Svetlana P. Kozlova “KP” Plant, LLC, Director general POLYMER CLUSTER OF SAINT-PETERSBURG CREATION OF PROTOTYPING CENTER International week 2010 March, 8
Elements of innovation infrastructure of St. Petersburg From the presentation of the Governor of St. Petersburg V.I.Matvienko
Net of scientific partners: National research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics National research University of information technologies, mechanics and optics Saint-Petersburg State university Saint-Petersburg State university Saint-Petersburg State polytechnic university Saint-Petersburg State polytechnic university Federal State unitary enterprise Central SRI of construction materials “PROMETEY” Federal State unitary enterprise Central SRI of construction materials “PROMETEY” The Southern-German Center SKZ (Wurzburg) The Southern-German Center SKZ (Wurzburg) Institution of the Russian Academy of Science “Physical and technical institute named after A.P. Ioffe RAS” Institution of the Russian Academy of Science “Physical and technical institute named after A.P. Ioffe RAS” CJSC “SPA “Nanoteh-Severo-Zapad” CJSC “SPA “Nanoteh-Severo-Zapad” Saint-Petersburg State University of communication lines Saint-Petersburg State University of communication lines Federal State unitary enterprise scientific industrial corporation State optic university named after S.I. Vavilov Federal State unitary enterprise scientific industrial corporation State optic university named after S.I. Vavilov Saint-Petersburg State technological university (Technical University) Saint-Petersburg State technological university (Technical University) Central scientific and technological institute named after A.N. Krylova – research center of naval architecture and naval techniques Central scientific and technological institute named after A.N. Krylova – research center of naval architecture and naval techniques Central scientific and technological institute of materials Central scientific and technological institute of materials OJSC “LENGIPROTRANS OJSC “LENGIPROTRANS Scientific industrial corporation “Mehanobr-techniques” Scientific industrial corporation “Mehanobr-techniques” CJSC “Transas Express” CJSC “Transas Express” Saint-Petersburg regional recourses Center Saint-Petersburg regional recourses Center OJSC “Scientific and technological institute of railway transport ” OJSC “Scientific and technological institute of railway transport ” OJSC “Scientific and technological and engineering institute of rolling equipment” OJSC “Scientific and technological and engineering institute of rolling equipment” LLC “Institute of polymers” (Russia-Germany) LLC “Institute of polymers” (Russia-Germany) LLC “Plastpolymer” LLC “Plastpolymer” LLC “PKTI transstroy” LLC “PKTI transstroy” RAS Institute of silicate chemistry named after I.V. Grebenshikova RAS Institute of silicate chemistry named after I.V. Grebenshikova Technical University of Munich (Germany) Technical University of Munich (Germany) National Academy of science of the Belarus Republic “Joint Institute of engineering” National Academy of science of the Belarus Republic “Joint Institute of engineering”
On Novemder 2007 opening of Engineering Polymer Center took place. The Center is a joint project of OJSC “RZD”, SPbSU, LLC “Institute of polymers”, SKZ GmbH (Wurzburg, Germany) The Russian-Germany “Institute of polymers” created within the program “Transform” realizes R&D on issues underlined by OJSC “RZD” along with Saint-Petersburg State University and the leading institutes of the city: Sientific researches on technical requirments and standarts validation production – 5 works; Items stend and actual testing – 5 works; R&Ds with final pilot run production – 8 works; As the result 14 patents were received
Package for isolating rail clinch type R65 Rail joint plow cleaner for ballast cleaner Supporting roller of conveyer belts for ballast cleaner Rubber-metal items: base plate of diesel, salient-block, base plate Elements of noise and vibro safe Technical items tailor made for OJSC “RZD” and SUE “Metropolitan”
Central Scientific and technological university named after A.N. Krulova – technical center for naval architecture and naval techniques Companies of Polymer cluster participating in experimental area creation for polymer items and the other polymer items within the Federal target program “Military-industrial complex development of the Russian Federation till 2015” production that can be applied to hydraulic system, element for air purification, anti-frizzing systems and coverings Within the Program realization technologies of Bortnik Found were also applied Technical items tailor made for CSTI named after A.N. Krylova
Key parners: SPbSU ITMOSPbSU ITMO Engineering and metal processing Cluster Engineering and metal processing Cluster Optoelectronics ClusterOptoelectronics Cluster Polymer ClusterPolymer Cluster *Innovation project “Creation of the Prototyping Center of items from composite materials and coatings application” won in the competition for the grant of the Government of St. Petersburg as the best innovation project-2010 for the Protocyping Center of St. Petersburg creation International cooperation net and Center of prototyping creation
Photodiode items produced by Polymer cluster and CJSC “Svetlana- Optoelectronica” within the international cooperation net
SPbSU and NP “Saint-Petersburg Association of enterprises for radio-electronics, instrumentation, communications and infotelecommunications” Agreement of small and medium enterprises working in the field of medicine, instrumentation and biotechnologies “AsEcomedica”, innovation cluster of Saint-Petersburg of optoelectronics about Center of Prototyping creation (November, 2009) Center of Prototyping Creation
Order of the Prototyping center creation (November 2009) Partners of the Center: FSUE “”CSTI named after A. N. Krylova LLC “Institute of polymers” CJSC “Svetlana-Optoelectronica” LLC “Engineering polymer Center” CJSC “Nevametallposuda” LLC ‘”TC Pribor “ LLC “SPC PILOT” LLC “Chudo-Yarmarka” LLC “BIC” LLC “Instrumental technologies” LLC “Glosis-Service” LLC “SBM-Universal” Center of prototyping creation
Role of Prototyping Center
Present and future clients of the Center: Work of the Prototyping Center is oriented to requirements: - Small and medium innovation companies of Saint-Petersburg and North- West Federal district; - Enterprises of clusters and associations Center of prototyping creation
· Methods of designing and production business processes re-engineering in the sphere of instrumentation and engineering production · Technologies of designing and production of high-tech products · Methods and tools of 3D items, technological and industrial processes modeling · Information technologies in provision of expanded and virtual enterprises · Virtual modeling of technological processes of part cutting and postprocessors elaboration for CNC machines · Engineering analysis and virtual modeling of generation of geometry technological processes · Automatically designing and production of complicated generation of geometry jig and instrument · Engineering 3D-design in CAD systems of “Hi-End” level etc. Technologies of the Center
Center of prototyping creation Forecasting period Demand for, RUR SPb and the RF budget, RUR Equity capital, RUR Payback period 6,6 years Discounting0,1966 Discounting for budget 0,1966 Net present value (NPV), RUR NPV for budget Basic indexes of the project
№ Description of costs Cost rate inclusive of VAT, RUR 1 Lathe processing center GT-200МА Processing center NSV66A MILLUTENSIL-TUSHIR-MOLDER BV 26Е with electric Electro erosive molder JM-430 NZ ZNC Vertical milling machine with DRU ВМ127М Belt sawing machine PMS270/350SAD Automatic molding machine Battenfeld D-printer Objet Eden 350v Equipment for silicone molding Staff development courses along with SPbSU ITMO Universal molding center Staff development courses along with HES SPbGUEF Complex of technological processes equipment Buildings rent TOTAL: Center of prototyping creation
Staff assistance: Today staff assistance, staff development and internship organization for the project is based on cooperation with: Employment center of Vyborgskiy district of Saint-Petersburg, Saint-Petersburg Regional Recourses Center (along with HES SPbSUEF, SPbSU ITMO, SPbSU). staff development programs The project team is participating in the international staff development programs : School of Business Engineering and Entrepreneurship, Saxion University of Applied Sciences, the Netherlands, University of Orebru, Sweden, Babson College, the USA (participation in educational program SC “RUSNANO” “Mobilizing of additional financing of venture capital investments in Hi-Tech projects”). Center of prototyping creation
THANK YOU! Svetlana P. Kozlova “KP” Plant, Director general