Scenario 3
Water use Energy supply (including hydropower development) Security implications
Water use and land use Multi purpose use of water More agricultural areas Protected areas reduced Prioritization for drinking water and irrigation Poor water infrastructure
Inefficient irrigation techniques
Ban on bottled water production and import Different prices for different users based on priorities No privatization in the water sector Subsidies for innovative systems that produce energy and/or water
Increased cooperation – lower risks for conflicts Bilateral and multilateral conventions Strategic planning at regional level SEA Tool for prioritization of water abstraction Public participation Education on efficient water use
Plan investment on regional level Money driven development Shared HPP (building & use) Decisions based on cost-effective analysis SHPP across the region in line with the social impact assessment Less TPP and more RES (solar and wind) Renovation of existing HPP capacities Use of biomass
Best affordable technology Effective use of existing technologies Regional industry for wind turbines
Regional markets Investments from life cycle perspective HPP not for export outside of the region Cooperation in trans-boundary water management Effective use of infrastructure Transparency on production/consumption information – regional information system Early warning system not operational Shared HPP – improved security Inventory of potential locations for big dams Focus on big reservoirs Big HPP for export within the region
Cooperation – increases general well-being Multipurpose use of reservoirs Innovation and exchange of know-how
HPP security supply Re-use of treated water from WWTP Brown-outs Other energy Inability to provide socially protected price Security of domestic supply Mutual assistance Diversification of sources
Water quality Decline as a result of brown-outs Mineralization of soil and high-level ground water due to HPP upstream Quantity Insufficient supply (due to scarcity of water) More costly to extract drinking water due to HPP downstream Biodiversity Loss or gain based on economic conditions
Food security Due to water scarcity and prioritization for drinking water Navigation security Jeopardized due to water scarcity and water use prioritization Transport and recreational tourism Extreme events Early warning system under establishment but not functioning well
Health security Inability to provide services due to brown-outs and low drinking water quality Conflicts Potential if no agreements between countries for prioritization of water use Water quality and quantity`