1 Benefits effective 2/1/2006
2 Lifetime maximum of up to $5 million RX Card Wide choice of plans Family Flex ® – Each family member can apply for a different plan on the same application Preventive Care Out-of-Pocket Maximums provide protection against catastrophic expenses MedCall ® 24-hour nurse hotline HealthyExtensions SM – Discounts on services and products your clients want and need No claim forms with network providers UniCare’s Individual FIT Plans Offer
3 Individual Plan Choices UniCare FIT Health Plans choice of deductibles: - $ 500- $ 2,000 - $ 1,000- $ 3,000 - $ 1,500- $ 5,000 UniCare Saver 2000 Plan
UniCare offers plan options based on plan design and premium!
5 Six separate plans with a choice of deductibles and in-network coinsurance levels Unlimited office visits with a $30 co-pay per member at participating providers with Annual Deductible Waived 100% coverage up to $300 per member with Annual Deductible Waived* for Preventive Care for children (through age 6) and Pap smear, mammograms and PSA for adults. UniCare FIT Plan Features * After maximum benefit is met, deductible and coinsurance will apply
6 Deductibles: Coinsurance: –$5,000 –$3,000 –$2,000 –$1,500 –$1,000 –$ 500 After Deductible is met, UniCare pays 70% Coinsurance up to Maximum in-network Out-of-Pocket (OOP) expenses After Deductible is met, UniCare pays 80% Coinsurance up to Maximum in-network Out-of-Pocket (OOP) expenses UniCare FIT Plans Share of Costs
7 *After deductible is met Office Visits lab and x-rays Unlimited office visits with $30 copay does not include lab and x-rays All FIT Plans Annual Out-of-Pocket (OOP) Maximum* Individual $3,000* on all plans for in- network charges $10,000* on all plans for out-of-network charges Family $6,000* on all plans for in- network charges $20,000* on all plans for out-of-network charges
8 *After deductible is met No Limitations on Infusion Therapy All FIT Plans Inpatient & Outpatient Hospital Services* UniCare FIT 500 & % UniCare FIT %
10 UniCare FIT Plans Prescription Drug Share of Costs Brand Name Only Deductibles by Plan: Plan Deductible UniCare FIT 500 $250 UniCare FIT 1000 $250 UniCare FIT 1500 $250 UniCare FIT 2000 $250 UniCare FIT 3000 $500 UniCare FIT 5000 $500 Drug Co-Pays for all plans You pay ( per 30-day supply ) $10 Generic Drugs (No Deductible) $30 Brand Name (Formulary) $50 Brand Name (Non-formulary) 20% Self-Injectables ( Plans) 30% Self-Injectables ( Plans)
11 This is a hospital plan with two office visits and some limited outpatient Pharmacy and Lab & Xray Benefits include 2 office visits per member, per year, at a $30 Copay for Participating Providers with the deductible waived Limited preventive care benefit UniCare Saver 2000 Plan Features
12 $2,000 medical deductible UniCare pays 70%, you pay 30% for inpatient facility and eligible professional charges $200 Brand Name drug deductible $500 Drug Maximum, per member per year (in- and out- of network) Drug Co-pays: Retail ( 30-day supply) : $10 Generic Drugs $25 Brand Name Drugs UniCare Saver 2000 Plan Share of Costs