Parkinson's Disease Katherine Patetta March 6, 2013 Period 1
Common and Scientific Name Parkinson's is both the common and scientific name
Cause Loss of certain nerve cells in the brain which cause a decrease in the amount of dopamine chemical produced Inherited gene defects and/or environment The overall cause is still unknown Brain tumors, herbicide and pesticide exposure, stroke, trauma, antipsychotic drugs, carbon monoxide poisoning, oxidative damage, age, etc.
Target Population Older people (50 years and older) Males are more likely to develop disease Family members with PD Melanoma skin cancer Exposed to toxins
Where and How Dopamine attaches to receptors on the surface of cells in the corpus striatum (part of brain), which controls muscle action
Symptoms Symptoms normally begin slowly, then develop more overtime Shaking while at rest Poor balance Freezing during movement Difficulty walking Trouble performing usual tasks Trouble speaking Shaky and small handwriting Seborrhea (red rash and white scales on skin)
Prognosis PD isn’t a fatal illness but the progression of the symptoms leave the patient debilitated Rate varies among different patients
Treatment Currently no treatments to cure PD Studies were performed using gene therapy but more research is needed Medication is given to treat the symptoms Maintain general health Muscle-building/physical therapy Speech therapy Emotional support and encouragement
Celebrities Hitler was believed to have PD in his later years dolf-hitlers-parkinsons#adolf- hitlers-parkinsons dolf-hitlers-parkinsons#adolf- hitlers-parkinsons Muhammad Ali was diagnosed in 1984 and is currently unable to speak in public Michael J. Fox (actor) diagnosed at 30 years old
Organization and Medical Facilities National Parkinson’s Foundation Parkinson’s Disease Foundation Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research Parkinson’s Unity Walk- walk in NYC, all money goes to PD research
Bibliography Ford-Martin, P., Alic, M., & Cloos, R. (2009). Parkinson's Disease. In L. J. Fundukian (Ed.), The Gale Encyclopedia of Alternative Medicine (3rd ed., Vol. 3, pp ). Detroit: Gale. Retrieved from &u=cary81451&it=r&p=GPS&sw=w &u=cary81451&it=r&p=GPS&sw=w Carson-DeWitt, R. (n.d.). Parkinson's Disease: PD; Paralysis Agitans; Shaking Palsy. In Conditions & procedures inbrief. Retrieved from Consumer Health Complete database. (Accession No. HL11632). Retrieved from 9ed4- 2e559225dace%40sessionmgr111&hid=127&bdata=JkF1dGhUeXBlP WlwLGN1c3R1aWQmY3VzdGlkPXM4NDU1ODYxJnNpdGU9Y2hjLW xpdmU%3d#db=cmh&AN=HL ed4- 2e559225dace%40sessionmgr111&hid=127&bdata=JkF1dGhUeXBlP WlwLGN1c3R1aWQmY3VzdGlkPXM4NDU1ODYxJnNpdGU9Y2hjLW xpdmU%3d#db=cmh&AN=HL11632