Oceans Day December, 14 th, 2009 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Copenhagen, Denmark Mr. Robert CALCAGNO Chief Executive Officer.


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Presentation transcript:

Oceans Day December, 14 th, 2009 United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Copenhagen, Denmark Mr. Robert CALCAGNO Chief Executive Officer Institut océanographique, Fondation Albert I er, Prince de Monaco Institut océanographique 195, rue Saint-Jacques PARIS Tel Musée océanographique Avenue Saint-Martin MC MONACO Tel

MONACO CARES ABOUT THE OCEANS Monaco is traditionally and naturally involved in the fields of oceanography and climate change. Monaco is traditionally and naturally involved in the fields of oceanography and climate change. The sea plays a major role in Monaco’s livelihood. The maritime territory is 36 times greater than on land and that boasts, on slightly less than 3km of coastline, two protected areas, including 30 hectares in the Réserve Marine du Larvotto. The sea plays a major role in Monaco’s livelihood. The maritime territory is 36 times greater than on land and that boasts, on slightly less than 3km of coastline, two protected areas, including 30 hectares in the Réserve Marine du Larvotto. Monaco’s long history of interest in the ocean and oceanography (work of Prince Albert I st ). Monaco’s long history of interest in the ocean and oceanography (work of Prince Albert I st ). Under the impulse of HSH Prince Albert II, the Principality of Monaco is playing an active role in the understanding and the protection of the natural and marine environment. In particular, Monaco wishes to promote interaction among scientists, corporations, civil society and policy makers. Under the impulse of HSH Prince Albert II, the Principality of Monaco is playing an active role in the understanding and the protection of the natural and marine environment. In particular, Monaco wishes to promote interaction among scientists, corporations, civil society and policy makers.

OCEAN ACIDIFICATION 2 nd Symposium in a High CO 2 World - Monaco – 6-9 October, 2008 Organisation at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco of the 2 nd Symposium in a High CO 2 World MC – 6-9 October, 2008, the most important event dedicated to ocean acidification, the phenomenon known as “the other CO 2 problem”, gathering 250 scientists from 32 countries. Organisation at the Oceanographic Museum of Monaco of the 2 nd Symposium in a High CO 2 World MC – 6-9 October, 2008, the most important event dedicated to ocean acidification, the phenomenon known as “the other CO 2 problem”, gathering 250 scientists from 32 countries. This symposium gathered: U.S. National Science Foundation, Fondation Prince Albert II, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, International Atomic Energy Agency, International Geosphere-Biosphere Program, Monaco Oceanographic Museum, The Scientific Centre of Monaco, Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. This symposium gathered: U.S. National Science Foundation, Fondation Prince Albert II, Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, International Atomic Energy Agency, International Geosphere-Biosphere Program, Monaco Oceanographic Museum, The Scientific Centre of Monaco, Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research, International Council for the Exploration of the Sea. At the closure of this symposium 155 recognised scientists representing 26 countries signed the Monaco Declaration as an “Alarm Message”. At the closure of this symposium 155 recognised scientists representing 26 countries signed the Monaco Declaration as an “Alarm Message”.

OCEAN ACIDIFICATION Monaco Declaration Scientists urge policy makers to launch four types of initiatives: Scientists urge policy makers to launch four types of initiatives: – Help improve understanding of impacts of ocean acidification by promoting research in this field, which is still in its infancy. – Help build links between economists and scientists that are needed to evaluate the socioeconomic extent of impacts and costs for action versus inaction. – Help improve communication between policy makers and scientists so that new policies are based on current findings and scientific studies can be widened to include the most policy-relevant questions. – Prevent severe damages from ocean acidification by developing ambitious, urgent plans to cut emissions drastically.

MONACO BLUE INITIATIVE - MBI At the request of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, and at the occasion of the 100 th anniversary of the Monaco Oceanographic Museum, the Oceanographic Institute, in close partnership with Fondation Prince Albert II, will launch on 31 st March and 1 st April 2010 the Monaco Blue Initiative. At the request of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, and at the occasion of the 100 th anniversary of the Monaco Oceanographic Museum, the Oceanographic Institute, in close partnership with Fondation Prince Albert II, will launch on 31 st March and 1 st April 2010 the Monaco Blue Initiative. The Monaco Blue Initiative encompasses the entire marine milieu and represents an exceptional opportunity to highlight the importance and the value of the ocean toward a global sustainable policy. The Monaco Blue Initiative encompasses the entire marine milieu and represents an exceptional opportunity to highlight the importance and the value of the ocean toward a global sustainable policy. 1 st April 2010, the Monaco Blue Initiative will achieve greater efficiency as an action club of 30 of the most influential key representatives from government, industry, science, NGO’s and civil society. 1 st April 2010, the Monaco Blue Initiative will achieve greater efficiency as an action club of 30 of the most influential key representatives from government, industry, science, NGO’s and civil society. Associating a think tank mode with initiatives in order to: Protect and have a better knowledge of the seas and oceans. Associating a think tank mode with initiatives in order to: Protect and have a better knowledge of the seas and oceans.

MONACO BLUE INITIATIVE - MBI A global theme: A global theme: Man and the Oceans, a fragile balance: A global session will address the issue of the marine biodiversity's protection emphasizing the need for a strong political commitment. With two specific issues: With two specific issues: - The deep-sea: A new biodiversity that needs to be protected. - Great species: the marine ecosystems keystone. - Great species: the marine ecosystems keystone.

MONACO BLUE INITIATIVE - MBI The deep-sea: A new biodiversity that needs to be protected 100 years ago, Prince Albert I st of Monaco demonstrated through his numerous exploration that the deep sea which was wrongly nominated azooic zone at that time was full of life. 100 years ago, Prince Albert I st of Monaco demonstrated through his numerous exploration that the deep sea which was wrongly nominated azooic zone at that time was full of life. Event today, we know more about the moon than about the ocean depths Event today, we know more about the moon than about the ocean depths Today with new exploration techniques, we realize that: Today with new exploration techniques, we realize that: - These ecosystems are home to a considerable biodiversity. -The mineral and biological resources in the ocean depths offer a potential wealth -Hypersensitive deep-sea species and ecosystems are extremely vulnerable.

MONACO BLUE INITIATIVE - MBI Great species, the marine ecosystem keystone They are particularly vulnerable: They are particularly vulnerable: - This is the case of large sharks and marine mammals. - Thanks to the commitment of HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco for its protection, Bluefin Tuna (Thunnus thynnus), a victim of the growing popularity of sushi and sashimi has become emblematic of these top-level marine predators that have become human prey. They play a crucial role in the ecosystems They need global mobilization for new measures

SEE YOU ON 1 ST APRIL 2010 For the Monaco Blue Initiative in Monaco in Monacoorhttp//: