January 2007 What changes, What implications for your careers? DECODING from MAPS I to MAPS II:
January 2007 Departmental meetings 2 MAPS I → MAPS II : Summary Reminder: place MAPS in the 5YR context Description of the new career structure How to apply it ? Transitory period Role of each of us Conclusion
January 2007 Departmental meetings 3 Where did we leave off in October?
January 2007 Departmental meetings 4 Reminder: DG proposals
January 2007 Departmental meetings 5 MAPS I → MAPS II: important changes According to the DG: We add: separate advancement budget per career path same value of step for bands a, b and c value of step reduced 0 steps advancement 6 steps no advancement budget convertible into bonus budget XX Exceptional
January 2007 Departmental meetings 6 Administrative Circular nº 26 RECOGNITION OF THE MERIT OF STAFF MEMBERS in two forms Career evolution Advancement Promotion Award of bonuses for exceptional services for responsibility for “hors cadre” functions 2 budgets not to be mixed !!!
January 2007 Departmental meetings 7 Administrative Circular nº 26 Performance assessment Career evolution Award of bonus 8 1. advises2. proposes3. decides 5 periodic advancementdecides 6 exceptional advancement1. proposes2. decides 7 promotion1. advises2. proposes3. decides SuperviseeSupervisor Group Leader Dept. Committee Dept. Leader DG 1 annual interviewparticipates 2 analysis of resultswrites 3 performance appraisal3. comments1. writes2. writes 4 qualification of performance (not meritorious, meritorious, particularly meritorious) decides RECOGNITION OF THE MERIT OF STAFF MEMBERS Decision-making process
January 2007 Departmental meetings 8 E n : meritorious n-1: meritorious n-2: meritorious Recognition of merit: Career evolution Advancement periodic bands a, b, c qual. of performance: meritorious or particularly meritorious exceptional bands a, b, c ECE qual. of performance : particularly meritorious Promotion: Change of band from a to b: qual. of performance only from b to c: qual. of performance and career review Exceptional career extension access to ECE: qual. of performance and career review qual. of performance: particularly meritorious / long period Change of career path level of functions (career path guide) career review n : part. meritorious n-1 ≥ meritorious n-2 ≥ meritorious n : part. meritorious n-1 ≥ meritorious n-2 ≥ meritorious Level of functions D
January 2007 Departmental meetings 9 No overlap of band a and band b band b: fewer perspectives MAPS I → MAPS II : Changes to the Grid New CP: AA 2 bands ECEECEECEECE Maximas increased Career extension in all career paths AAABCDEFG Minimas progressively increased in all career paths
January 2007 Departmental meetings 10 MAPS II MAPS I → MAPS II : Advancement budget MAPS I MAPS I - Career Paths from A to E - population of bands a, b, c and EAZ ECE Bands a, b, c 1 budget / career path common budget MAPS II ECE Bands a, b, c AAABCDE FG
January 2007 Departmental meetings 11 MAPS I → MAPS II : Calculation of step value Transfer of Periodic advancement to Exceptional advancement Ex: (a,b,c) from A to E Advancement budget constant and attributed per career path Budget MAPS I = Budget MAPS II (in 2006 values) Eligible population increased origin:removal of orange zone increase of maximas Value of step identical in bands a, b, c merit = periodic + exceptional MAPS I 1,3 step 1 step 0,3 step MAPS II 2 steps 1 step Career Path C MAPS IMAPS II Advct a / b / c 1,3 step2 steps ECE 0,3 step1 step Eligible pop Step Value a / b / c 104/118/13874/74/74 ECE Budget 1,69%1,72% Career Path MAPS IMAPS II A 1,69%1,74% B 1,56%1,66% C 1,69%1,72% D 1,68%1,76% E 2,09%1,87% Budget A-E 1,82%1,78% F 1,52%1,51% G 1,09%1,11% Budget F-G 1,36%1,37%
January 2007 Departmental meetings 12 MAPS I → MAPS II : What advancement to expect? Qualification and Advancement: Non-meritorious:0 step Meritorious:1 periodic step Particularly meritorious: 1 periodic step + 1 to 5 exceptional steps How to distinguish the “Particularly meritorious”? The Departmental Committee for the Recognition of Merit grades staff members on the basis of: a comparison of their performance their past and expected future career evolutions applicable budget constraints HR provides objectives in terms of distribution
our position: MAPS I: the largest segment (50% of the staff) - have « fully satisfactory » performance - advances by +2% the centre of gravity of distribution is 2% MAPS II: must not penalise this merit-worthy population the centre of gravity must remain at 2% scenario 3 is unacceptable! % salary increase staff percentage Total Population Impact on total population Periodic Periodic + 1 Non-eligible Periodic only MAPS I MAPS I MAPS II MAPS II
January 2007 Departmental meetings 14 White Zone White Zone band b band a band c Years of service Salary Orange Zone MAPS I MAPS II STEP VALUE STEP VALUE Maps I Maps II 100~72 STEP VALUE Maps I Maps II 100 ~ 65 STEP VALUE MAPS I MAPS II 100 ~ 54 Except. Advct Except. Advct39% Except. Advct 39% 26% 9% (23%) Exceptional Advancement guidelines 30% MAPS I → MAPS II : A few points of reference Comparison of theoretical average advancement (A to E)
January 2007 Departmental meetings 15 MAPS I → MAPS II : Transitory period January 2007: MAPS I grid (indexed by 1,6%) in effect: from January to June 2007 Communication from HR: each staff member is informed of his virtual position in January in the new MAPS II grid Principles:- same career path, same band - position corresponding to an identical salary, or position immediately above, or personal position immediately above, or personal position 1st July 2007: MAPS II grid comes into effect Each staff member is placed in this grid on the basis of: his virtual position (information from HR in January) the evolution of his career (advancement, promotion) decided on for the reference period 2006 periodic step MAPS I instead of MAPS II (only for a staff member who, during the reference period 2005, was both in the orange zone and not eligible for periodic advancement) (only for a staff member who, during the reference period 2005, was both in the orange zone and not eligible for periodic advancement)
January 2007 Departmental meetings 16 Role of each of us You must: make sure that your virtual position in January indicated by HR is correct become acquainted with CA26 – Recognition of the merit of staff members – when it is published (beginning of February) in your assessment report, give your comments to the appraisals by your Group Leader and Supervisor We must: inform and advise you ensure that the DG keeps the promises he made in the negotiations in 2006 ensure a strict application of CA26 ensure the conformity of budgetary guidelines of the MAPS exercise 2007 (reference period 2006) ensure that the decisions concerning career evolution respect these guidelines
January 2007 Departmental meetings 17 MAPS I → MAPS II : Conclusion Career structure wanted by the DG SA negotiated to improve initial DG proposals Learn to live with … =Merit Advancement and Promotion Scheme =Merit Advancement and Promotion Scheme =Scheme of =Scheme of Promotion and AdvancementM… After 1st exercise, staff competition: Find a word beginning with the letter M which best describes this new career system Examples: Maximized, Moderated, Minimized … MAPS SPAM 2001: 2007: