Freshwater Resources 12.1 Fresh water is an essential resource. 12.2 CHAPTER NEW CHAPTER Freshwater Resources the BIG idea Fresh water is a limited resource and is essential for human society. 12.1 Fresh water is an essential resource. 12.2 Society depends on clean and safe water. 12.3 Water shortages threaten society. CHAPTER OUTLINE CHAPTER RESOURCES
Fresh water is an essential resource. 12.1 Fresh water is an essential resource. Fresh water is essential for life and is used for many human activities. irrigation aquaculture farming dam lock industry transportation and recreation fisheries and aquaculture energy living organisms CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE
12.1 irrigation Fresh water is an essential resource. aquaculture The process of supplying water to land to grow crops. dam lock CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
12.1 aquaculture Fresh water is an essential resource. irrigation aquaculture aquaculture The science and business of raising and harvesting fish in a controlled situation. dam lock CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
12.1 dam Fresh water is an essential resource. irrigation dam aquaculture A structure that holds back and controls the flow of water in a river or other body of water. dam lock CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
12.1 lock Fresh water is an essential resource. irrigation lock aquaculture A section of a waterway, closed off by gates, in which the water level is raised or lowered to move ships through. dam lock CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Society depends on clean and safe water. 12.2 Society depends on clean and safe water. Water is treated for safe drinking. concentration sewage system Water is drawn from a river or lake. Water is treated. Water is stored and distributed. septic system point-source pollution nonpoint-source pollution See a water treatment plant in action. VISUALIZATION CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE
Society depends on clean and safe water. 12.2 Society depends on clean and safe water. Pollution can harm the water supply. Water is treated for safe drinking. concentration sewage system septic system point-source pollution nonpoint-source pollution CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE
12.2 concentration Society depends on clean and safe water. sewage system The amount of a substance (the solute) that is contained in another substance (the solvent) at a given temperature, often expressed as parts per million or parts per billion. An example is sugar dissolved in water. septic system point-source pollution nonpoint-source pollution CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
12.2 sewage system Society depends on clean and safe water. concentration sewage system sewage system A system that collects and treats wastewater from a city or a town. septic system point-source pollution nonpoint-source pollution CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
12.2 septic system Society depends on clean and safe water. concentration septic system sewage system A small sewage system, often for one home or business, that uses an underground tank to treat wastewater. septic system point-source pollution nonpoint-source pollution CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
point-source pollution 12.2 Society depends on clean and safe water. concentration point-source pollution sewage system Pollution that enters water from a known source. septic system point-source pollution nonpoint-source pollution CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
nonpoint-source pollution 12.2 Society depends on clean and safe water. concentration nonpoint-source pollution sewage system Pollution with a source that is hard to find or scattered. septic system point-source pollution nonpoint-source pollution CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Water shortages threaten society. 12.3 Water shortages threaten society. Drought and overuse can cause water shortages. drought desalination Lake Chad has shrunk over the past 30 years. CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE
Water shortages threaten society. 12.3 Water shortages threaten society. Drought and overuse can cause water shortages. drought Americans use an average of 168 liters per person each day. desalination shower 21% tap 12% bath 9% dish washing 3% toilet leaks 5% toilet flushes 29% washing machine 21% SOURCE: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE
Water shortages threaten society. 12.3 Water shortages threaten society. Drought and overuse can cause water shortages. drought Americans use an average of 168 liters per person each day. desalination Review past water usage and try to determine how long the water in an aquifer will last. VISUALIZATION CHAPTER RESOURCES SECTION OUTLINE
12.3 drought Water shortages threaten society. desalination A long period of abnormally low amounts of rainfall. CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
12.3 desalination Water shortages threaten society. drought desalination desalination The process of removing salt from ocean water. Desalination is used to obtain fresh water. CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
12.1 Fresh water is an essential resource. I. Fresh water is an essential resource. irrigation A. Fresh water supports life. aquaculture B. Most human activities require water. dam 1. Farming lock 2. Industry 3. Transportation and Recreation 4. Fisheries and Aquaculture 5. Energy C. Dams and other structures alter rivers. CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Society depends on clean and safe water. 12.2 Society depends on clean and safe water. II. Society depends on clean and safe water. concentration A. Treatment makes water safe for drinking. sewage system 1. Quality Standards septic system 2. Treatment of Drinking Water point-source pollution B. Wastewater is treated and released. 1. Sewage System nonpoint-source pollution 2. Septic System C. Water pollution comes from many sources. D. Water pollution can be prevented. CHAPTER RESOURCES KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Water shortages threaten society. 12.3 Water shortages threaten society. III. Water shortages threaten society. drought A. Water shortages are a global problem. desalination B. Overuse can cause water shortages. C. Fresh water can be conserved. 1. The Need for Conservation 2. Conservation Practices D. People can balance water needs and uses. 1. Shortages 2. Pollution CHAPTER RESOURCES 3. New Sources KEY CONCEPT SUMMARY
Image Gallery Click on the icons to see a larger image or animation. CHAPTER HOME Image Gallery Click on the icons to see a larger image or animation. See a water treatment plant in action. VISUALIZATION Review past water usage and try to determine how long the water in an aquifer will last. VISUALIZATION
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