Chemical Weapons Bolechová, Havelková
Types of Chemical Weapons Nerve Agents Blister Agents Blood Agents Choking Agents Incapacitating Agents
Characterization of chemical Weapons
Nerve Agents Nerve agents attack the bodies nervous system. Nerve agents causse breathing difficulties, convulsions, paralysis, and death. Nerve agents can be inhaled or absorbed through the skin. Symptoms of nerve agent poisoning include runny nose, tightness of chest, difficulty breathing, excessive sweating, nausea, vomiting dimness of vision, pinpointing of the pupils, convulsion, and death.
Blister Agents Blister agents attack the lungs, eyes, and skin. They blister both skin and mucous membranes.
Blood Agents Blood agents interfere with the bodies ability to absorb oxygen. The victim dies because the body tissues are starved of oxygen. Blood agents cause headaches, vertigo, and nausea before death.
Choking Agents Choking agents attack the lungs, causing them to fill with fluid. Choking agents are detected by their smell and their irritancy. The victim suffocates by drowning in his own body fluid. Choking agents cause coughing, choking, tightness of the chest, nasea, headache, and watering of the eyes.
Incapatitating Agents An agent that produces temporary physiological or mantal effects, or both, which will render individuals incapable of concerted effort in the performance of their assigned duties
VX Gas KIND: Nerve agents ANTIDOTE: atropin It works as a nerve agent by blocking the function of the enzym acetylcholinesterase C 11 H 26 N O 2 P S O-Ethyl-S-[2(diisopropylamino)ethyl] methylphosphonothioate
Sarin KIND: nerve agent ANTIDOTE: atropine or other acetylcholine At room temperature, sarin is a colourless, odourless liquid CH 3 P(O)(F)OCH(CH 3 ) 2 O-Isopropyl Methylphosphonofluoridate
Soman KIND: nerve agent ANTIDOTE: commercial name is „Transant“ C 7 H 16 F0 2 P O-Pinacolyl methylphosphonofluoridate
Tabun KIND: nerve agent ANTIDOTE: Atropine + NaF (15 mg/kg) Tabun is a colourless to brown liquid. Tabun was the first nerve agent discovered. C 5 H 11 N P Ethyl N,N-dimethylphosphoramidocyanidate
Yperite (Mustard Gas ) KIND: Blister agents ANTIDOTE: Sodium ethanemonothiophosphonate is a weak antidote. In pure form, it is a colorless, odorless, viscous liquid at room temperature and causes blistering of the skin. C 4 H 8 C 12 S Bis (2-chloroethyl) sulfide
Phosgene KIND: Choking Agents ANTIDOTE: No antidote exists for phosgene COCl 2 Health lung Carbonyl chloride
Hydrogen cyanide KIND: Choking Agents ANTIDOTE: para- aminopropiophenone It‘s contained in the exhaust of vehicles, in tobacco smoke. Used by Nazi Germany during the Holocaust to kill millions of people. The toxicity is caused by the cyanide ion. Signs and Symptoms: nausea, gasp (těžký dech), cherry-red skin, death Intoxication has a immediate onset (okamžitý nástup) HCN
LSD KIND: incapacitating Incapacitating agents are not primarily intended to kill It´s causes a powerful intensification and alteration of senses, feelings, memories, and self-awareness for 6 to 14 hours. LSD usually produces visual effects such as moving geometric patterns and brilliant colors. D-lysergic acid diethylamide