DKA Recruitment Fall 2012 Rush School
Value Based Recruitment Public Slogan: Cinematic Artists of Character. Looking for similar values THE 10 JEWELS & FARMER TRIPOD THE CREED Trying not to compare people Find credit to our fraternity Creating a family
Voting System How does it work? 1. Instead of a certain number of votes per ballot, every single potential is voted on individually. *No need for comparison; i.e. “picking one person over another even if they’re both qualified”*
Voting System 2. After every discussion, each active member votes: yes no abstain on each candidate. *discussion is fresh in memory to make vote*
Voting System 3. Based on a percentage (number of “yes’s”, “no’s”) the candidate either moves on or does not move on. *Everyone is judged on their own merit*
Bylaws The Recruitment Chairperson presents to the Residents a slideshow with one rushee per slide (includes their name, photo, class standing, and major/minor) and the floor is open for discussion. Any Resident who would like to discuss the rushee raises their hand to be recognized by the chair. If a member raises their hand for discussion, there should typically be at least a one-minute discussion about the pros and cons of giving the rushee a NO on the current round of voting. The discussion time can be extended with a motion to extend, but will be capped at five minutes. After the discussion, all resident members present who are in good standing with the fraternity and have completed the appropriate amount of Recruitment Hours necessary for voting, and who have been present during the time of discussion on said potential member, will submit a written vote of YES, NO, or ABSTAIN, in order to have it entered in a SECRET BALLOT. The President, Sergeant-at-Arms, and Recruitment Chair will count the votes, after which the decision will be told to the Resident Council. Depending on the number of resident members at the time, a 15-20% of NO votes will result in a rushee not receiving a bid. If the rushee receives 50% or more ABSTAIN votes, they will not be extended a bid. If the rushee receives less than 15-20% NO votes, and less than 50% of ABSTAIN votes, they will be extended an invitation to the next round.
Voting Hours If you don’t spend time with them why should you decide on them? Voting Hours 3 Hours needed to vote in Round 1 4 Hours needed to vote in Round 2 5 Hours needed to vote in Round 3 Recruitment Chairperson will log every members hours
Value Based Recruitment By implementing this voting system we can build a strong, structured pledge class in an efficient manner.
Active Recruitment Active v. Passive Passive = flyers, Facebook events Active = collecting names, phone numbers, s and reaching out Get to know people
Pre-Rush Tabling 8/29: Involvement Fair, Trousdale, 11am-2pm 9/5, 9/6: SCA, 12pm-2pm
Pre-Rush Info Sessions: THH 114 8/31, 7pm 9/1, 6pm 9/7, 7pm *Tentative: 9/5, 9pm
Pre-Rush Literature: Q&A Packet
Pre-Rush Literature: Benefits of DKA Prominent Alumni
Pre-Rush RUSH CARDS Wallet sized Mini calendar
Pre-Rush House Tours We need people (besides just people in the house) Clean, open, welcoming environment Food Possible Date: 9/9, afternoon (Day before first rush event)
Pre-Rush Social Events: Tailgate (9/1) Registered Welcome Back Party (9/1) Be aware of how we’re representing ourselves
Representing Recruitment FlyersShirtsButtonsFacebook Word of Mouth
Representing Recruitment
Facebook page Recruitment Event to get RSVPs Post Application and Updates Post reminders Central point for all DKA recruitment info
Representing Recruitment Cover Photo Profile Picture
RUSH SUNDAY 9/9 BBQ Meet-n-Greet 6:00 PM-8:30 PM They will have hard copies of their applications so that you can read it and talk to them about it as an ice breaker
RUSH MONDAY 9/10 Speed Dating (Everyone should prepare questions but we will have some for you just in case) At the DKA CineManor 8:30pm-10:30pm
RUSH TUESDAY, 9/11 Laser Tag ULTRAZONE, 9pm-11pm WEDNESDAY, 9/12 1 st round of voting
RUSH THURSDAY 9/13 Call rushees this morning Blue Chip Dinner Themed Potluck: Film *Buff*et Bring a meal that represents your favorite movie DKA CineManor, 8pm-10pm Second night of voting Call rushees this evening or early next morning
RUSH FRIDAY 9/14 Interviews Where: Tutor Campus Center (ALL DAY) Last round of voting 8:00 PM
RUSH SATURDAY 9/15 BID NIGHT Ritual After party (separate location / at CineManor)
RUSH BID NIGHT, After Party We want to have fun! BUT ALSO: Make new pledges feel comfortable, welcome Make a good first impression
RUSH Overview: 9/8: House Tours 9/9: BBQ, 6pm 9/10: Speed Dating, House, 8:30pm 9/11: LaserTag, 9-11pm 9/13: Blue Chip, House, 8:30pm 9/14: Interviews, TCC, All Day 9/15: Bid Night