Diabetes and Hypertension
Diabetes Disease that prevents the body from producing and using insulin, which the body uses to process sugar and use it as energy Diabetes can lead failure of the heart, kidneys, nerves and eyes and can lead to high blood pressure, blindness, poor healing of wounds
Diabetes No cure, but can be controlled by carefully monitoring blood sugar and diet More healthy diet high in fiber and whole grains and a lower amount of high fat foods Less simple sugars (candy, cake, cookies, soda)
Hypertension High blood pressure Normal is between 90/50 and 120/80 Over 140/90 is considered high Blood forced against the artery walls can damage the body’s organs
Hypertension Can be treated through a low salt, low fat diet Exercise can bring pressure back down to normal Avoid drinking and smoking Based on age, race and family history as well
Activity Choose a recipe from a book and make a few changes to make the recipe healthier for a diabetic (sugar substitutes, low fat milk, egg whites instead of whole egg) Create a day’s menu (breakfast, lunch, dinner and a few snacks) for a person with hypertension – Remember to keep salt low, low fat and eat a variety of healthy foods