Review each reading skill and strategy. Click on links to practice each skill and strategy Reading Test Review
Nonfiction 2 HOW DOES A HURRICANE FORM? When moist air is stirred up by heat over a warm ocean, a hurricane may form. Areas of low pressure are believed to suck air into the center of the low. This produces strong surface winds. The winds speed up and spiral upwards pulling in water vapor. The water vapor condenses and forms giant cumulonimbus clouds.
Text Features - Headings Why does the author include the heading in bold print?
Nonfiction 3 WHERE DOES A HURRICANE FORM? Hurricanes develop in tropical areas. They generally form between the latitudes of 5 degrees and 20 degrees, north and south of the equator. Theses areas provide the right conditions for hurricanes to develop. They have high temperatures and humidity. One example of an area where hurricanes are more likely to form is along the southeast coast of the United States
Paragraph 3 is important to the article because - It explains where hurricanes develop
Fact and Opinion Opinion Clue Words: I think I believe I feel Best Better Prettier Harder
Which sentence is an opinion? Types of Forests Forests grow all over the world. They are located on every continent. These forests are not all the same. What kind of forest grows in a particular area depends on the climate, the soil, and the altitude. There are three types of forests. They are boreal forests, temperate forests, and tropical forests. I think all of these types of forests are important to our World.
Summary Summary is like the main idea of the passage. Choose the summary with the important facts and details. Good readers check for B M E. read/summarizing/activity/1/1
Multiple Meaning Words and Dictionary Practice rces/multiplemean. anings_Set_10.swf multiple-meanings/activity/1/1
Multiple Meaning Word and Dictionary Practice Part (part) noun, verb 1. A portion of something 2. A piece of a machine 3. A character in a play 4. To give something up It made my sister feel sad to part with her stuffed animal. Which is the best definition of part?
Trickster Tales Trickster Tales: Clever Characters A character plays a trick -What was the trick? -How was the character tricked? Author’s Message Good Readers Think About…
Character Changes In tales, characters change because they were tricked or learned a lesson. What lesson did the character learn in the trickster tale? In the future, the character will most likely - Good Readers Think About…
Character Practice tersfeelingsl.cfm tersfeelingsl.cfm ster/question_tip_zoo.asp?src=tip223a.swf ster/question_tip_zoo.asp?src=tip223a.swf har.cfm har.cfm
Inferences Background Text Inference Knowledge Evidence Here are some question examples The reader can tell… The reader can conclude… One conclusion… The reader can predict… In the future, the character will most likely… Mosty likely
What lesson did the character learn? What will the character most likely do in the future? The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf Daily a shepherd boy watched a herd of sheep on a hillside. The boy found the days long and wished for someone to talk to. One day, he walked down the hill and cried, “Wolf! Wolf! Please help me!” A group of people came to help, only to find that he had tricked them. They went away angry. Sometime later, the boy cried “Wolf” a second time. The villagers, again, came to help him. Again, they went away angry. Soon after that a wolf did come and try to get his sheep. The boy again cried, “Wolf! Wolf! Help me!” No one came and the boy lost several of his sheep.
Inferences fm ionsp.cfm question_tip_zoo.asp?src=tip222a.swf read/strategies-better-reading/activity/1/1 _tutor/content/pop.html
Reader’s Theater Reader’s Theater is a play or drama. Reader’s Theater is made up of: Cast of characters Scenes Setting Actors’ Actions or expressions
Skippyjon Jones By Judy Schachner Characters: Narrator Mama Junebug Jones Skippyjon Jones
Reader’s Theater or Drama Scene One It is important to look for the scene so you know where to look for information.
Actors’ Actions or Expressions Mama: ( With an angry face) Get yourself down here right now Mr. Kitten Britches. The words in italics ( the leaning letters) tell the speaker how to act or a facial expression.
Figurative Language Ex. Similes I ran as fast a cheetah. Metaphors
Prefixes, Suffixes, and Roots Click link to review and practice: Which part of word is prefix? Which part is suffix? Which part is the root? sandaffixes4l.cfm /readingfun3- 6/readingfun_prefixessuffixesroots.htm
Biographies Biographies tell about a person’s life from childhood to adulthood. Biographies are written to describe an important person’s contributions and accomplishments. Read biographies on pebblego: