C ALIFORNIA F OREST Created by: Nyika Hackett
C ALIFORNIA F OREST E CONOMIST Q-1: What are the economic benefits of this type of ecosystem to a home owner? A:They cut down the trees, ship the trees to the factory so they made into wood, and they use the wood to build house for home owner. Some people also use house for wood to heat up they house, as tables,dresser,bed fames.
Q-2: What are the economic benefits of this type of ecosystem to a farmer? A:When they cut the trees and turn into wood. the wood is not only use to build houses and etc. It can also be use to build a barn, stables, and also bucket.
Q-3: What are the economic benefits of this type of ecosystem to a business owner? A:The only business that use wood is the lumber yards.
Q-1: What is the average rainfall and temperature range for this ecosystem? A:
Q-2:What are the major species of plants (flora) in this ecosystem? A:grasslands
Q-3:What are the major species of animals (fauna) in this ecosystem? A: major species in the California ecosystem is birds & fish.
Q-4:Find a food web that shows how the flora and fauna in this ecosystem are interdependent
Q-5:Gather 8-15 pictures of this ecosystem from various perspectives (far away to close-up)
C ALIFORNIA F OREST L AWYER Created by Oscarito The Fish
Q-1: What federal laws are in place to protect this ecosystem? A:Federal law relating to the protection of the environment is administered primarily by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), which is represented in legal matters by the U.S. The pollution prevention act focused on industy,goverment and public attention on reducing the amount of pollution through cost effective changes in production, operation, and raw materials use. Nuclear Waste Policy Act supports the use of deep geologic repositories for the safe storage and disposal of radioactive waste.
Q-2: What do these laws require of the people who live, work, or recreate in this ecosystem? A:The prevailing sentiment seems to be that cities represent our environmental problems at their worst. 4 Cities are, after all, worlds apart from state and national parks with their in-your-face ecosystems; they are distant, too, from edge cities, where the gobbling up of green space continues at an alarming rate. It is possible that the ecosystem management discussion has forgotten our paved-over cities because their ecosystems are largely invisible.
Q-3: Who enforces these laws? A:The Department of Environmental Conservation enforce environmental laws.
Q-4: What state laws are in place to protect this ecosystem?california The Section of Environment, Energy, and Resources is the premier forum for lawyers working in areas related to environmental law, natural resources law, and energy law. The Section is committed to providing members with opportunities to enhance professional skills,
Q-5: What do these laws require of the people who live, work, or recreate in this ecosystem? A:is the foremost conservation organization protecting the lands, waters and wildlife of the 20-million-acre (81,000 km2) Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem of Idaho, Montana and Wyoming. The group was formed in 1983 with the novel idea that protecting Yellowstone and Grand Teton national parks could only be achieved by protecting the wild integrity of the last largely intact temperate ecosystem in south America.
Q-6: Who enforces these laws? Park Rangers or Forest Rangers are authorized to enforce these laws.**
Q-1: What are the major threats from humans to this ecosystem? A: That human need fresh water, clean air, and a relatively stable climate. Scientists warn the consequences of this degradation to the human health they are already being felt and maybe could grow significantly worse maybe over the last next 50 years from now.
Q-2: How are these threats impacting the ecosystem? A:There are 7 threats that are impacting the wilderness ecosystem and they are 1:recreational use and its management. 2:livestock grazing and its management. 3: fire management. 4: introduction of alien species. 5: diversion and impoundment of water. 6: emission of atmospheric pollutants. 7:management of adjacent lands. Some of the these threats cause highly disruptive localized impacts. Some threats are widespread effect.
Q-3: What methods of preservation are working? A:The article that i read says that dealing with problems that there are ways to optimize health protection for working populations. The author was stressing the problems reducing quality of a periodic medical examinations, of health state of working population.
Q-4: What methods of preservation are not working? A:We report the observation that the major sources of variation in cadaver renal allograft survival rates are not related to the technique of donor organ preservation but are related solely to other factors including pretransplant blood transfusion of the recipient, ant lymphocyte serum (ALS) treatment of the recipient, and high HLA match.