Summing it all up THE UNIVERSITY OF BIRMINGHAM by Donald W Knight, Emeritus Professor, the University of Birmingham The Royal Society, 5 th September, 2011
What has been achieved? Inundation modelling – fluvial, coastal & urban Infrastructure behaviour and management in floods Impact of land use management on flood risk Uncertainty in our estimates and tools to deal with it Significant advances in understanding: Significant advances in practical applications: Integration, case studies via co-location workshops, improved software, new flood risk management tools, etc.
What next? ? We have done it all! Done and dusted! However, floods will still be a major problem, so research must be ongoing The danger of complacency
Courtesy, HRWallingford
What is left after the event? Annual reportsAcademic papers (250+)Books Data archivesWebsite Trained young professionals into flood risk management Knowledge base New collaborations The obvious: The equally important: International links & impact Contacts with stakeholders & politicians New funding for further work
And finally thanks to … The many individual researchers All team leaders The Super Work Package leaders The Strategic Advisory Board Management team & administrators All six funders Professors Ian Cluckie & Gareth Pender