Class 12: Formulas That Treat Dryness Xianhui Li
Formulas That Treat Dryness Formulas that Gently Disperse and Moisten Dryness Sang Xing Tang (Mulberry leaf and Apricot kernel Decoction) Xing Su San (Apricot kernel and Perilla leaf powder) Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang (Eliminate Dryness and Rescue Lungs Decoction) Formulas that Enrich the Yin and Moisten Dryness Bai He Gu Jin Tang (Lily Bulb Decoction to Preserve the Metal) Mai Men Dong Tang (Ophiopogonis Decoction) Zeng Ye Tang (Increase Fluids Decoction)
Sang Xing Tang (Mulberry leaf and Apricot kernel Decoction) Ingredients: Sang ye, zhi zi, dan dou chi, xing ren, zhe bei mu, sha shen, li pi
Actions and indications of the formula Clear and disperse warm-dryness. Indications Moderate fever, headache, thirst, a dry hacking cough or cough with scanty, thick and sticky sputum. a red tongue with a thin, dry and white coating, floating and rapid pulse.
Analysis of Formula Monarch: Sang ye, xing ren Sang ye: clear dryness from the upper burner. Xing ren: descend lung qi. Depute: Zhi zi, Zhe bei mu Zhi zi, Dan dou chi: release the constrained heat. Zhe bei mu: cool and transform phlegm. Assistant: Sha shen, li pi Sha shen, Li pi: nourish yin and clear heat.
Attention: Not for yin deficiency. Sciatica: zuo gu N tong
Xing Su San (Apricot kernel and Perilla leaf powder) Ingredients: Zi su ye, Qian hu, Xing ren, Jie geng, Zhi ke, Chen pi, Fu ling, Ban xia, Sheng jiang, Da zao, Gan cao
Actions and indications of the formula Disperse cool-dryness, disseminate lung qi and transform congested fluids. Indications Slight headache, chills without sweating, cough with watery sputum, stuffy nose, dry throat, a dry white tongue coating, wiry pulse.
Analysis of Formula Monarch: Xing ren, zi su ye Xing ren: disseminate lung qi and stop coughing. Zi su ye: release exterior cold. Depute: Qian hu, jie geng, zhi ke Qian hu, Jie geng, Zhi ke: regulate lung qi, stop coughing Assistant: Chen pi, Fu ling, Ban xia Chen pi, Fu ling, Ban xia: regulate middle jiao and expel phlegm Envoy: Sheng jiang, Da zao, Gan cao Sheng jiang, Da zao, Gan cao: regulate ying qi and wei qi. Harmonize the action of other herbs.
Qing Zao Jiu Fei Tang (Eliminate Dryness and Rescue Lungs Decoction) Ingredients: Sang ye, Shi gao, Mai men dong, E jiao, Hei zhi ma, Xing ren, Pi ba ye, Ren shen Gan cao
Actions and indications of the formula Clear dryness and moisten the lungs. Indications Fever, headache, thirst, a dry hacking cough and parched throat, dry nasal passages, a sensation of fullness in the chest, hypochondriac pain, irritability, thirst, a dry tongue without coating, a deficient, big and rapid pulse.
Analysis of Formula Monarch: Sang ye, shi gao Sang ye: clear and disperse dryness from the lungs. Shi gao: clear heat from lung and stomach, relieve thirst. . Depute: Mai men dong, E jiao, Hei zhi ma, Xing ren, Pi ba ye Mai men dong, E jiao, Hei zhi ma: moisten lung and nourish lung yin. Xing ren, Pi ba ye: descend lung qi and moisten lung. Assistant and envoy: Ren shen, Gan cao Ren shen Gan cao: augment qi and harmonize.
Attention: Not for patients with spleen and stomach deficiency. Only suitable for attacking of warm dryness. Sciatica: zuo gu N tong
Bai He Gu Jin Tang (Lily Bulb Decoction to Preserve the Metal) Ingredients: Bai he, Sheng di huang, Shu di huang, Mai men dong, Xuan shen, Chuan bei mu, Jie geng, Dang gui, Bai shao, Gan cao
Actions and indications of the formula Nourish yin, moisten lungs, transform phlegm and stop coughing. Indications Coughing with blood-streaked sputum, wheezing, a dry and sore throat, hot palms and soles, night sweats, a red tongue with little coating, a thin and rapid pulse.
Analysis of Formula Monarch: Bai he, sheng di huang, shu di huang Bai he: moisten and nourish dryness in the lungs and clear heat. Sheng di huang: enrich yin, cool blood to stop bleeding. Shu di huang: tonify liver and kidney yin. Depute: Mai men dong, xuan shen Mai men dong: tonify yin in upper jiao. Xuan shen: clear empty heat and help kidney water to ascend to the lungs. Assistant: chuan bei mu, jie geng, dang gui Chuan bei mu: moisten the lungs, transform phlegm, and stop coughing. Jie geng: regulate lung qi and stop coughing. Dang gui, Bai shao: nourish blood and support yin. Envoy: Gan cao Gan cao---augment qi and harmonize.
Attention: Not for patients with spleen and stomach deficiency. Not suitable for exterior pattern. Sciatica: zuo gu N tong
Mai Men Dong Tang (Ophiopogonis Decoction) Ingredients: Mai men dong, Ren shen, Geng mi, Da zao, Gan cao, Ban xia
Actions and indications of the formula Benefit stomach, generate fluids, and direct rebellious qi downward. Indications coughing and spitting of saliva, wheezing, shortness of breath, a dry mouth, dry red tongue with little coating, and a deficient rapid pulse.
Analysis of Formula Monarch: Mai men dong Depute: Ren shen Mai men dong: clear heat and generate fluids from stomach and lungs. . Depute: Ren shen Ren shen---augment qi and generate fluids. Assistant and envoy: Da zao, gan cao, geng mi, ban xia Da zao, Gan cao: assist stomach qi and nourish blood Geng mi: harmonize the stomach Ban xia:descend stomach qi .
Attention: Not for exterior pattern, cold pattern or dampness. Sciatica: zuo gu N tong
Zeng Ye Tang (Increase Fluids Decoction) Ingredients: Xuan shen, Mai dong, Sheng di huang
Actions and indications of the formula Generate fluids, moisten dryness, and unblock bowels. Indications Constipation, thirst, a dry red tongue and a thin and slightly rapid, or a weak pulse.
Analysis of Formula Monarch: Xuan shen Depute: Mai men dong Xuan shen: nourish yin, generate fluids, moisten dryness and clear heat. Depute: Mai men dong Mai men dong: nourish yin. Assistant and envoy: Sheng di huang Sheng di huang: nourish yin and clear heat