Topic #8 - EMPLOYMENT/CAREER FOCUS Key Evidence: Provided by Offices of Institutional Research and Outcomes Assessment Friday, April 16, 2010
Student Engagement Data Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE) relevant to Careers/Employment
In your experiences at this college during the current school year, about how often have you done each of the following? (1=Never, 2=Sometimes, 3=Often, 4=Very often) StatementAC MeanLarge Colleges Mean Talked about career plans with an instructor or advisor2.11 [N=752] 1.99 [N=90,494] 3 How much has your experience at this college contributed to your knowledge, skills, and personal development in the following areas? (1=Very little, 2=Some, 3=Quite a bit, 4=Very much ) StatementAC MeanLarge Colleges Mean Acquiring job or work-related knowledge and skills *Indicates statistical significance 2.79 [N=753] 2.49* [N=89,471]
Indicate HOW OFTEN you use the following services? (Responses 0-N/A, 1-Not at all, 2-Somewhat, 3-Very) StatementAmarillo College MeanLarge Colleges Mean Career Counseling1.53 (N=666)1.43 (N=71,253) Job Placement Assistance1.19 (N=475)1.23 (N=52,467) Indicate HOW SATISFIED you are with the following services? (Responses 0-N/A, 1-Not at all, 2-Somewhat, 3-Very) Career Counseling2.26 (N=508)2.04 (N=51,036) Job Placement Assistance1.95 (N=285)1.80 (N=31, 524) Indicate HOW SATISFIED you are with the following services? (Responses 0-N/A, 1-Not at all, 2-Somewhat, 3-Very) Career Counseling2.41 (N=735)2.30(N=84,910) Job Placement Assistance 2.07 (N=726)2.03 (N=83,762
Employment Data Perkins Indicators regarding Employment: Perkins Core Indicator 1P1: Technical Skill Attainment Student attainment of challenging career and technical skill proficiencies, including student achievement on technical assessment, that are aligned with industry-recognized standards, if available and appropriate. Numerator: Number of CTE concentrators who passed technical skill assessments that are aligned with industry-recognized standards, if available and appropriate, during the reporting year. Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who took technical skill assessments during the reporting year. State Standard: 82.65% District Standard: State standard unless otherwise negotiated. Source: THECB Perkins Data (Note: Only employment data available is for CTE programs.)
Employment Data Perkins Indicators regarding Employment: Perkins Core Indicator 4P1: Student Placement Student placement in military service or apprenticeship programs or placement or retention in employment, including placement in high skill, high wage or high demand occupations or professions. Numerator: Number of CTE concentrators who were placed or retained in employment, or placed in military service or apprenticeship programs in the 2nd quarter following the program year in which they left postsecondary education (i.e., unduplicated placement status for CTE concentrators who graduated by June 30, 2007 would be assessed between October 1, 2007 and December 31, 2007). Denominator: Number of CTE concentrators who left postsecondary education during the reporting year. State Standard: 73.80% District Standard: State standard unless otherwise negotiated. Source: THECB Perkins Data (Note: Only employment data available is for CTE programs.)
Employment Data – AC Percent of Graduates from Preceding Fiscal Year Who Were Employed or Enrolled in Four-year Institution the Following Fall In-State Peers FY %85.4% Employed 59.5% 48.1% Enrolled 7.4% 9.8% Both Empl. 23.3% 27.5% & Enrolled Source: THECB Online Resume for Prospective Students, Parents and Public
Employment Data - AC
Employment Data by Discipline Source: THECB Perkins Data (Note: Only employment data available is for CTE programs.) Summary of Tables in Following Slides: Titles are by Division and Department 3 years of trend line employment Employed = # of graduates/completers of the program that are employed in the field Completers = # of graduates/completers with opportunity for employment in the field % = Percentage of graduates/completers employed in the field data
Allied Health Division Allied Health Division Employe d Complete rs%Employed Complete rs%Employed Complete rs% AH - Dental Hygiene Dental Support Services and Allied Professions % % % 3-Year Average % % % AH - Medical Data Specialist Health and Medical Administrative Services % % % 3-Year Average % % % AH - Occupational Therapy Occupational Therapist Assistant % %99 3-Year Average % % % AH - Pharmacy Tech Pharmacy Technician/Assistant % % 3-Year Average % % % AH - Physical Therapist Assistant Physical Therapist Assistant % % % 3-Year Average % % % AH - Emergency Medical Services Emergency Medical Technology/Technician (EMT Para) % %66 3-Year Average % % %
Allied Health Division Allied Health DivisionEmployedCompleters%Employed Completer s% Employ ed Completer s% AH - Nuclear Medicine Technology Nuclear Medical Technology/Technologist % % % 3-Year Average % % % AH - Radiation Therapy Tech Medical Radiologic Tech/Science - Radiation Ther % % % 3-Year Average % % % AH - Respiratory Care Respiratory Care Therapy % %99 3-Year Average % % % AH - Surgical Technology Surgical Technology/Technologist % % % 3-Year Average % % % AH - Radiography Technology Radiologic Tech/Science - Radiographer % % % 3-Year Average % % % AH - Medical Lab Technology Clinical/Medical Laboratory Technician % % 3-Year Average % % %
Behavioral Studies Division Behavioral Studies Division Employe d Complet ers% Employe d Complet ers% Employe d Complet ers% BEHS - Child Development Human Development, Family Studies, and Related Serv % % % 3-Year Average % % % BEHS - Substance Abuse Counseling Mental and Social Health Services and Allied Professions % % % 3-Year Average % % %
Business Division Business Division Employe d Complet ers% Employe d Complet ers% Employe d Complete rs% BUS - Computer Information Systems Computer Programming % % % 3-Year Average % % % BUS - Computer Information Systems TDCJ Data Processing % % % 3-Year Average % % % BUS - Paralegal Legal Support Services % % % 3-Year Average % % % BUS - Business Admin, Management, Travel/Tourism Business Administration, Management and Operations % % % 3-Year Average % % % BUS - Accounting Accounting and Related Services % % % 3-Year Average % % % BUS - Office Administration Business Operations Support and Assistant Services % % % 3-Year Average % % % BUS - Real Estate Real Estate % % % 3-Year Average % % %
Criminal Justice Division Criminal Justice Division Employ ed Comple ters% Employ ed Comple ters% Employ ed Comple ters% CJ - Criminal Justice Criminal Justice & Corrections %00 3-Year Average %11 11 CJ - Criminal Justice Criminal Justice/Police Science % % % 3-Year Average % % %
Industrial and Transportation Technology Division Employe d Compl eters% Employe d Complet ers% Employe d Complete rs% ITT - Environmental Health Technology Quality Control and Safety Technologies/Technicians % %23 3-Year Average % % % ITT - Industrial Maintenance Technology Environmental Control Technologies/Technicians % 3-Year Average % ITT - Fire Protection Technology Fire Protection %22 3-Year Average %33 44 ITT - Fire Protection Technology Fire Science/Firefighting % % % 3-Year Average % % % ITT - Auto Body Technology Vehicle Maintenance and Repair Technologies % % % 3-Year Average % % %
Industrial and Transportation Technology Division Employe d Completer s%Employed Completer s%EmployedCompleters% ITT - Auto Body Technology Autobody/Collision and Repair Technology/Technician % % % 3-Year Average % % % ITT - Automotive Technology Automobile/Automotive Mechanics Technology/Tech % % % 3-Year Average % % % ITT - Diesel Engine Mechanics Diesel Mechanics Technology/Technician % % % 3-Year Average % % % ITT - Machining Technology Welding Technology/Welder % % % 3-Year Average % % %
Language, Communication, and Fine Arts Division Language, Communication, and Fine Arts Division Employe d Complet ers% Employe d Complet ers% Employe d Complet ers% LCFA - Radio/Television and Journalism Audiovisual Communications Technologies/Technicians % % % 3-Year Average % % % LCFA - Drafting Drafting/Design Engineering Technologies/Technicians % % % 3-Year Average % % % LCFA - Interior/Graphic Design Design and Applied Arts % % % 3-Year Average % % % LCFA - Interior/Graphic Design Interior Design % %44 3-Year Average % % %
Nursing Division Nursing Division Employ ed Comple ters% Employ ed Comple ters% Employ ed Comple ters% NURS - Nursing (ADN) Nursing % % % 3-Year Average % % % NURS - Nursing (LVN) Licensed Practical /Vocational Nurse Training (LPN,LVN,Ct) % % % 3-Year Average % % %
Science and Engineering Division Science and Engineering Division Employ ed Comple ters% Employ ed Comple ters% Employ ed Comple ters% SE - Mortuary Science Funeral Service and Mortuary Science % % % 3-Year Average % % % SE - Electronic Systems Technology Electrical and Electronic Engineering Technologies/Tech % % % 3-Year Average % % % SE - Instrumentation Technology Electromechanical and Instrumentation and Maint Tech % % % 3-Year Average % % %
Questions Delton Moore Director of Institutional Research Kara Larkan-Skinner Director of Outcomes Assessments Copyright 2009 Copyright Amarillo College 2009