By: Jim Dewulf
Eating First, the human eats food, transferring the CE into the persons body.
Moving your arm makes you transform the CE into KE.
Bow Pulling back the bow transfers your KE into the bow and transforms your KE into EPE.
Arrow The bow transfers the EPE energy into the arrow, causing the energy to be changed into ME. The arrow loses some of its energy through friction with the air, causing the ME to be transformed into Thermal energy, and transferred into the air. the arrow also transforms energy through sound energy, also by friction, and also transferred into the air.
Target as the arrow hits the target, it makes a sound, Whack! The energy of the arrow is transferred into the target, while some of the energy is still in, the arrow is in the air, having GPE. And when the arrow falls, the GPE is transformed into KE.
Bibliography room/reaching-the-community-the-new-the-young-the- unchurched/attachment/arrow-flying-through-air/ room/reaching-the-community-the-new-the-young-the- unchurched/attachment/arrow-flying-through-air/ eating-a-sandwich-sto eating-a-sandwich-sto arm.html arm.html