{ How did human impact their environment? Khalil Hill 3/28/12 Per 5
{{ Climatic changed around the world. Temperatures began to rise and glaciers began to melt. Oceans began to rise and cover the old coastlines and land bridges. After glacier age
{{ Hey where they first people to developed fire. They build house out of mud bricks that they let dry in the sun before they used it. They hunted animals like mammoth, deer, and bison. Early man
{{ The earliest farming tools stick used for digging up roots which would make holes for them to plant he seeds. They also had the plow which infected the environment by digging up the ground so they can grow there food. Early farmers
{{ The used mud and made mud bricks to make there homes. They used bronze to make their tools for farming. Mesopotamia
{{ They impact are environment by building pyramids They believed in many gods Egypt
{{ The Greece change are environment by doing the Olympics. Also by making olive crowns. Greece
{{ Roman in pack are Environment by farming. The raised cattle,sheep, goats and pigs. Rome
What I learn about early civilization is that they impact are environment by farming and to day we impact it by population and trash and that what I think.