European Cities Move Towards Sustainability Achievements and Prospects 1992-2012 Gino Van Begin, Regional Director Europe, ICLEI Kyoto, 29 November - 2.


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Presentation transcript:

European Cities Move Towards Sustainability Achievements and Prospects Gino Van Begin, Regional Director Europe, ICLEI Kyoto, 29 November - 2 December 2006

Overview 1. How was local sustainability introduced to local governments in Europe: what has been the political context ? 2. What achievements were made by European Local Governments 3. What are the prospects for future local sustainability in Europe

1. How was local sustainability introduced to local governments in Europe: political context

1994 First European Sustainable Cities & Towns Conference (Aalborg Conference) I C L E I Sponsored by European Commission City of Aalborg 1.1 Political Context of Local Sustainability in Europe Agenda 21 Chapter 28: Local Agenda Earth Summit Rio de Janeiro Green Paper on the Urban Environment Sustainable Cities Project 1990 European Commission Local Agenda 21 I C L E I 1990

1.2 Transposing Rio to European Local Governments: The Aalborg Process Launch of the European Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign Adoption of the Aalborg Charter Charter First European Conference on Sustainable Cities & Towns (Aalborg Conference) 1994

1.3 The Aalborg Conference

1.4 The Aalborg Charter 1994 Part I Consensus Declaration: European Cities & Towns Towards Sustainability Part II The European Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign Part II Engaging in Local Agenda 21 Processes: Local Action Plans Towards Sustainability Principles Initiation of Campaign Commitment to Action 1994

Aalborg Commitments Hannover Call Den Haag Statement Sevilla DeclarationTurku StatementSofia Statement Aalborg CharterLisbon Action Plan 1.5 European Sustainable Cities & Towns Campaign Milestones nd Conference Lisbon, Portugal 1996 Northeast Conference Turku, Finland st Conference Aalborg, Denmark Southeast Conference Sofia, Bulgaria Northwest Conference The Hague, Netherlands Southwest Conference Sevilla, Spain rd Conference Hannover, Germany Campaign rd Conference Aalborg, Denmark

1.6 ESCT Campaign participation Regional Conferences Millenium Conference Joburg Conference Aalborg Conference Aalborg+10 Conference

2. Achievements by European Local Government

Embracing the Aalborg Charter: from 80 to 2300 signatories 10 years Local Agenda 21: 6500 worldwide, 5200 in Europe Increased political support : EU, local government networks, national states (UK,Germany,Netherlands, Scandinavia, Italy, Spain, France) 2.1 What has been achieved ? A European success story

Understanding of the links between environment, economy and society has increased Long-term and global thinking have been introduced in local government New environmental management instruments have been introduced The way of working together between administrations and citizens/stakeholders has changed 2.2 What has been achieved ? A European success story

2.3 What has been achieved ? A European success story Increased civil participation: LA21&urban planning Enhanced integration of environment in policy making: cross-sectorial & holistic approaches LA21 process embedded in local government: better governance Increased local to global thinking !!NEED FOR ACCELERATION!!

3. Prospects on the future of local sustainability in Europe

3.1 Future prospects: Transposing Joburg to European Local Government: The Aalborg+10 Process

3.2 Aalborg Commitments = set of shared commitments to be jointly implemented - a framework for next 10y in EU = different from Aalborg Charter: baseline review and process to set qualitative and quantitative targets = flexible tool, adaptable to local needs = strengthen LA21 movement next 10 years review &monitoring within ESCT Campaign

3.3 Aalborg Commitments - SIGNATORIES

3.4 Aalborg Commitments signed by more than 110 Mayors and local representatives during the Conference Now: more than 400 local authorities European local governments networks agreed to increase cooperation to follow up on the implementation of the Aalborg Commitments within the ESCT Campaign EU Strategy on Sustainable Development refers explicitly to Aalborg Commitments ICLEI offers guidance to elaborate your baseline review and organising the target setting process

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