal Annis David Pollis Samantha Press Megan Bennett
Abstract For this topic we will be explaining the different types of social networking methods that are used in education, and the pros and cons behind using them. We will also be explaining the attitudes on these new methods from the students, the teachers, and the parents.
Facebook Facebook is by far on of the biggest social networking tools and very popular among highschool and college students It allows students to communicate through the different pages they have created for themselves, and discuss anything from group assignments, scheduling times to meet for assignments, or even just questions about class It is a very fast, and effective way to communicate, and because it is so popular among students, many are constantly using it and get messages very quickly, unlike which can be a slower process of communication for those that do not check theirs regularly.
The Cons to Facebook Although very popular among students, facebook also has a tendency to get students in trouble. Inappropriate posts made on a students facebook can result in major consequences if viewed by a teacher or parent, underage drinking being a big one. Teachers also find it very distracting in the classroom. Because many students own facebooks, they are constantly checking theirs whenever a computer is involved in the class. It can pull attention away from the instructor, and therefore valuable information is lost.
Blogging Blogging is another type of popular social networking. While blogging can sometimes be used as online diaries for the students, it can also be quite effective in education. Because these blogs will be viewed by a wide audience, students put in more effort and time into making sure that their blogs are grammatically correct and that the formatting is appropriate. It is also any easy way to post ideas and thoughts on classes, assignments, and a way to find people with similar interests such as majors in college.
The Cons to Blogging Blogging can actually have many negative aspects attached to it. It can be used to insult or threaten teachers and students, and other crimes have been linked to blogging also. Because of the freedom associated with blogging, many inappropriate things can be posted, and when found by school officials can get students in a lot of trouble such as suspension or expulsion. And just like facebook, blogging can take away froom classroom situations also
Parents View Social Networking for the most part does not seem to be a large concern with parents. However, online predators are a huge problem with social networking and parents have had issues with it. Congress passed a law in 1998 that required parents permission to enter websites if the child was 13 years old or younger. However, this was before such things as myspace and facebook became so popular, and children have found a way around such laws by simply lying about their birthdate on the page to gain access.
The Controversies of Social Networking No matter what, there are going to be people who view using social networking as a positive, and some that view it as a negative. For professors that are against using these new methods, they can clearly state it in there syllabus at the beginning of the year, or even go as far as prohibiting students to bring computers to class. However, no one can deny that social networking is slowly but surely working its way into education, and we’ll all be seeing and using it more in the near future.