BA 9200 Course Overview 2 Desired Learning Levels Teaching Philosophy Students AbilitiesCourse Level and Scope Write Course and Topic Objectives Select Effective Teaching Methods How Students Learn The Lecture Active Learning Testing and Grading
Learning Objectives 3 After this session, you should be able to: 1.Explain the four dimensions of MBTI in your own words. 2.Link personality types and learning preferences. 3.Design an Interactive Lecture that incorporates various learning preferences among students. 4.Create a concept map and an opening application.
Four Dimensions Underlying MBTI 4 DimensionOption 1Option 2 EnergyExtravert “Learn by Speaking” Introvert “Learning by Thinking”
Four Dimensions Underlying MBTI 5 DimensionOption 1Option 2 Energy Perception / Data Collection Sensing “Why Before What ” Intuitive “See the Big Picture”
Four Dimensions Underlying MBTI 6 DimensionOption 1Option 2 Energy Data Collect Decision Making Thinking “Show Me the Objectives ” Feeling “Group Time”
Four Dimensions Underlying MBTI 7 DimensionOption 1Option 2 Energy Perception / Data Decisions Preference Judger “Set Deadlines” Perceptor “Procrastinator’s Club”
Faculty and UG Business Student Comparisons 8
Breakdown of 16 Styles for Undergraudates 24 Relatively Rare Combinations Most Likely IJ IP EP EJ STSF NF NT
The Lecture Outline 10 Introduction Body Summary Thinking State Objectives Sensing (Why before What) Opening Application Lecture Outline Extravert 25 minute rule TAPPS Introvert 2 minute paper Concept map
The Introduction Straight Lecture Interactive Lecture IntroductionThem What You Are Going To Tell Them Create Interest Plus Share Expectations Plus Tell Them Body Summary 11
Application-Opening (Hook) for Probability MaleFemaleTotal Promoted Not Promoted Total Is there Gender Discrimination in promotions ?
Application-Opening (Hook) for Lecture on Cognitive Biases 13 From 1998 – 2001, in which year did the least plane crashes occur? The least deaths in such crashes? Who Will Invest More? A Person Who Makes $50,000 or One Who Makes $40,000 Plus a $10,000 Bonus? The Size of the State of Georgia Demo.
The Body Straight Lecture Interactive Lecture Introduction Them What You Are Going To Tell Them Create Interest Plus Share Expectations Plus Tell Them BodyTell themPlus have them tell each other Summary 14
The Lecture Outline 15 Introduction Body Summary Thinking State Objectives Sensing (Why before What) Opening Application Lecture Outline Extravert 25 minute rule TAPPS Introvert 2 minute paper Concept map
Extraverted Students and the 25-Minute Rule 16 Maximize Student-to-Student Interaction. Student Talk-Time. Use Structured Small Group Exercises. Avoid “Free Rider” and “Rich Get Richer Effects.” Example: Thinking Aloud Paired Problem Solving (TAPPS)
17 Uses Explainer and Listener (Polite Questioner). Quiet Phase, Interaction, Teacher Closure. Explainer Explains Concept or Exercise. Listener Seeks Clarification, Disagrees, or Gives Hints. Teacher Manages Learning Exercise. Thinking Aloud Paired Problem Solving (TAPPS)
The Summary Straight Lecture Interactive Lecture Introduction Them What You Are Going To Tell Them Create Interest Plus Share Expectations Plus Tell Them Body Tell themPlus have them tell each other SummaryTell them you told them Have them uncover key ideas 18
The Lecture Outline 19 Introduction Body Summary Thinking State Objectives Sensing (Why before What) Opening Application Lecture Outline Extravert 25 minute rule TAPPS Introvert 2 minute paper Concept map
Introverted Students and Concept Maps 20 What the teacher does: Distribute a list of “Nodes” that describe topic. Have students build a map using those Nodes plus any additional Nodes they may wish to include.
Knowledge Nodes in Data Mining 21 Data Cleaning Data Visualization Outcome Period Discriminant Analysis Neural Networks Classification Trees Social Network Analysis Market Basket Analysis Sample Time Frame Binary Dependent Validation Sample KS Test Initial Client Meeting Monitoring Reports Logistic Regression
Concept Map by a Student 22
24 Most Important Idea? Major Confusion? Relate to Previous Material? Value to Me (Student)? Develop a Prototype Question. How Am I (Teacher) Doing? Introverted Students and the 2-Minute Paper
Additional Readings 25 Brightman, H. and R. Hightower. “Improving Teaching in the EMBA Classroom: Some Empirical Findings”. Organizational Behavior Teaching Review, 14(1), pg , Brightman, H. “GSU Master Teacher Program – On Learning Styles”.“GSU Master Teacher Program – On Learning Styles”. Myers, I. and M. McCaulley. Manual: A Guide to the Development and Use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. Consulting Psychologists Press, Palo Alto, CA
BA 9200 Course Overview 26 Desired Learning Levels Teaching Philosophy Students AbilitiesCourse Level and Scope Write Course and Topic Objectives Select Effective Teaching Methods How Students Learn The Lecture Active Learning Testing and Grading