slavery, servitude bondage
frightful, dreadful ghastly
surplus, exceeding what is sufficient superfluous
dogged, persistent tenacious
Poverty- stricken, destitute impoverished
caustic, bitterly sarcastic sardonic
chop, to shape or cut down with an ax hew
easy to understand, clear lucid
hinder, impede, inhibit hamper
make amends for atone
assiduous, hardworking diligent
ridicule, deride taunt
proper, formal, overly neat prim
complex intricate
postmortem, occurring after death posthumous
conform, to hold to hew
replace, supersede supplant
ceaseless, constant, uninterrupted incessant
plausible, believable credible
assiduous, hardworking diligent
bear the cost, foot the bill defray
melancholy, sorrowful, sad doleful
slavery, servitude bondage
frightful, dreadful ghastly
surplus, exceeding what is sufficient superfluous
dogged, persistent tenacious
melancholy, sorrowful, sad doleful
caustic, bitterly sarcastic sardonic
chop, to shape or cut down with an ax hew
easy to understand, clear lucid
Poverty- stricken, destitute impoverished
make amends for atone
ridicule, deride taunt
proper, formal, overly neat prim
complex intricate
bear the cost, foot the bill defray
postmortem, occurring after death posthumous
conform, to hold to hew
replace, supersede supplant
ceaseless, constant, uninterrupted incessant
hinder, impede, inhibit hamper
plausible, believable credible
slavery, servitude bondage
frightful, dreadful ghastly
surplus, exceeding what is sufficient superfluous
dogged, persistent tenacious
Poverty- stricken, destitute impoverished
caustic, bitterly sarcastic sardonic
chop, to shape or cut down with an ax hew
easy to understand, clear lucid
hinder, impede, inhibit hamper
make amends for atone
assiduous, hardworking diligent
ridicule, deride taunt
proper, formal, overly neat prim
complex intricate
postmortem, occurring after death posthumous
conform, to hold to hew
replace, supersede supplant
ceaseless, constant, uninterrupted incessant
plausible, believable credible
assiduous, hardworking diligent
bear the cost, foot the bill defray
melancholy, sorrowful, sad doleful
slavery, servitude bondage
frightful, dreadful ghastly
surplus, exceeding what is sufficient superfluous
dogged, persistent tenacious
melancholy, sorrowful, sad doleful
caustic, bitterly sarcastic sardonic
chop, to shape or cut down with an ax hew
easy to understand, clear lucid
Poverty- stricken, destitute impoverished
make amends for atone
ridicule, deride taunt
proper, formal, overly neat prim
complex intricate
bear the cost, foot the bill defray
postmortem, occurring after death posthumous
conform, to hold to hew
replace, supersede supplant
ceaseless, constant, uninterrupted incessant
hinder, impede, inhibit hamper
plausible, believable credible