Movimento Nossa São Paulo Our São Paulo Movement
Objectives To develop a political, economic and social force that can gain the commitment of society and successive governments to an agenda and a set of targets designed to enhance the quality of life of São Paulo’s inhabitants. Our purpose is to transform São Paulo into a safe, healthy, beautiful, caring and truly democratic city.
Members: Approximately 500 civil society organizations (community leaders, civil society organizations, companies and citizens) Ours is a non-partisan, interfaith movement, with no chairman or executives. It’s based on a network model and expands as such. Values: Sustainable Development, Ethics, Participatory Democracy
Movimento Nossa São Paulo Cornerstone: Ethics based on co responsibility Means: Mobilization and Participation End: A fair and sustainable city of São Paulo
Performance based on 4 big theme axles:
Indicator and Target Program Objectives
I. To select and systematize major quality of life indicators for each region under a district administration (subprefeitura). These indicators will be the basis to engage civil society, political parties and successive governments into programs designed to achieve targets for São Paulo. II. To organize a data base of exemplary initiatives on urban sustainability.
Actions 1. Launch of Observatório Cidadão Nossa São Paulo (The Citizens’ Observatory) The Observatory gathers a set of social, environmental, economic and political indicators about the city of São Paulo and each of its 31 district administrations. These indicators will be updated, evaluated and widely publicized on an ongoing basis.
Citizens’ Monitoring Initiative
Objectives I. To update and publicize, on a regular basis, the evolution of quality of life indicators for each district so that they can be monitored by society at large. II. To monitor the work of the City Council on an ongoing basis. III. To mobilize the population to monitor the City’s Budget. IV. To carry out annual public opinion polls of the population’s perception of different actions implemented by the city’s administration in all of the city’s regions, and publicize the findings of such polls.
Actions 1) Accountability of mayors: Approval of the Amendment to the Organic Law of the Municipality of São Paulo which requires that successive mayors present a detailed government program with clear targets and semiannual accountability reporting. 2) Per capita budget and socioeconomic indicators per district administration: publication of the study conducted by the Budget Workgroup of Movimento Nossa São Paulo. The material shows the breakdown of the city’s budget per district administration and the amount per inhabitant.
Actions 3) Survey of Urban Mobility, conducted by Ibope, in view of the World Carfree Day, with the objective of capturing the public’s perception of this issue. The study concluded that 75% of the respondents would stop using their cars if there were good alternative means of transportation, and 44% are favorable to implementing the car plate rotation scheme two days a week instead of only one day a week in São Paulo. 4) Ibope’s Survey on the public’s perception of the city and of the public administration – The survey will be conducted annualy to allow the systematic monitoring of quality of life in the city of São Paulo.
Citizen Education Initiative
This initiative was designed to implement actions and campaigns to: I. Change the population’s behavior II. Improve public spaces III. Improve citizens’ self-esteem and their sense of belonging to a city that belongs to all and has to be taken care of by all. Objectives
Actions World Carfree Day: This campaign was led by the Movement and engaged organizations from all of the city’s regions. It drew the attention of the population and of public authorities to issues that are key to the city of São Paulo such as traffic citizenship, traffic congestion, respect for pedestrians, safety and pollution. The campaign had important developments which are being monitored by the Movement.
Citizen Mobilization
I. To encourage new leaders, companies and social organizations to join the Movement. II. To create forums in the regions of all district administrations of São Paulo To maintain the portal as an effective channel of communication between networks, the press and civil society at large. III. To provide examples to other cities, States and Brazilian regions. Objectives
1) 1st Nossa São Paulo Forum – Proposals for a Fair and Sustainable City, with the final plenary sessions to be held between May 15 and Objective: To foster the development and presentation of proposals to address the major social, economic, political, environmental and urban challenges confronting São Paulo. The starting point will be the set of indicators put together by the Movement’s workgroups which will allow the drafting of proposals for the neighborhoods, districts and the city. Actions
2) Reduction of the sulfur content of diesel sold in Brazil – Resolution n. 315/2002 of the Brazilian Council for the Environment (Conama) establishes that, by January 2009, all diesel sold in Brazil should have at most 50 particles of sulfur per million (ppm). Today it is 500 ppm in metropolitan regions and 2000 ppm in the interior of the country.
Actions 3) CONAR suspends Petrobras advertisements – CONAR - Brazil’s advertising self-regulation agency - accepted the accusation made by public and civil society organizations, including Movimento Nossa São Paulo relative to deceitful advertisements made by Petrobras, the state-owned oil company. In a landmark session, held on April , CONAR decided to suspend two Petrobras advertisements for conveying misleading information on the company’s contribution towards Brazil’s environmental quality and sustainable development.
Actions 4) Launch of Movimento Rio, Como Vamos, in the city of Rio de Janeiro, inspired by Movimento Nossa São Paulo. 5) Launch of Movimento Nossa Ilha Mais Bela, in the island of Ilhabela, in the northern coast of São Paulo, inspired by Movimento Nossa São Paulo. 6) Launch of Movimento Nossa Teresópolis, in the state of Rio de Janeiro, inspired by Movimento Nossa São Paulo. 7) Similar initiatives are underway in other cities such as Belo Horizonte (MG), Bertioga (SP), Guarulhos (SP), Belém (PA). 8) Latin American Network of Citizen Cities
Work Groups
- City’s Budget Monitoring - City Council Monitoring - Indicators for the City and each district administration (subprefeitura) - Health - Education - Urban Mobility - Culture - Citizens’ Security - Environment - Participatory Democracy - Mobilization - Communication - Sport and Leisure - Housing - Youth - Work and Income - Technology
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