Skill Connect Assessments Industry-driven assessments Meeting Industry Demands -
SkillsUSA 2
Work Force Ready System Designed to meet the needs of both education and industry: Interactive Industry-driven Up-to-date Real-time feedback Affordable Meets Perkins IV requirements
4 The Development Process A rigorous, sound process monitored closely by a team of psychometricians… 1.Validation of the technical standard 2.Construction of the assessment matrix 3.Validation of the assessment matrix 4.Assessment item development 5.Validation of assessment items 6.Field testing (pilots) 7.Analysis of field test results 8.Deployment
What differentiates the Skill Connect Assessments? Online, native assessment. (Didn’t originate as a paper-pencil test) Interactive questions with media-rich content (videos, animation, images) –More closely assesses student practical knowledge than text-only –More engaging – less test fatigue! Text to Speech for students with IEPs Developed through a rigorous, educationally-sound process –Based on critical competencies, standards and criteria as defined by industry –Comply with standards for testing
About the Assessments Each assessment includes 50 questions of different question types Tests are all online Approximately one hour to administer Students and instructors get immediate results Skill Connect Certificates available immediately for students who achieve industry-defined cut score The test license is usable any time from date of purchase until July 31st. 6
Testing Instructions 8
47 Assessments – 11 Cluster Areas 9 Information Technology Computer Maintenance Technology Computer Programming Internetworking Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Criminal Justice / CSI Manufacturing Automated Manufacturing Technology CNC Milling and Turning Technology Electronics Application & Technology Major Appliance Repair Mechatronics Robotics Technical Drafting Welding Science, Technology, Engineering & Math (STEM) Engineering Technology Energy Industry Employability Skills Transportation, Distriubtion & Logistics Automotive Refinishing (ASE-AYES Co-brand) Automotive Service Technology (ASE-AYES) Aviation Maintenance (Secondary) Aviation Maintenance (Post-secondary) Collision Repair Technology (ASE-AYES Co-brand) Diesel Engines and Electronic Systems (ASE-AYES) Marine Service Technology Motorcycle Service Technology Power Equipment Technology Architectural Construction Architectural Drafting Cabinetmaking Carpentry Masonry Plumbing Electrical Construction Wiring (Residential Wiring) Arts, A/V Production and Communications 3D Visualization & Animation Advertising Design (PrintED Co-brand) Audio-Radio Production Digital File Preparation & Digital File Output (PrintED Co-brand) Graphic Communications (PrintED Co-brand) Offset Press Operations/Binding & Finishing (PrintED Co-brand) Photography Screen Printing (PrintED Co-brand) Television Video Production Employability Customer Service Employability Health Science Medical Assisting Nurse Assisting Practical Nursing Hospitality and Tourism Commercial Baking Culinary Arts Human Services Cosmetology Nail Care
Assessment Selection Units and Topics... Nail Care Blueprint Apply the knowledge and skills needed to perform safety and sanitation in a nail care situation Demonstrate knowledge of safe handling of nail care products Demonstrate knowledge of safe usage of implements and tools Demonstrate knowledge of sanitation and disinfection, how they are accomplished and how they differ. 16%
Work Force Ready System 11
Sample – Video “Drag & Drop” 12
Sample – Hot Spot 13
Multiple Choice with Graphic 14
How they can be used Focus is on the students Candidates prove skills and knowledge to instructors and employers Support instructional programs as –Pre-assessments –End-of-program evaluation –Prepare for industry certification (on-ramp) Instructors demonstrate the value of their programs
Instructor & Administrator Resources Instructor/Administrator Skill Connect™ Assessment Resources Free 10-question demonstration Blueprint of each assessment area –The blueprint describes the standards, competencies, and academic skills tied to each assessment. Resources for industry standard curriculum/study guides. Permitted aids/tools during testing. PDP Online and CSEP - SkillsUSA premier employability skills curriculum –Professional Development Program for high school students and Career Skills Education Program for college/postsecondary students. – 16
Skill Connect Certificates Competency areas from national industry standards Company logos
Robust Reporting Robust, real-time and dynamic reporting – reports available immediately after assessments submitted All reports can be printed AND exported to a CSV file (Excel readable) Course (school)-specific reports for teachers Aggregated reports for administrators available at an additional cost. 18
19 Shows final grades for students in a course, as compared to the course, school, state and national average. 19 Assessment Grades (course)
Certificates Issued 20 Shows teachers how many students in a school received certificates for an assessment vs. how many were ineligible. Also shows cut rate, # of users who took the test form and average score per form.
Competency Profile 21 Details student progress per competency, including the # of questions answered per competency and average score. Often known as a skills gap analysis.
What was liked best 22 What did you like best about the Skill Connect Assessments? *Based on 327 participants in a survey at NLSC
23 Students related “The Skill Connect Assessment is much easier than the assessment we’ve been using. I liked the colors, and it’s just a better assessment. Students related to it better than any other assessments they have taken. It was so nice to have the results in the same day! This seems like the way to go with assessments in the future.” –Dave Owens Barry Tech, NY
24 More accurate than written exam “It was better than taking a written exam. The interactivity made it a more accurate presentation to help me understand the questions and answers.” –Joshua, Student N. Kansas City School District, MO
Easy to administer and navigate 23 If you took the test, please rate your experience with the test based on the following criteria.
Pricing- $10 / $20 SkillsUSA Member Discount: $10 per assessment for the total number of SkillsUSA members in your school. $20 per assessment once your school has exceeded the membership price allotment. PrintED Students $10 per assessment for SkillsUSA/PrintED co-brand assessments. Non-SkillsUSA Members: $20 per assessment. Acceptable Payment types: Check, money order, purchase order or credit card. 26
Contact Us – Customer Support Contact us at: or Customer support hours: Mon - Fri, 8:30 a.m. - 5 p.m. Eastern time Peak test season (March- May): Mon - Fri, 8 a.m. - 5:30 p.m. Eastern time 27
Work Force Ready System Thank You For Participating! 28 Your SkillsUSA Team