10 th American History Daily Lessons
Welcome Mr. Cook- 10th American History Classes- Periods 2, and 7 You will be assigned seats If you are a new studentIf you are a new student to Mr. Cook’s class- –pick up a room rules sheet. –Mr. Cook will also provide you with a user name (ex.- wsr99) and a password (ex. e6p7)for the online textbook.
Day #1- Reminders Today’s Date is on the power point in front. yellow makeup box in the back of the room.On the day you return to school from an absence, pick up your makeup work from the yellow makeup box in the back of the room. Write your assignments in what ever planner mode you wish to use. IPadMake sure you have your IPad and all materials with you when you come to class you will not be allowed to go back to your locker to get anything.
Holt On-Line Learning and Live Ink Put this app on your IPad. Go to Google and type in this website then Add this page to your Home Screen- you may need to re-label it. – –Or Mr. Cook will give each of you your own separate user name and password. Put this on your IPad and notebook for safe keeping and to refer back to. Enter your user name and password Feel free to use all the helps that Holt offers. Live ink.Click on the reading help to get to the Live ink. This site also has a audio version of the reading.This site also has a audio version of the reading.
IPad Day #1 Setting up the IPad for Social Studies. Turn on your IPad. Clear your bottom panel- double click and push and hold one icon till it jiggles then press - to eliminate from bottom panel. Do to all icons. Go to the Waverly Shell Rock Homepage- Click on Campuses Click on Senior High School Click on Information Click on Departments Click on Social Studies Click on 10th American History- Mr. Cook Add this page to your Home Screen- you may want to re-label it.
Day #1 – Daily Requirements This class will adhere to the school IPad policy. However we will have class rules as well. 1.IPAD’s can be used at the beginning of every class to put in assignments. 2.When not in use the IPad must be placed under the desk. 3.IPAD’s are turned on when instructed to do so by the teacher. 4.When using the IPAD it must be flat on the desk for the instructor to see. 5.No Face book, , twitter or social network to be used in class, IPAD is for instructional purposes only. 6.Other rules will apply as they come up. You must decide what you are going to use for your notebook. regular notebook- –You must have a regular notebook- spiral or loose leaf. This is used for homework, daily work, assignments, This day in History and Current Events. Quick Office HD. This can help with projects and assignments if you wish. –You should also use any App version- it is strongly suggested you use Quick Office HD. This can help with projects and assignments if you wish.
Room 214 Cell Phone and Electronic Devices Rule: Starting Tues. Jan. 17, 2012 must be turned off and out of sightAll cell phones must be turned off and out of sight before you enter Room 214 confiscatedIf we see or hear a cell phone, headphone or electronic device it will be confiscated. There will be no second chances. Do notDo not bring your headphones or electronic devices into Room 214! All booksAll books must be placed in the book rack under each desk at the beginning of class each day. Only books/notebooks being used during class may be on the desk!
This Day in History and Current Events This Day in History We will start this Wed. Jan. 16 Current Event We will start this Wed. Jan. 16
While you were gone 10 th American HistoryMake-up Assignments While you were gone 10 th American History- Make-up Assignments Mr. Cook Room 214 Student-______________ Date Absent Jan. 15 Date Due-______ Please attach your make-up work to this sheet when you hand it in! Homework: –World War II Power Point Project due Jan. 21 –World War II Power Point Project due Jan. 21. –Chapter 13 Section 1 Pages Notes- due – Jan. 28 –Chapter 13 Section 2 Pages Notes- due – Jan. 30 –Chapter 13 Section 3 Pages due Feb. 1 –Chapter 13 Section 4 Pages – due Feb. 6 –Chapter 13 Test- Feb. 8 In Class Work: Media Center Computer Lab Activities- –New Seating Chart –New Student start ups. –Numbers will be assigned to you correlating with the project. –DAY 1: Research World War II and the Holocaust- worth 10 points. –Power point must be saved in your IPad to be shown in class on the overhead- Apple- Air Play Examination: Date and Period you will take the exam-____________________ Signature:____________
Day #1 NoneHomework due today – None In Class Work- Media Center Computer Lab Activities- –New Seating Chart and Check Textbook Numbers –Get Covers on all textbooks ASAP –DAY 1: Research World War II and the Holocaust- Unit IV A Champion of Democracy Computer Lab ResearchDay 1
1. We will spend four days in the researching World War II. Each day is planned out below. 2.This project will be presented to the class. 3.Topics- You will be given a number which corresponds to the topics on the topic sheet. You must get enough information to make at least 2 slides for each topic (at least 2 per day) 4.Day 1- You will research over the assigned topics for the Holocaust. 5.Day 2- You will research over the assigned topics for either Pre- World War II or Post World War II 6.Day 3- You will research over the assigned topics for either World War II Battles or the American Home front during World War II. 7.Day 4- Work day to put together the American History Magazine power point which must ed or submitted to Canvas Waverly- Shell Rock 10th American History World War II Power Point Presentation
Musts for this project mustYou must take handwritten notes, which will be turned in before you give your presentation. one pageYour goal is to write one page of notes per topic. mustYou must use a note card or ½ sheet of paper when giving the presentation. The presentation will last at least 2 min. and not more than 3 max.The presentation will last at least 2 min. and not more than 3 max. 4 picturescaptions- up to 4 wordsEach slide must have a title and you must have 4 pictures on each slide with captions- up to 4 words. take notesYou must take notes each day in class from all presenters. This will help you with the final test over World War II.
DAY 1: World War II and the Holocaust- worth 10 points 1. Children of the Holocaust 2. Concentration Camps 3. Doctors and Medical Experiments 4. Final Solution 5. Holocaust 6. Jewish Ghettos- Warsaw and Lodz 7. Mobile Killing Units- Eisnsatzgruppen 8. Nazi Gold 9. Other Victims of the Holocaust 10. St. Louis- Ship with Jewish Immigrants 11. What the Liberators saw. 12. Women and the holocaust 13. Holocaust Heroes 14. Death Marches 15. Children of the Holocaust 16. Concentration Camps 17. Doctors and Medical Experiments 18. Final Solution 19. Holocaust 20. Jewish Ghettos- Warsaw and Lodz 21. Mobile Killing Units- Eisnsatzgruppen 22. Nazi Gold 23. Other Victims of the Holocaust 24. St. Louis- Ship with Jewish Immigrants 25. What the Liberators saw. 26. Women and the holocaust 27. Holocaust Heroes 28. Death Marches
Power Point Magazine: Part 2 - America: How We Lived. The story of American History World War II- Current Publisher:
Table of Contents World War II Project- three topics – 36 pointsWorld War II Project- three topics – 36 points Unit IV- A Champion of Democracy ( )- 70 pointsUnit IV- A Champion of Democracy ( )- 70 points –World War II Project- at least 12 slides of your three topics (2-3 slides per topic, with 4 pictures and captions on each slide. –Chapter 13 – World War II Erupts – 4 slides- most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words or less to state why important. At least 2 pictures per slide.10 points –Chapter 14– The United States in World War II – 4 slides- most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words or less to state why important. At least 2 pictures per slide.10 points –Chapter 15 – The Cold War Begins – 4 slides- most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words or less to state why important. At least 2 pictures per slide.10 points –Chapter 16 – 4 slides- most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words or less to state why important. At least 2 pictures per slide.10 points –Unit IV Enhancement or Threat Slides- What enhanced or threatened U.S. democracy during this unit? (Good and Bad- Victory or Defeat)- 2 slides- 4 lines of 4 words only to state why important. at least 2 pictures per slide.. No lists 5 points 50’s and 60’s Project – three topics – 25 points50’s and 60’s Project – three topics – 25 points Unit V – A Nation Facing Challenges ( ) – 70 pointsUnit V – A Nation Facing Challenges ( ) – 70 points –50’s-60’s project- at least 12 slides of your three topics (4 per topic- at least 2 pictures per slide)- 25 points –Chapter 17- The New Frontier and the Great Society- 4 slides- most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words only to state why important. At least two pictures per slide- 10 points –Chapter 18- The Civil Rights Movement- 4 4 slides- most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words only to state why important. At least two pictures per slide- 10 points –Chapter 19- The Vietnam War- 4 slides- most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words only to state why important. At least two pictures per slide- 10 points –Chapter 20- A Time of Social Change- 4 slides- most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words only to state why important.. At least two pictures per slide- 10 points –Unit V Enhancement or Threat Slides- What enhanced or threatened U.S. democracy during this unit? (Good and Bad- Victory or Defeat)- 2 slides- 4 lines of 4 words only to state why important. at least 2 pictures per slide.. No lists 5 points 70’s, 80’s and 90’s Project– three topics – 25 points70’s, 80’s and 90’s Project– three topics – 25 points Unit VI – Looking Toward the Future (1968-Present)- 60 pointsUnit VI – Looking Toward the Future (1968-Present)- 60 points –70’s, 80’s and 90’s project- at least 12 slides of your three topics (4 per topic- at least 2 pictures per slide)- 25 points –Chapter 21- A Search for Order- 4 slides- 4 most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words only to state why important At least 2 pictures per slide. 10 points –Chapter 22- A Conservative Era- 4 slides- 4 most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words only to state why important At least 2 pictures per slide. 10 points –Chapter 23- Into the Twenty-First Century- 4 slides- 4 most important ideas of the chapter and why. 4 lines of 4 words only to state why important 1 At least 2 pictures per slide. 0 points –Unit VI Enhancement or Threat Slides- What enhanced or threatened U.S. democracy during this unit? (Good and Bad- Victory or Defeat)- 2 slides- 4 lines of 4 words only to state why important. at least 2 pictures per slide.. No lists 5 points (DO NOT USE SECTION TITLES OR SUBTITLES FOR YOUR IMPORTANT IDEAS.)
World War II Name and Period List of Topics –1 –2 –3
1.Cover Slide- 1st slide of presentation- Be as creative as you can. 3 points Title- World War II Name and Class Period List of topics 2.Individual Slides- At least two slides per topic. 3 Slide Maximum. Do not read the slides use your note card!!! –Each slide must have a title and at least 4 pictures with 4 word captions. –Writing on each slide must be only captions under each picture. No more than 4 words per caption. Not all pictures need captions You may import (cut and paste) only pictures. DO NOT READ THE SLIDES TO THE CLASS!!!! Use your notecard or sheet 3.Your presentation must be at least 2 min and 3 min. maximum. 4.You must take handwritten notes every day in class. **Your goal is to get one page of notes at least per topic. No downloading, no cut and paste. DO NOT COPY THIS REPORT- PUT IT IN YOUR OWN WORDS. You must hand in all of your notes before you give the presentation. You may use 1 - 3x5 note card or half a sheet of paper for the presentation Points Cover Slide3 points World War II and the Holocaust- Slides worth 6 points + Notes worth 2 Points8 Points Pre- World War II or Post World War II- Slides worth 6 points + Notes worth 2 Points8 Points Battles of World War II or the American Home Front – slides worth 6 points + Notes worth 3 Points 8 Points Creativity2 points Time limit of 2 min. minimum and 3 minutes maximum2 points Overall- coverage of information, notes and appropriate presentation2 points Did you use your time wisely, hand written notes, on task- 3 days. 1 point per each days research Research- Did you use your time wisely, hand written notes, on task- 3 days. 1 point per each days research. 3 points
Multiple Choice Questions; Made from your topics Name-______________________________________________________ Period-________________ Topic #1-___________________________________________ 1.__________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ a.____________________________________________________ b.____________________________________________________ c.____________________________________________________ d.____________________________________________________ Topic #2-___________________________________________ 2. __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ a.____________________________________________________ b.____________________________________________________ c.____________________________________________________ d.____________________________________________________ Topic #3-___________________________________________ 3. _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ a.____________________________________________________ b.____________________________________________________ c.____________________________________________________ d.____________________________________________________