WHAT IS WFA? Contract negotiations resulted in workforce adjustment provisions : “Appendix D” of PA collective agreement It is a complex document but with an overview, WFA becomes easier to understand.
WHAT IS WFA? A situation that occurs when a deputy head decides that the services of one or more indeterminate employees will not be required beyond a specific date due to: Lack of work Discontinuance of a function Jobs to be relocated The closure of a an office or work location Work / function transferred to another level or institution of the government or private sector
WFA OBJECTIVES Minimize job loss Employees have every “reasonable opportunity” to continue their careers in the public service Redeployment and retraining Ensure employees are treated equitably Ensure employees can make informed decisions Ensure members are as skilled as possible by exploring retraining opportunities
EMPLOYER OBLIGATIONS Ensure workplace changes are done with as little job loss as possible Surplus employees have alternative employment opportunities provided to them, if possible, without having to move their residence Training opportunities are offered to enhance employees’ skills Bargaining unit work that is being done by contractors, temp agencies and consultants is reviewed and terminated first Job opportunities both within the department or agency and across the government as a whole are proactively identified The employer is also responsible for making sure that you are treated equitably and are well informed of the process and your options
YOUR OBLIGATIONS Seriously consider all the opportunities provided Make sure that you respond within the specified deadlines Make sure that both the union and your department or organization have all the necessary information required to assist you Actively seek alternate employment and seriously consider all job offers Ensure you can be easily contacted
WFA COMMITTEES Proactive planning and consultation Discuss how WFA will be applied Effectively, equitably, and consistently Ensure flow of information between Regions and NHQ Discuss training opportunities and support services for employees
HOW DOES IT WORK-RELOCATION All members whose position relocated will receive an affected letter if the move is more than 40 km’s. choice between relocation or WFA (6 months for decision) Relocation expenses reimbursed as employer-requested relocation Travel / Relocation Directives; Choose not to relocate – subject to WFA
HOW DOES IT WORK? “Affected” status means that members may be workforce adjusted or surplus. If employer needs some workers to remain, the employer must select them through a merit exercise: Selection of Employees for Retention or Lay-Off (“SERLO”).
HOW DOES IT WORK? TWO SITUATIONS; Guarantee of a Reasonable Job Offer (“GRJO”) Opting Employee - No Guarantee of a Reasonable Job Offer
HOW DOES IT WORK? GUARANTEE OF REASONABLE JOB OFFER Become “Surplus Priority” and await a RJO Accepted Rejected *Potential Layoff NO GUARANTEE OF REASONABLE JOB OFFER “Opting employee” with three choices: Priority status TSM Education allowance
HOW DOES IT WORK? - GRJO Reasonable Job Offer (“RJO”) “an offer of indeterminate employment within the Core Public Administration, normally at an equivalent level, but which could include lower levels. Surplus employees must be both trainable and mobile. Where practicable, a reasonable job offer shall be within the employee’s headquarters as defined in the Travel Directive.”
HOW DOES IT WORK? - GRJO Member placed in “Surplus Priority” and remains employed until employer fulfills guarantee. Must be willing to be trained and must be mobile. If RJO is refused, member laid off one month after refusal, but not until six months after declared surplus. “Lay-off Priority” for up to 12 months.
HOW DOES IT WORK? – NO GRJO (OPTING EMPLOYEE) “Opting employee” must select one of three options within 120 days: You cannot change your option once selection has been made in writing If you do not make a selection, you will default to Surplus Priority (Option 1) Surplus status (Option 1) Transition Support Measure (TSM) Education Allowance
NO GRJO (OPTING EMPLOYEE) Surplus Status Paid Surplus Priority status for 12 months with PSC Employer obliged to try and find member a job (RJO) If no equivalent job within that period, member laid off (with Layoff Priority for 1 year) Transition Support Measure Receive a cash payment based on your years of service as specified in Annex B of the WFA Appendix Must resign without priority rights Severance as if lay-off Pension waiver for employees years of age and 10 or more years of service
NO GRJO (OPTING EMPLOYEE) Education Allowance Receive TSM payment as well as up to $10,000 reimbursement of receipted educational expenses May resign immediately or go on LWOP for 2 years (allowing access to (self funded) benefits while attending school) Alternate Positions “Alternate” positions with non-affected indeterminate member who wants to leave public service Alternation must result in permanent elimination of the position Employer must approve Both positions must be at the same level or equivalent Employees must have to exchange positions on the same day
PRIORITY SYSTEM Surplus: Surplus employees are indeterminate employees who have been informed that their services are no longer required, but who have not yet been laid off. Persons in Surplus Priority are eligible to be appointed ahead of all others (with certain restrictions) to positions for which they meet the essential qualifications. Lay-off: Where the services of an employee are no longer required, at the end of a Surplus Priority period where no GRJO has been found, or where an GRJO has been declined. Persons in Lay-off Priority are entitled to be appointed ahead of others (with certain restrictions) to positions for which they meet the essential qualifications.
CONCLUSION It’s not perfect, but it provides significant job protection, priority rights, and some security.