Unit 2: Early Childhood Education Students will analyze human growth and development and demonstrate the integration of knowledge, skills, and practices of the caregiver- educator roles.
Unit 2: Early Childhood Education a) List roles and responsibilities of parents and caregivers b) Identify community resources that benefit children c) List toys, books, games, and software of interest to children. d) Discuss safety and proper use of toys e) Compare different forms of management used with children in different situations.
Decisions, Decisions, Decisions! Compromise, Compromise, Compromise! The Decision to Have Children
Parenting is the process of caring for children and guiding their growth and development
Why do people have children? Some people feel pressure from family or friends Some people are in committed relationships and want to share their love and time with a child
Are you ready? Do we want children? Are we mature enough to have a child? Have we completed our education? Is our relationship mature and stable? Are we willing to make long-term sacrifices? Do we have a good understanding of how children grow and develop? Do we have enough money to support a family? Are we willing to meet the physical and emotional needs of a child?
Changes That Occur…. Lifestyle changes Financial changes Career changes
Lifestyle Changes Once you have a child you cannot just walk away. Newborn must be fed every few hours, every day Children also need to have diapers changed, be bathed, have interaction, play, help with homework, driven to doctor, driven to activities, etc.
Financial Changes CHILDREN COST A LOT OF MONEY! Provide children with food, clothing, shelter, and health care. Pay for camps, sports activities, toys, after-school activity, daycare etc. Cost of raising a child is 2.5 to 3 times the family yearly income at the time the child is born.
Career Changes May have to reduce hours at work, not take a promotion, work from home, do less traveling with work, find a lower paying job that allows you more time off, or one parent stay home all together. Career plans may have to be put on hold until child is old enough for school.
Type of Family Nuclear FamilySingle Parent Family Blended Family Description Examples Mother, father and one or more children born to them One parent raising one or more children alone Two people marry and at least one already had children
Type of Family Extended Family Adoptive Family Foster Family Description Examples Another relative, such as a grandparent or aunt, lives with the family Parent legally adopt a child not born to them Includes a child not related to the family but cared for by them as a family member
Needs and Guidance of Children
Large Motor Skills Jumping Running Climbing Throwing
Small Motor Skills Dressing Drawing and Coloring Toys
Emotional Needs Affection Children need love
Mental Needs Pronouns are difficult May use incorrect grammar “Why?” Books
Developmental Stages Young Infants: 6 months or younger Support their heads Sleep a lot Communicate by cooing, laughing, crying
Older Infants: 6-12 months Start to eat solid foods and drink from a cup Put things in mouth Enjoys music, picture books, and simple games (peek a boo)
Young Toddlers: months Eat table foods, may use spoon Walk, climb, run, roll a ball, hold crayon to scribble Curious and explore-need monitoring
Older Toddlers: months Run, jump, walk on tiptoes, pedal bike Count
Preschoolers: 3-5 years old Cut paper, draw shapes Alphabet Count
School-Age: 5+ years Start school Ride bike Understand right and wrong Problem solving
Summary Be aware of the physical, metal and emotional needs of the children you are caring for. Guidance is necessary if you wish to have things run smoothly and accomplish the tasks you would like to accomplish. Guidance must be done with love.
Books for Children Reading is Fun! Preschoolers The Very Hungry Caterpillar Good night Moon Corduroy I’ll Love You Forever Ages 4-8 The Polar Express The Cat in the Hat The Velveteen Rabbit The Little Engine that Could What are your favorite books? Who are your favorite authors?
Creativity Is A Must!
Child’s Play Child’s natural way of learning Provide toys that are safe and fun Stimulate a child’s imagination Promotes exercise and coordination
Child’s Play Make-believe play Creative materials Not creating a real image
Types of Child’s Play Imaginary Worlds Dress-Up Being You Dolls and Stuffed Toys Drawing and Painting
Age Appropriate Toys Infants Stuffed Animals No small or loose parts Soft washable and colorful books Musical Colorful mobiles
Toy Safety Before giving a child a toy, make sure it is: clean unbreakable free or sharp edges too large to swallow Age appropriate
Safety in the Home Childproof home-removing possible hazards Remove hazardous objects and furniture and protect sharp corners from crawling infants Put gates at stairways and teach toddlers and preschoolers to hold onto handrail when climbing stairs Keep doors and windows locked at all times Keep chemicals and matches away from children Constantly supervise children-accidents can happen in the blink of an eye
Outdoor Safety Wear protective gear when riding bikes Don’t play in streets or cross street without an adult Choose playgrounds with soft surfaces beneath equipment Children should ALWAYS be supervised when outside
Accidents and Emergencies 1. Remain calm- focus on actions you need to take 2. Assess the situation- Is it minor or major? Can you handle it on your own? 3. Call for assistance- call 911 then call the parent 4. Give the minimum necessary first aid treatment- only treat injuries you know how 5. Get away from house if fire
Signs of Poisoning Coughing Stomach pain Dizziness Rashes or burns Vomiting Unconsciousness Swelling in the mouth or esophagus
6 What is Play Dough? FCS6-ECE1 STEP 1: WRITE THE NUMBER 6 IN THE UPPER RIGHT CORNER STEP 2: IN THE UPPER LEFT CORNER WRITE THE STANDARD FCS6-ECE1 STEP 3: ON THE TOP LINE WRITE THE ESSENTIAL QUESTION What is Play Dough? STEP 4: COPY PLAY DOUGH RECIPE. Kool-aid Play Dough Recipe Ingredients: 1 /2 Cup Flour 1 /4 Cup Salt 1 /8 Cup Water 2 teaspoons Oil 1 Package of Kool-aid 1.Mix together flour, salt, and Kool-aid 2.Add the water and oil and mix well 3.Knead the mixture until it forms a soft dough 4.Have fun! 5.Store in a sealed container in the refrigerator