Approaching Texts in the EYFES/KS1 classroom using ‘Literature Works’ Jenn Stoker Westerhope Primary School
Objectives To plan using ‘Before’ , ‘During’ and ‘After’ To identify key teacher strategies Use literature focus as tool for broader curriculum provision Are able to identify clear progress in reading achievement
Success criteria are able to effectively engage with and gain a good understanding of the text(s)using specific strategies make extended contributions giving reasons for views and choices listen to others in class and ask relevant questions to talk with enthusiasm and understanding in relation to texts. Writing outcomes are clearly linked to the identified reading texts and provide pupils with a clear Purpose, Audience and Form
Getting going Meeting. ‘Before’, ‘During’ and ‘After’ Sequencing texts across half term Talking into understanding Personal responses to text Close reading
Reception First focus was listen to others in class, ask relevant questions and retell stories orally. In order to do this, the first text was focused on for several sessions. A role play area was also set up to provide opportunities for the children to engage their imagination and empathy with the characters. The first text Reception used as their hook was The Bear by Raymond Briggs.
The Bear The children enjoyed being the bear during the snowy weather, using drama to act out the words in the story and help their understanding of the vocabulary. The teacher put the children into groups of 4 to tell a part of the story which they had an illustration of. The children then told their part to the class. The teacher was very happy with the outcomes in terms of reading and engaging with the text and speaking and listening skills.
Jasper’s Beanstalk The children engaged with the story map and began to create their own – child initiated- this developed their confidence.
Growing Child with SEN drew the story map out of choice… He could retell the story using his story map to prompt him.
Growing Finlay’s oral retelling…
Growing Maryah’s retelling -
Focusing in on language The children listened for patterned language. They created their own patterns…
Growing Children also read texts about mini beasts in guided sessions. They were very keen to write to the animals in Reception!
Year One Focused on Year One progression in narrative – identify the goal or motive of the main character and talk about how it moves the plot on. They used various teacher strategies to develop the children’s understanding of Handa’s motive – these included children acting in role, story mapping, children thinking of own examples of motive/goal linked to their experience, teacher demonstrating close reading of the text and questioning what Handa’s motive was and how it was shown in the text through the words Handa says and how she behaves.
Year One Year One’s second focus was linked to their art based curricular focus. They used the Katie and the Artists books by James Mayhew- which they read across the half term. They also focused on a book called The Snail’s Trail by Jo Saxton. Teacher strategies – Before reading – using illustrations to encourage speculation and prediction. During reading- motive of character following on from last focus.
Hooks into creative curriculum Texts used…
After reading Linking to Art objectives – creating art in the style of Matisse
Year 2 Year 2’s first focus was linked to their Australia topic. The range of texts studied were linked to helping the children to understand contrasting localities and add depth to their understanding of different cultures, landscapes and environmental issues. In terms of their reading skills, the main focuses were: developing empathy, understanding and inference. Developing ability to close read and use quotes to support answers – how do you know?
Where the Forest Meets the Sea, Possum Magic, Aboriginal Myths, There’s an Ouch in my Pouch Before reading – build up suspense – use illustrations, maps, names/pictures of foods mentioned in the texts, quotes from the text, wanted posters, I wonder… etc During – choose short sections for close reading/ book talk – how did Grandma Poss feel when Hush became visible? How do you know? Questioning and using prompts – sentence starters, could the boy really see the dinosaur?
During… Likes/dislikes/puzzles/thoughts Word/vocabulary focus – collect powerful description- talk about how it makes you feel… Develop pupil dialogue – pupils set questions and use book talk prompts on cards to steer conversation. Point- evidence- explanation
Possum Magic Anzac biscuits in Adelaide ■ Mornay and Minties in Melbourne ■ Steak and salad in Sydney ■ Pumpkin scones in Brisbane ■ Vegemite sandwiches in Darwin ■ Pavlova in Perth ■ Lamingtons in Hobart
After Diary entry… first person recount- shows viewpoint and feelings- encouraged to use evidence from the text. Story in the style of the author… What if you were invisible for the day? Use of ICT – Photostory – children create book trailer- retelling – persuasion. Writing across the curriculum
The Tin Forest The Tin Forest by Helen Ward Before … Illustrations – who is this man? How does he feel? I wonder why he feels this way…
The Tin Forest What changed in the story? What was the message of the story? How would you describe the old man? Which words in the story make you think the old man is like this? Focus on the language – guided reading session focused on two page spread…
The Tin Forest Guided Reading – language focus- acting out the language to understand it- create sound scape of the jungle to create the meaning…
The Tin Forest After … The children wanted to find a companion for the old man… they wrote a letter to a nice old lady to persuade her to come to live in the forest with him. Some of the children wrote description of the forest.
Leading into poetry and non-fiction Children researched animals using non-fiction texts- their purpose was to find out about mini-beasts the old man needed for his new forest. We linked the text to the poetry unit. Children developed their skills of close observation of detail. The higher ability read Minnows from John Keats – As I Stood Tiptoe Upon a Hill and focused on the close, detailed description.
Across the curriculum… Relating to topic and deepening understanding of social, historical, geographical and cultural differences and similarities…
Next steps Class – developing ability to book talk beyond higher ability/ more confident readers and talkers. School – use the approach of meeting- both EYFS and KS1 phase as a model for planning and sharing and developing ideas for teaching of reading.